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Everything posted by Moseph

  1. The review thread for each ReMix is tagged by genre. You can search tags from the forum search page. How is this not common knowledge by now? If you want to add/change tags, (I assume) PM'ing Larry would be the way to go.
  2. Exporting a MIDI from Sibelius won't give you the actual instrument sounds from Sibelius, just the note data. If you have an orchestra sound library that works in a DAW, you can use this note data as a base for constructing a performance in the DAW. I don't know how Sibelius's sound libraries are set up. There's a chance that you might be able to load the Sibelius orchestra sounds as a VST in a DAW. The other possibility is that the sounds are tied to Sibelius and you can't use them in other programs. I don't know which is the case. If it's the latter, then obviously you'd need to stay in Sibelius if you want the Sibelius sounds.
  3. If they're a new startup, they may be selectively spamming musicians who have publicly listed names/email addresses in order to get more members.
  4. I don't use Sibelius (I'm a Finale guy), but notation programs are usually pretty lousy for creating audio files because you don't get a lot of control over note timing and MIDI data. The playback is okay for quick and dirty trial runs, but it rarely produces a polished, human-sounding performance. If you're familiar at all with working in a DAW (SONAR, Reaper, FL, Logic, etc.) and have one available, you'll probably be better off exporting MIDI files from Sibelius and then working on them in the DAW rather than trying to fine-tune the performance and polish things up with only Sibelius. EDIT: If you don't have and/or can't use a DAW, or your orchestra sound library is tied to Sibelius, or you just definitely want to use Sibelius, make sure you understand how articulations in the score affect playback, and notate your articulations based on the sounds they produce in playback rather than on what they would actually indicate to a performer.
  5. Sorry, I wasn't being too clear -- by two voices I meant soprano and alto, for example. I'm using the multis for them, so two multis loaded at a time. I'm also using the PLAY version, but I'd think that would be more taxing on system resources than the Kontakt version if anything.
  6. For a performance comparison ... I run Win XP 32 on a Core 2 Duo, 2 Gigs of RAM. I can use the wordbuilder with two voices at a time. If I add more, things start getting screwy -- I bounce the first two voices down to wave files before I start working on the other two.
  7. I think you can use a MIDI yoke to link the wordbuilder running as a standalone to FL. Google it, I guess, since I have no idea exactly how to do it.
  8. I don't know anything about their online orchestration class in particular, but I'd say orchestration in general is something where a teacher is extremely beneficial. (I'm assuming here that the class is structured so that you get the teacher's feedback on what you write and isn't just a read-the-textbook-and-answer-the-questions sort of thing like some online classes I've taken.)
  9. I actually had this same problem, but I don't remember how I resolved it. I think either updating PLAY or installing something else like you did.
  10. Realistically, you won't be able to hear it in a mix. And even if you can, I've heard worse things in real orchestra recordings. EDIT: And you could edit it out pretty easily if it really bugs you.
  11. The 50% special offer doesn't apply to the composer's collection, does it? Because $500 would be a hell of a deal for that. EDIT: When you say "complete library," do you mean complete orchestra set, or do you mean complete everything-but-the-kitchen-sink set, including orchestra stuff, guitars, basses, drumkits, synths, etc?
  12. If you can hear the music in-game in a setting where it isn't spoiled by sound effects, etc. you can always run an audio cable from the system's audio out to your computer's audio in and record the music that way.
  13. My M-Audio Radium 49's pitch wheel became uncalibrated and jittered the pitch around even when it was zeroed. I ended up just disconnecting the wheel since I didn't use it much.
  14. Or if you pay $15 a month you can put (almost) anything you want on your MP3 player w/o a surcharge. I've bought I think one CD since I got my Rhapsody subscription two years ago.
  15. What are zero crossings, anyway? I've never heard of them, either. EDIT: n/m, wikied it.
  16. Plays Genesis cartridges for $80. That's not so bad. EDIT: In before Scrap Brain Zone jokes.
  17. How do you mic things? (Distance from source, mic type, axis, etc.)
  18. Possibly a dumb question for me to ask, I know, but you're positive you told it to actually install the libraries, right? (As opposed to only the PLAY Engine and the iLok drivers.) If you haven't already tried this, run the installer again, choose custom installation, and make sure the library in question is checked for installation in the Select Features step.
  19. Maybe we could have a sticky thread in the workshop or reviews forum for ReMix Tours, where remixers could link to screencap videos discussing how specific ReMixes were constructed, or link to the project files themselves if they're useful. Or they could post this stuff in the review thread for the ReMix in question. If I ever get a ReMix subbed/accepted, I plan to post at very least a detailed breakdown of the software that I used for it in the mix's review thread. EDIT: If it becomes common practice to do a video/project file/discussion of the mix's construction in the review thread, it would be good to have a tag for it so such info would be searchable.
  20. There was a road near where I used to live named Issac Wiggins Road. Spelled like that. If that was his actual name, I'm sure he got tired of correcting people's corrections.
  21. Cubase 5 has . Basically, a somewhat more organized way of dealing with keyswitches for a sampler. As far as I'm aware, the feature is currently unique to Cubase, although it will probably be picked up by other DAWs in the next update cycle.
  22. Occasionally, my FTP client won't transfer things properly even after repeated attempts, and the results look sort of similar. If you have an alternate way to upload the file, try that.
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