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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. I can't wait to meet the yosho. Totally getting a manly hug from me.
  2. Pyros that don't spycheck, especially around sentries and in large groups are the worst pyros ever. Nothing like being surrounded by 2 or 3 pyros, and still getting backstabbed, and then seeing 2 or 3 other people get hit by the same spy.
  3. Yeah, they can't convict you of fixing red rings. Two of the local game shops here in knoxville advertise they fix them. So yeah.
  4. Oceans of happiness due to our greatness. BOOYA
  5. I think the biggest thing is, these consoles are being modded for more than likely illegal use. Could you mod your tv, laptop, or anything else? Sure. The only two things that could be put in relation to illegal would be a laptop, which has way more purposes though than console, and any mods you make would not go around a copyright section, or a car, which if you want to argue the whole "its mine and i can do whatever", it could be argued that if you modded cars to say, be used for illegal activies then yes, you could be charged. Anyway, yeah, modding a console is bypassing a system set up to run copyrighted material, its a pretty cut/dry case on that.
  6. A crazy idea like that would require a new purchase, which everyone can bitch about cause they are cheap fucks.
  7. How many rooms do you have brush? Cause obviously I wouldnt want to have sex in your house around people. HA
  8. Ok, so sticky camping is addressed. Question though, what about in the case of a pyro + medic camping a spawn door, say in 2fort? This was a huge problem the other night, cause two pyros, one with a medic, camped the door near the courtyard. I died to them at least 10 times, and never once respawned at the other side of the fort. I said something about them camping the door, and I think it was pav, or another ZUZ member said "Its not sticky camping, just die and come out the other side, blah blah". Yeah, wasn't happening. So I just used this as a time to exploit it and run out the door, drop a sentry, get it demo'd by the pyro, repeat for points. I know thats not a right thing to do in the situation, and I died quite a few times doing it, but no one was doing anything about the pyros, cause we had 4 people huddled up in the door trying to get out it. I know one of the pyro's names were Tom though.
  9. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
  10. I love how all of atmuh's rants about the backburner consist of "well, if this person is good, blah blah". Fact is, most people are not "this good". And thats why I excel. Fact.
  11. Hey, its not my fault you all suck with the backburner. I'm awesome at it.
  12. Now that I think about it, I did have more crit balls with my sandman earlier. Weird...
  13. Someone was complaining earlier about a guy getting massive amount of crit kills with his soldier. I don't know what sup.
  14. You shouldn't need hoodoo anyway, as it is a terrible map experience.
  15. After Saturday I'll be gone for a week or longer to Atlanta. Maybe I can get some Larry buttsech in.
  16. We did a 20 something person tower in Reaction Quake 3 one time, god it was great
  17. Much man love to you too. I'll definitely try to make it to the LAN of course, I'll just have to lug my huge Dell XPS with me Main factor though is my wife is coming with me, and I didn't want to be a huge burden on you space wise, cause I know you'll have quite a few people there. And I guess it would be better for people who are harder up for cash than I to get a room. Point of this is, get your ass some internet so we can TF2 P.S. Guitar Hero 2 yo, send send. P.P.S I always wanted to sign something P.P.S.
  18. I probably wont be able to prereg for a month or so, hopefully. I got to pay off bills and get my car fixed so I can make it there. After that though I'll be free to spend as much as needed.
  19. I'll probably be getting a room Brush. Didn't want to overcrowd the house yo
  20. Thanks for the site. Im looking into that for him right now, and I think that would be a pretty good way to get started. He asked me about offering a product too, like study guides and literature. I was thinking on that maybe setting up an amazon.com store and setting prices for them through that. Good idea or no?
  21. Yeah, Ive seen 2 demos take out at least 5 sentries in 2. Just requires people to not be retards and work together. Good luck on that
  22. I don't mind dustbowl cause I like to challenge myself to see how many idiots I can kill with my sentry. I think my record was 40 something in one sentry life.
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