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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Its been forever since I made a website. In fact, last time I did was a half ass geocities website for the last band I was in back in 2000 at least, maybe before that. But anyway, to the questions at hand. My supervisor, while not really to my agreeing, is a very religious christian man. He does a lot of work with his church and such. Anyway, he asked me today about the details on what it would cost and the basic run down on what it would cost both money and time wise to start a small website for him to post his religion and information on. I'd like to help him cause I know it means a lot to him. So questions. First, he is basically right now wanting a basic site that he can post in a blog like fashion for others to see, but later to expand on it, including pics, maybe a message board. So first, he would need some webspace and domain name. I think hes looking for something along the lines of www.mondaysmessage.com. Anyone happen to know of a good domain and webspace site that would either have a package deal that would be good for him, or even seperate set ups. Also at first it doesnt have to be fancy, but would like to be upgradable to the point where he could take it however far he wanted to. He was discribing it to me, and at first I figured a livejournal would work, but I think this kinda expands beyond that. Plus I know a few people here have sites set up, and if anyone has the time to throw a little info my way, it'd be much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Haha, Thresh. I remember articles and interviews with him back long ago. Such a tool.
  3. I'd be all up for that, except hoodoo. I just don't care for it.
  4. I know Beatdown organized a dragoncon meetup one year, but according to the forums he hasn't logged in since december 08.
  5. I finally played garbage day for the first time. I must say, I really like it. Not a map I could play a lot of though, but its a great KOTH set up like the KOTH mod for Quake 2.
  6. I'll believe it after Comic Con, since all those VAs are suppose to be at that.
  7. I've bought just as many games as I normally do, mainly cause I keep check on sales at gamestop, trade games through goozex, etc.
  8. Shit, I don't know where my mind was at on that one. Oh, trying to get Aion to run
  9. Highlander is 12vs12, only one class per team per player. So youd have one soldier, one demoman, etc. Pretty much a class restriction of one.
  10. I'd be open for any weeknight after 7 pm est, or just about any time on the weekend.
  11. I went home earlier today, and they were showing Slamball on CN. 2 questions: 1) why is slamball even still around? Its a retarded trampoline basketball game. It's the only way white guys can play basketball and dunk I guess. 2) WHY THE HELL IS IT ON CN?!?!?!
  12. Only problem I have with it is when the medic doesn't heal anyone else, even when other people are dying around them. That did happen a few times when I was on the team with them. Makes me a sad panda.
  13. This guy and another nQa guy were on the other day, and destroyed us. They teamed up as soldier+medic and were scoring over 100 points easy in every map, while everyone else was maybe 40 or so. It was pitiful.
  14. I've said that for 7 years. Good luck on that.
  15. Hey brush, when are you not gonna be all transitting and stuff and be on IRC? I wanted to ask you about arrangements and stuffs so I can get a good idea about what I need to do.
  16. I agree with DS. It started as a server for this community, and that's one of the reasons I keep coming here. I like most of the people, and it has very few pub people to ruin the fun. That's one of the reasons I don't play on the SA servers that much, cause I'm not a huge poster there, and I feel out of place. I don't like coming to someone's house even if I know a guy that knows a guy that hangs out there. That and I don't think some kind of community participation would hurt, especially if someone regulars the server. We could be nazi fucks about it and require a server validation link and pass etc, but it'd be nice just to have some input on maps on here, you know?
  17. If its that hard to remove a voteban, then I look forward to the day that spectreshot gets his....
  18. As long as you don't try to charm my wife with your Soldier love songs.
  19. Brush i wanna stay with yoooooooooooou.
  20. I know BGC is in knoxville, which is 15 minutes away from me. So if he's going, we might work out something. If anyone else in TN is going they should hit me up on IRC or on here.
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