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Everything posted by Sadorf

  1. Ah yeah, back when the website was actually used before discord was added and turned these forums into a desert.
  2. Wanted to to do more, but i submitted what ive done so far
  3. Its been hard writing with me not doing it for years, but i will have something for ya in the next couple days
  4. what? Damn.. I think that one of the reasons for prc ending really has to do with the weird/complicated songs people choose. Waaaay back a lot of the source songs were a lot more simple, catchy and just easier for newcomers to try out mixing for the first time. Every month i pop in to see what the source is, and it is always just something i dont like, or something so new that no beginner is going to show up and think they can do something with it. I dunno, i really liked when ORC was around, mixing each others original music was a lot more fun to me. I'm not sure how to really explain it better right now. this is just my opinion Since it really is the last one, and a free round at that, i'll try to make something.
  5. This is really good. Kinda gives me an Instant Remedy vibe
  6. How has noone commented on this yet? This 100% badass. Its so clean and catchy. People really don't know what they are missing. Awesome
  7. you found this 11 year old thread for this? haha. i had one after that one but i dont have it anymore. hearing the nsf now it could be fun to try something. i havent done really anything in years but since its you mae, maybe, just maybe ill try and put something together. i might ask nuts for help as well. also hi mae!
  8. hmmm it kinda sounds like that one ff legends song during some of it. its been too long to remember a name and im too lazy to go look for it, but that is what it sounds like to me
  9. i have known nuts a loooong time, and he over and over again he amazes me with the way he writes his music. to write this song in this key and have it sound so good is just kinda funny i suppose. I usually hear WIPs of his tracks, but this one i didnt even know he was writing until i saw it on the front page. Nuts always out-does anything he has previously done. i am not sure how he keep on going, but im sure glad that he does. awesome job as always
  10. Now it's been forever since ive logged in here. This remix though....holy shit. This song is perfect, the way everything goes together is kind of ridiculous. hopefully it doesnt take as long to hear from you again....just awesome. there is really no more i can say about it
  11. not sure about anyone else, but the midi wont play for me, and it does nothing when trying to load it into FL. the song on youtube sounds nice though, i might do something for this. EDIT: going to http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/ and getting it there works.
  12. hehe unfortunately i was supposed to be one of the few artists that never finished. In a way i am glad that happened because Blind's, Rayza's, and Nuts' mix would put anything i write to shame lol. There is nothing i could do to put together a mix with this kind of quality. The whole soundtrack from this game is very awesome indeed, and i hope others will decide to take a crack at some of the kickass source tunes this game has to offer, even if it only has like 5 of them. What Nuts has done here was turn an already awesome source tune into something muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better. Honestly until last night i had forgotten that he even finished this song, but im not sure why. I have listened to this song about 10 times since last night and to me it sounds better now than it did a couple years ago. While this isn't a style of music im too familiar with, nuts just makes it sound awesome. Very jealous of your skills. Honestly I don't think you are capable of making a remix sound bad even if you tried haha. Congrats on the mixpost my friend. I'm sure the next one will be even better. Talk to ya later!
  13. Mae left me a msg about this sooooo yeah, toss a marker on Milwaukee, Wisconsin for me please. thanks
  14. I started to work on this for the PRC 260 Free round and while it didn't win or anything, what i had there was pretty rushed and unfinished. I have added quite a bit since and wanted to share with you all. There is a lot more i have to write on it, but im not sure which direction to go. Any feedback i can get from would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/55abse8j8mls85b/cheetahmen%20song9.mp3
  15. Thank you Bundeslang for uploading my song for me. i really did have more done, but completely forgot to get it in by the deadline. No worries though, maybe i will actually finish it sometime. good luck everyone!
  16. That Greylancer song is pretty nice..maybe too nice. I've been super bored lately and that song is catchy, so i'm gonna give this a try and see what happens.
  17. although i dont really have the ideas...and nuts didnt do the bonus mix like he said he would..i will TRY!!!...and i mean tryyyyy to come up with at least something. ill put a few hours into it tonight. if all i can come up with is crap though....not so sure ill submit so i'll TRY...but i suck so who knows what will come of it..and if im reading that right a have like a full day to do so right?... wish me luck -allen
  18. here: http://www.mediafire.com/?p1o93miuengsnb2
  19. yeaaah, someone should definately go ahead and remix this, i listened last night and its been stuck in my head all day. sooo SOMEONE GOOD NEEDS TO MIX THIS. dont make me do it very nice find btw
  20. uhmmm, i dont have the answer to that question but...is that you whistling what you remember of it? haha
  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!! heh, you made me actually log in here. worth it for this though! bye bye! have great day....or night or whatever ...and yes pink is the random color that came from the drop down box
  22. hmmm i tried this song for the CoE project a loooooooooooong time ago, but got lazy and tried to get someone else to finish my mix....yeah that didnt happen, so this is where i stopped http://epicgaming.us/sadorf/Music/In_The_Distance_Demo_6.mp3 kinda old now, but it is something i will probably finish some year cya
  23. well i wanted to review this sooner, but i forgot on the day it was posted and havent had internet till now. I have heard demo after demo of this awesome song. it was great before the vocals were there, and even more kick ass after they were put in. There is nothing about this song i dislike in any way...except for the removal of some studder stuff or whatever you wanna call it..but that is what older demos are for i sure hope that you two do more collabs like this in the future if the results are gonna be like this. SUBMIT MORE MUSIC NICOLE!!!!! cya
  24. nice tune...i knew right away what it sounds like, but its only for a bit. uhmmm MAYBE i will try to have something for this, as long as my internet doesnt go out again aaaand as long as i can come up with something decent cya later
  25. djp yelled at me and said no more medusa mixes.... but yeah, i am proof u can have same song mixed more than once and both be allowed on ocr. there are others as well i think, like thewingless and prolly more people. but yeah, just pick one so you are focused on just one mix. take ideas you like from the other 3 and incorporate them into the best one. having one great mix is better than 4 not so great mixes
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