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Posts posted by Otakatt

  1. Well, to be fair, he doesn't say it was his remix. He just didn't credit it properly. So unless he did, and changed/removed any claims stating so recently, I don't know if you can call it plagiarism.

    He claims it as his in the comments.

    Kyle, did you report it to YouTube? As you know I reported that one girl for using my fanart without credit and they pwned her account, so I imagine if you report this guy they'll pwn his account as well.

  2. i collect midi files :(

    Hahaha, I remember way back in the day before I found OCRemix and VGMix (yes, that long ago) and I only knew about VGMusic. I thought midi files were the best thing ever and collected them. That collection ended up being deleted after I found the aforementioned places, however... >>;

    So what's the correct term for "midirip"?

  3. Still doesn't change the fact video games are cheaper than ever and it's silly to pitch a fit about how they're too pricey when they're not even a necessity. You can't always get what you want. I can't afford everything I want either. That's life dude.

  4. I worry more about the practices of pharmaceutical companies more than the practices of those in the video game industry.

    Wants < Needs

    Playing Final Fantasy XXIV-3 < Living

    You have a choice in whether or not you play a video game. Some people don't have a choice in taking medication. I know that's a bit off topic but really want to drive a point across to whatshisface, because I don't really get the outrage at the game companies making a profit by selling games cheaper than ever.

    Yes. Cheaper than ever.

    I remember when my mom dropped 70-80$ PER Mortal Kombat game. I can get about 4 PSP games for that price. Maybe more during the right sales.

    But seriously go fight the good fight against drug companies or something. >>;

  5. Apologies in advance if there's already a topic about this. I did a search in the forums though and nothing popped up.

    It's the beginning of the year and already there's 3 games coming out I really want. Dissidia Duodecim, Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection, and Tactics Ogre. Surprisingly, in spite of being a huge Final Fantasy fan girl I find that Tactics Ogre is the one I covet the most. By a lot.

    I know some people aren't into remakes, but Tactics Ogre for the PSP looks so streamlined compared to the original. Even the music has been arranged (Orchestra~) and it sounds *amazing*. I've always loved the original so it's nice to see it get some polish and put on the PSP. The last game I played in the series, Knights of Lodis, was a huge disappointment. So... redeemption, gogo!

    I wonder if it's going to be harder or easier than the original, since the original was kinda brutal at parts. Or if Canopus still gets mad if you try to give him chicken... >>;

  6. Warrior of Light has a new costume in Dissidia 2 that makes him look like a Fighter from FF1.

    I squeaked like a fangirl when I saw that. It'll be nice to have him the way I remember him growing up. Not that I have a problem with the way Warrior of Light looks, I just have a hard time associating him with the first Final Fantasy.

    Some of the other alt costumes that people are getting just made me die a little inside. It looks great as Amano art, but doesn't translate well into the game.

    And ridiculous boobs aside, I like Tifa's design. It's simple, yes, but I don't think every design has to be over the top, like with Aeris as someone pointed out. Minimal, but it's cute. It works. Although one of my favorite female character designs is probably Yuna. It's not minimal, but it's not over the top. It's a healthy balance, imo. Unlike Miss MOAR BELTS Lulu... ugh.

  7. I didn't like how Zidane and Squall were overpowered.

    I found Firion to be the OP one, myself. Then I started using him. Then I finally beat level 100 freaking Chaos. >: | I couldn't do that when my main was Bartz.

    I did not like Dissidia, or 12, or 13, or any of them in recent memory. Maybe they will fire Tetsuya Nomura and then we can get back to what is important in Final Fantasy:

    Not Stupid Belts.

    I like some of Nomura's designs a lot. But with the Dissidia official art, some of the characters are in that same... weird pose. They're holding their swords out in the most uninspired way possible. And no one smiles. They all have that '_' face. Pretty smile for Yuna plz.

    Some of the later Final Fantasy designs have been pretty lolworthy though. There's this article I like that tears down the fashion of FFXII, what with the potholders and belts...

  8. b12.jpg

    That is an excellent picture.

    And I still maintain that FFXII was excellent. Even if people find Vaan and Penelo annoying, at least they're low on the annoying scale IMO. I can tolerate Penelo much more than I tolerate Selphie, for instance. HEE HEE TRAINS BOOYAKA BOOYAKAA~~

    I saw a bit of FFVIII hate going on, but in some ways I find it fun. I couldn't finish it the last time I played through it however, because I found it to be so... slow. When you're on the umpteenth playthrough and you're forced to sit through the slow paced tutorials yet again... ugh. Drives me insane. Tutorials should always always always be skippable.

    And does Dissidia count as Final Fantasy? Can we talk about that here? And about the announcement that FREAKING GILGAMESH is going to be playable in Duodecim? Life = Complete

  9. the best Squaresoft moments for me was Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana and Secret of evermore. That time frame of games was good times. Oh the golden SNES age, how I miss you.

    If you want to relive Golden SNES Era goodness from Square I highly recommend Live A Live.

  10. man the gamestop here has them coming out of their ears

    What? No fair! I have two Gamestops near me and neither one carried it the last time I checked. :(

    why does ff4 gets a million remakes and ff5 is just sitting in the corner all sad

    there is no justice

    As much as I adore FFIV I actually agree with this. FFV was a really fantastic game that tends to get overlooked a lot. (Was going to say something here but it's a FFV spoiler and I don't know if we have spoiler tags or not.)

  11. And yet when they remake FF1 again (or FF4 by golly) we're allllllll going to buy it.

    Fact. I'm looking forward to FF4 and The After Years coming out on PSP and will be getting it. And I'm still looking around for FF1 for PSP. No success thus far. ><

  12. I have a buttload of YuGiOh cards I'm looking to get rid of. I'll probably go the way of Ebay shortly, but if anyone is a collector feel free to contact me if there's something you want and I can check to see if I have it. I'm okay with being emailed about it (misscatlady@gmail.com) rather than PMed, and likely to see that a lot faster. :)

  13. I've always loved the music from World of Warcraft, but since Cataclysm has come out I've been blown away by it. I really feel the quality of the music has been kicked up a notch, and it left me wanting a WoW album, since I think that'd be phenomenal.

    I realize that the WoW soundtrack is rather huge, so I think it's really unrealistic to try to touch up on it all. My idea for a more attainable project was sort of a... race theme. That doesn't mean you only remix each race's actual theme or home city, but you could, and you could incorporate whatever music from the game for that race.

    There wouldn't be a genre limitation either, since a beautiful symphonic piece would suit humans and dwarves as much as techno or something kooky for goblins.

    So there'd be 2 discs, so to speak, with 6 tracks on each. Disc 1 for the Alliance - Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen. Disc 2 for the Horde - Orc, Troll, Undead, Tauren, Blood Elf, Goblin. 12 tracks in total, which I think is a realistic goal.

    OCR quality would be the ultimate goal, but I'd rather not tread too far too fast. This post is mostly to test the waters and see if anyone has any sort of interest in a project like this for now or in the future. I really think it has potential, and hey, if someone else does too who feels they'd be more qualified to direct a project than me, hey, go for it!

    (Disclaimer: Kyle told me to do this so all complaints can be directed to him~)

  14. When I thought Dr. Wily 1, I always thought OKKUSENMAN. Now when I think of Dr. Wily 1? I think of this song. It's beautiful and when it was first released I would play it, repeat, play, repeat, play, repeat... and so on and so forth. Heck, even today I caught myself doing that again. >> So I figured I ought to post here to say as much!

    I didn't expect too much from this before listening, truth be told. Overused source, blah de blah... then I listened and the sound was great, but the vocals had me sold. I love them and the lyrics, autotuned or not.

  15. I had started a really long and touching post about this mix and the album it's from but then accidentally closed Firefox so it's lost forever. :(

    Basically when I first heard this at the listening party, I teared up. Final Fantasy IV and nostalgia go pretty much hand in hand for me, so to hear this song take the sources above and beyond what I ever imagined.. I wish I could better articulate how amazing this song really is. Nutritious is just chock full of talent and I'm a huge fan of his orchestral work. There's a lot of emotion to it and it's stuff I could listen to all day.

    Phenomenal opener for a phenomenal album. Really.

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