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Everything posted by Sadorf

  1. what are u gonna do, make them mandatory? fuck that, if people wanna write reviews, let them, if people dont wanna, then they shouldnt have to same as when submitting, if i write the song, why the hell should i have to talk about it and explain everything etc all these stupid ass rules that were added to ORC is part of what was killing it...that and TO being retarded with it all (lazy) so make all that shit optional, cause it aint happening bye
  2. Actually, all PRC needs is to be allowed to be ran in GD or...general community or whatever. This and ORC have been around awhile, and when they were there....everything was fine...look at both now, ORC has been given up on by TO, and PRC isnt having any decent sized turnouts.... and we all know why....this is a tiny little sub-forum that noone really looks at, the topics dont show on frontpage when new posts are made, so they are forgotten..... im sure others will agree...and a few might not...but there need to be moved back where they belong.....NOT HERE
  3. http://starblast.org/starsongs/FF6_STFU.mp3 hope he doesnt mind...
  4. Yes, i said i was in, and no i dont have an entry, but there is a reason for it sorta. I flat out just stopped workin on stuff awhile back, worked on a couple things here and there, but that was it, and didnt get anywhere with them. I have been trying as hard as i can to get back into everything fullspeed....but im fucktarded or something cause no matter what i try to do, i just cant get anything half-decent written. Maybe I just need to find the right thing to do..who knows, i even tried a little compo with sir_nuts and nicole to try and get shit moving....i was the one without an entry. So basicly, hopefully something will pop up that will get me thinking straight again, cause if it doesnt happen...im screwed heh So yeah, im sure noone really cares that i had no entry, but i shouldnt have said i was in if i couldnt produce results. uhmm...i think i have explained enough...also, if anyone has any ideas that might help me to get to where i was before, that would be great k that is all, sorry bye
  5. god damn u are slow oh im in...but u knew that already bye
  6. i didnt try it with keyboard at all, i decided that if i gonna try this, i plugging gh controller in to usb adapter and will only play it if that works, and sure enough, it did. the one thing though that annoys me though, is the lack of whammy bar function...i keep tryin to use it..but nope..they need to make it work damnit
  7. Well since everyone else seems really lazy and doesnt wanna share songs.... i did my own searching and came across a good page with working links http://www.oricom.ca/luc1337/sof.htm there u go, enjoy etc... bye
  8. Entries must be posted in this thread by NEXT SATURDAY, December 27th at 4:59am Eastern US Time. <---haha Even with the 11 month deadline, i still dont see many entries coming out of this one....
  9. You are correct, someone does have a lot of the missing songs. But since you decided to not listen to me when i first posted in this thread, i will let you find the missing songs the hard way. oh and btw, there were a fuck of a lot more songs in IMC18 than what u have there
  10. so yeah, i gave this to you in what...june? u see the votes, SUBMIT IT ALREADY
  11. both me and sir_nuts each remixed a song from the game, neither of us ever finished....mine was the space one music...but i think his was the android table music...i could br wrong though, i will dig around and see if i still have the WIPs from him and mine as well..
  12. yeah no shit, i dont want any except IMC18 shared if i dont want to relive any of them craptastic songs, noone else should oh yeah and im not joking, if u have them, dont fuckin share them
  13. Well of course not all the songs are up to OCR's standards, but they dont have to be. It is just a project that is featured on ocr, not all the songs are on the actual site....i think like what...one of them is? heh. Site projects are just lots of people covering most songs from the certain game. While a lot of the songs are not up to ocr standards...there are a couple good ones...like...MINE, like u said...but even so, it is nowhere to be found on OCR I dont know where i was goin with that so uhmm... bye bye!
  14. OMG I WOULD BUY ONE! I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED A PINK SHIRT!...................................... awesome price btw....ITS A STEAL!
  15. LIES! Jivemaster's clip was the clearest thing i have ever heard. DarkeSword could learn a thing or two from that clip....
  16. OMFG WHAT AN OLD PROJECT!!! yeah well... Being bored can lead to things people may or may not like...and either way iw ill share it with you all, if you hate it? fuck you. if you like it? awesome. heh As we all know, my track for the project, aquatic project, had its flaws for various reasons, here i will share the main reason.... i worked with same fuckin song for far too long and got sick of it blah blah so final was rushed etc.. see wasnt that fun? yeah..well then cause i am bored and dont wanna work on anything else, i will give you all an updated version. while it still has flaws, it is closer to what i wanted it to be to begin with, and if i keep workin on.... i dunno. so here: people hated that they couldnt tell what it was a remix of....well thats too fuckin bad cause i will not be touching the arrangement..this is only for mastering and switching up sounds to make sound gud... thats all i got for now i think... OMFG BYE [iTS 7:34AM SO IF YOU HAVE PROBS READING THIS SHIT...AH WELL]
  17. while a lot of people wont feel the same as i do... i was not the biggest fan of jivemaster's music, but thats just me. THIS however, kicks ass. so yeah..good work and shit bye
  18. Yeah i pointed that out to him. i said almost the exact same thing, only i was a bit more stright foward with it heh. I am sure he will be able to work it out though.
  19. no, because first we must finish the first wip stage to point out actual ReMixers and decide which songs accept when there are two or more from the same tune.THEN we can start the second wip stage (in the project section) by working on the approved tracks that would make the final version. however, as prot said in that section, if the project isn't interesting it must be moved to GenDisc again. I think S3&K is amazing and I really want to see it as a project, but waiting a bit more is surely a good thing. (I think) If voting on mixes happens before ALL THE SONGS ARE COMPLETE.... this will be just a waste of mine, and other peoples time. I am sure voting and all that other fun shit will happen after the songs are complete..well the ones that there are more than one mixer for anyways. Voting on shit before the mixer even gets a chance to finish....that would be just pure bullshit. The voting will be after everything is done
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