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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. I don't understand how someone could say that they got more out of metroid prime 1 and 2 than L4D, unless they played L4D for like, a week and deleted it. I know I had over 100 hours in it, single player wise, multiplayer wise, custom campaigns and maps, etc. Metroid prime got one play through and put on the shelf.
  2. When's the last time I told anyone on my team that they suck? I rarely type out a word on there, mainly cause it's a pain in the ass to even play on the server with pubbies that are Lone Rangering it. But thanks for giving me a run down on how you think I do it.
  3. Just out of curiousity, I know the words "casual fun" are getting thrown around here. Whats fun about being on a horrible team who is getting rolled cause you have 4 snipers, 3 spies, and 3 scouts? You can say "oh well tell them to change classes". That hardly ever works, cause mainly everyone is out for themselves and having "casual fun". Sure playing is fun, but frustration from being dominated in every way by a team thats actually somewhat organized compared to a sloppy gung ho team of indiviuals that refuse to partake in the team part of "team fortress" kills the fun. So far having a sniper limit is the best suggestion I can think of, unless someone else wants to sit on the server and try to be Mr Negotiations and Policies and talk to players about how to not suck at this.
  4. I have wasted way too many hours and days of my life on these forums and IRC channel. But I have done a lot of stuff with people and made friends here. So I guess it balances out.
  5. Notice the etc? Yeah, that means more/other things/and so forth....
  6. Seriously, I play sniper now half the time, and I would not bitch about a sniper limit. 2 is perfectly fine for this class, especially on 2fort/turbine/etc that turn into 4 or 5 snipers on defense and blu eats a big dick cause of it.
  7. I like how people say "class limits are gay, I cant play my favorite class if someone has it, go play somewhere else". Then the other side is "class limits are needed cause of 7 snipers on a team, play another class damn it, or go somewhere else".
  8. Didn't do much for me. The first 3 or 4 verses he did were fun, then after that it was Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  9. Its not that its lacking in terms of online games. L4D has had more support than a large majority of PC games. People are just whiny mccrybags about it cause its a Valve game, and they expect TF2 fan service from them now. And I hate to tell that to people but thats not always gonna be the case. Valve has been very kind in terms of TF2, but L4D is not TF2. It is just showing how greedy people are by making boycotts and saying "Gabe is trying to fuck us hurrrrrrr". Might as well post that on fatwallet.
  10. I know the game is competative and all, but seriously the last 3 or 4 games I played were just not fun at all. It amounted to a lot of bitching and whining and people ragequitting causing a roll. So I've been playing League of Legends a bit, and seem to enjoy it more. Anyone tried it out?
  11. I paid 900 bucks for this Dell XPS 420 system I have at walmart, and bought a 100 dollar Geforce 9800 GT, and less than 30 bucks for 3 extra gigs of ram for it. Runs TF2/L4D1 and just about every other game Ive thrown at it at 1440x900 (max monitor res) with great framerate.
  12. People are greedy fucks now. Theres actually a petition going on right now concerning Aion, because the first 3 days of the open beta had horrible lag. People are petitioning to push back release date of the game for a set amount of time because they couldn't play those 3 days.
  13. Eh, I can't wait that long for a l4d game If I could, Id get it from g2play
  14. Gamestop preorder. 5 dollars down on it gets you early access to the demo plus 5 bucks off the game not counting the 5 dollars you are depositing.
  15. Unforunately everyone commenting on that page is just calling the 2 people that flew out there sell outs. Go figure. I got my copy preordered though, can't wait for the demo.
  16. I really liked Shenmue after I got past the boring first part of the game. I even went as far as to play all the way to the last part of shenmue 2 before I finally got frustrated with it on the dreamcast. I really wish they did finish the series in some way though.
  17. You're never gonna please the crowd with arena. There are just too many players that think that any kind of wait time is horrible and they leave or whine. I personally like it cause it demands that you have some kind of ability and I played Rocket Arena 2 for years in the quake 2 days.
  18. Viaduct just doesn't tickle my pickle. Seems to turn into a demo spam fest of grenades being shot from the hills going up to the point and huntsman snipers to boot. Nucleus is good fun for it though, at least for me. Sawmill is a second fav for KOTH as well. And please, class restrictions for snipers at least. I know I play sniper a lot, but I can hold my own on it. Kinda sucks to join turbine and want to play sniper, then get yelled at cause there are already 4 of them. I'll always go engie or whatever if thats the case, but there shouldn't be 4 snipers there to begin with crowding the doors.
  19. If you want a dreamcast, you can usually find a used one at a pawn shop or used games stores that dont start with game and end with stop. I picked one up in Knoxville 3 days ago for 15 bucks, one controller, no VMU.
  20. The dreamcast was a great system not just for the graphical edge it did have over the PS2, Plus its one of the first systems that had a good edge in homebrew gaming, either by emulators or homemade games. Plus the great (but killing) factor of burning games off for it with no mod required.
  21. If you go with the Boost set up BGC, tell me how it does in Knox. I'm kinda tired of dealing with verizon and their 150 dollar a month for my 2 phone family plan right now, and I really didn't wanna change to something else cause from Loudon county and Anderson County it seems like other providers in the past have been ass. I know my work phone (nextel/sprint) is horrible about dropping calls.
  22. I get a kick out of people who get butt hurt when they are trying to do melee only near a point, or it a high traffic area and get killed, then whine about it. If you insist on melee only, do it out of the way somewhere where I don't randomly see a member of another team running around like a tard that I shoot on instinct, k?
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