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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. omfg totally forgot...you sorta went AWOL on us Brothadom lol - that and I've been wasting time at other projects with half finished works lmao. Some day it'll all get done
  2. Good, good, can't wait to see what you guys can come up with. I've actually tried a hand at remixing this source tune and have 1 completed version and another half completed. First one didn't make the OCR panel, and 2nd one, well I ran out of inspiration But maybe I can get some closure with your guys' takes on Mechanical Man EDIT Also WOOT WOOT at PRC 230 and Bundaslang's 100th compo as admin Keep the good times rollin' Bunda <3 I know rite Also don't forget about my prize for winning last round ya slacker :3 2nd EDIT Didn't realize that you had quoted Toilet Goat, so I ended up deleting a quote within a quote. Amazing how the brain works when drunk >.<
  3. The emphasis on good production would actually ruin the feel here, as the 80's sound wasn't really about perfect EQ and was all about lots of reverb and retro synths - it just wouldn't be the same with modern production techniques, in my humble opinion. So to me, it's aged perfectly EDIT - the artist was going for an 80's sound, not that it was MADE in the 80's just to clarify, so don't get yer knickers in a knot about technicalities and what have you
  4. Well, now that things seem to be going faster, I'd better complete my track soon b4 you get tired of waiting for me (I might need someone to sound upgrade some of my samples though, cuz of my Garritan vst issues lol)
  5. Damnit, bastard beat me to first track completed on the project I'm gonna have 2 hear it!
  6. and you too sir. I shouldn't really give any detailed feedback until after the voting process - all I can say is that you shoulda named your remix something less demeaning, cuz it's not really a disaster
  7. agreed. Resident Evil =/= Parasite Eve. Got about 3/4 thru it and said screw it, back to PE1 lol. Also, I always wondered why they didn't bother with making good music, except for some of the boss fights? >.<
  8. "Fuck that loser" -Jay Wilson
  9. What!? No Trism =( Oh well, at least DrumJ8 made sure I wasn't lonely in the compo panel this time at least - and I must say that his work is quite grand wot wot *sips tea*.
  10. Alright, I wouldn't mind helping out with the lesser management jobs if you need ppl. And of course, you can count on me doing a track or 2 for the project =D
  11. The Derrit does raise some good points, but here's my 2 cents MvC3 is pretty good, but like SF4 (lol Akuma, Ryu and Ken) - there is some mega balance issues for some characters imo (Wesker, Wolverine, Zero, Virgil to name a few). Also, they shouldn't have nerfed Sentinel's HP so badly - plastic robot ftl. I agree with The Derrit that Capcom didn't fuck up for MvC3, but their balance team could have been more vigilant - it's kinda similar to how Blizzard (different genre of games I know, but hear me out) balances their games...rather than look at the actual issue at hand, they do 2 of the following A) take a hammer and nerf it to hell or ignore it altogether. Then again, I think that's an issue with many triple A game companies these days...maybe they're paralyzed of accidentally making things worse? Just a hunch Please, don't take offense of this opinion if you don't agree >.< not trying to be confrontational here. And sorry about the double post, couldn't resist
  12. Hmm...Resistance 3 does sound tempting. Yeah I had the same issues with Res.2 as you - it put me off from the game at the 2nd stage...I might get Resistance 3 from the bargain bin later on :3
  13. FPS games died for me when EA and Activision started to capitalize on them megatime and churn out the same uninspired crap that is spawned from the Medal of Honor and Modern Warfare series. Well, I kinda liked World at War, but I really miss picking up health packs and being able to hold onto a dozen weapons at once, like in Doom and Jedi Knight (different companies and franchises obviously)...which leads me to 'Painkiller' from 'People Can Fly'... EDIT - meant "being able to carry a dozen weapons" in case you're left scratching your head
  14. =( Can't a few of us just form a small group then, I'd be interested in the management front, but I wouldn't want to be the leader, after several attempts of trying to get a Legend of Dragoon project going, I'm all but burnt out from trying to host a project.
  15. Well, Chrono Trigger had the blessing of being short and sweet, whereas the last few chapters for Chrono Cross, I just wanted to get over with, esp. when they introduced the "Project Kid" segment, which to me, felt like a list-minute filler for the plot. Buut, I've seen worse JRPG's by far, so it's barely on the hate-this-game radar for me, just it stands out a lot for me, cuz it's allegedly part of the Chrono Trigger universe also @ Emperor Charlemagne, I forgot to mention that part haha, thx for reminding me. The entire team's reputation has been marred beyond repair
  16. FF13 (no comment) Metroid the Other M: C'mon ppl - Samus Aran is supposed to be a bounty hunter, not a whimpy teenager with daddy issues. In order to survive in the business you'd need a steel spine and so forth. Tacky Wii-mote gimmick shit and the Ninja Gaiden-esque combat also put me off - but I did grit my teeth and beat the game at 99%. Shoulda been handed over to more capable hands than Team Ninja, fuckin cop-out hacks that they are. Dragon Age 2 -(horrendously recycled environments was the biggest issue amongst the pile of shit). DLC content did help a bit, but it was like putting sugar coating atop a pile of shit - if you take a big bite down on it, it's still gonna taste like shit. Wild Arms 2 -(wayy too easy, generic anime style didn't jive with me and I much preferred the story of Wild Arms 1) Almost all Mortal Kombat games after MK3 (except for the PS3 version, that one is pretty sick) Chrono Cross - the connections of Chrono Cross to Chrono Trigger were soooo vague that I felt cheated. I wanted MOAR Chrono Trigger influences. Also the combat system was very different. Still, it's okay and the music/story/gameplay is still good - it's just not a worthy sequel to Chrono Trigger. Diablo 3 - Yikes. Jay Wilson is a narcissistic hack who's not qualified for the job; his vision of Diablo is so divergent from the fans that it's clearly of another universe. Also, Diablo =/= fucking World of Warcraft. And auction houses do not belong in an ARPG. Period.
  17. I'd be interested in helping out. EDIT - seeing as this is for free, you may as well take pizzatime and me - no competition over money amirite?
  18. I'm pretty stoked about this too. This time Trism, I'm gonna take the Parasite Eve compo muahahah
  19. Heh...all of the FF games are getting whored out for claims but breath of Fire is getting the shaft What's wrong with this world?? Also @ Tuberz, I have no intention of quitting - my track is still like 3/4 done composition wise and it will be done eventually - I may as well grab another track down the line as well. My remixing mojo is slowly coming back so yea =p
  20. True - I'll just have to trust in the SM hack Fear team's judgement and I'll do my best to ensure that my music fits the game like a glove.
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