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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Credit cards stored offshore on servers in germany and spain, all cards from 2007 or earlier. But lets see how Kotaku spins this...
  2. I'm waiting on Kotaku to post that Bin Laden was found cause his credit card info was leaked during the PSN fiasco. Hell, I'm more prone to believe The Onion these days compared to some of these news stories on the big K.
  3. Kotaku is the fox news of video game info. Figures someone as retarded as Brandon would take it as a fact.
  4. I'll play some co op with you whenever PSN is up.
  5. *cough* http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/24122
  6. I don't normally reply to any of your posts, cause most of the time they are not worth my time, but this whole "They waited a week" crap is getting blown out of proportion bad. http://www.psu.com/Hackers-kept-Sony-in-the-dark-for-nearly-a-week--a011453-p0.php As listed here, they didnt even find out what the hackers had done until after the network was shut down and they did an investigation, then traced back that it happened between the 19th to 21st. They didn't have a magical warning sign pop up at the central command brain saying that "GOD" had logged in too late at night ala the movie Hackers.
  7. Yeah, really. Nintendo started the nose dive right after the SNES, and it just kept going. Kinda like Nintendo Power....
  8. I love how it shifts from "How dare you go after people that open a door to do possible illegal stuff on your system Sony!!!" to "How dare you let this happen to your network Sony!!!" in the course of a few weeks. Bunch of fucking Fairweather Johnsons.
  9. Sony! HOW DARE YOU LET HACKERS GET YOUR STUFF! WRAAAAAAAAARR! I'm in no way a Sony supporter, but damn you people cry.
  10. You know who else has this vision? Activision. Guitar Hero use to "print money". You can only release half ass products to the public, revisions of this product in a short period of time, and not support the products before the consumer turns on you. That's basically what Nintendo does with the DS/Wii. So unless they pull something out of their ass with this new console, why should we support them at all? Kinda funny how touchy Nintendo fans get if you say something about Nintendo in a non glorious light.
  11. Nintendo has dropped the ball more than that little black kid in the movie Little Giants. They better start seeing this new console they got coming up as a roll of toilet paper.
  12. Oh you're one of "those" people. Basically it now boils down to "But..but...but... but... Valve does free stuff with TF2, everything should be". You paid for portal 2, you'll get portal 2. That doesn't entitle you to any bonuses that Valve makes. You'll get portal 2 on release date or maybe a few hours sooner. Stop crying.
  13. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm mad. Haha, this is hilarious. Keep up the rage.
  14. That's where I redeemed it at. I finally got an answer back from capcom from their tech support, which pretty much just said "log in to the MvC3 site through the redeem page, and it will display your code". Nope, it goes to a white blank screen. Does this both in firefox and IE. So looks like its back to emailing them.
  15. You know, I still have yet to get my codes for the special edition character DLC yet. I submitted an email complaint to capcom 2 weeks ago and got nothing about it yet either. Wtf.
  16. I swear to god if this ends up with Sony doing that serial key shit on ps3 games they were talking about, I'm holding everyone backing this crap responisible.
  17. Forgot to post last night, but I went in to pick up my DQVI yesterday afternoon and the GS manager brought my copy of HN out with it. They got two other copies in with it. So its out now, at least in my area.
  18. Went to go pick up my copy today, and gamestop has miraculously fucked up again twice in 2 days, and now HN is listed as coming out the 25th. This is right after delaying my Dragon Quest VI 2 days.
  19. This thread was about as short lived as my play time on FFXIV. Anyway, I traded in all my crappy games to gamestop the other day during their 50% more trade in credit, plus 10% for my card. Anyway, I paid off a shitload of my preorders, and got the CE for DC Universe too. So yeah.
  20. Ill have my CE for 360 on tuesday. Huzzuh.
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