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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. http://soundcloud.com/hoboka Hey all, just got my soundcloud up and running - be sure to follow me if you like hobo-tastic electronic, ambiance and VG remixes
  2. Hmm, for me Lavitz's "return" from hell (after you kill the demon) got to me more; more-so because the theme for it was so epic...sigh if only ppl cared more about that game Oh and Geoffry Taucer covered the other things that got me as well (except strangly enough the FF6 opera scene made me sad too - god I'm such a hopeless romantic for low-fi sprite drama)
  3. Yeah I'm always a little anxious of that possibility Capcom is also keen on gouging it's customers in almost every way possible - almost as bad as Nintendo and Acti-Blizzard. Also, what happens if their corporate goons and/or law division have a change in attitude towards these fanbased communities =/? Well, I guess that's sort of a rhetorical question - but it gets one thinking...perhaps a little too much lol
  4. This is right down my alley of dark, ambient electronic-ishness , has some reaal nice texture and soundscapes going on here; you have a pretty good handling on mixing already, ofc there's always room for improvement - but I dig this a lot. Also, I didn't mind the repetition here *EDIT* Only real production crit here is that the real low percussion sounds muddy up the mix a bit - maybe cutting out the mid range for their samples (and their reverb effect) would help it out some. Good stuff dood =D
  5. Hm probably. Movie industry is also real anal. Then again...so is EA, esp. when Mass Effect 3 first came out (on a side note I really friggin hate DRM's like Securom). And...I've yet to hear *much about lawsuits following them flagging the IP's. I wonder if they'd extradite a Canadian for torrenting games or pr0n...lol
  6. Um, aren't we remixers also at risk of infringing said laws, seeing as we are remixing music from big companies like Square-Enix and Nintendo? Even if it's not for profit I think they (the VG companies) can still find ways to sue people who use their intellectual property without consent. Granted...I'm not too savvy with Law and Business in general, so I might be totally wrong =p
  7. They used to have public floggings too ...er not on the internet but u know what i mean.
  8. Yeah, agreed 100%. I'm tired of criminals being treated nicely when they're caught in the act; it only serves to further punish their victims.
  9. Good god, it's not a bloody pageant or "American Idol" - this is a workshop to help people improve; it's incredibly difficult to do so if they're burdened by your contempt and negativity. True, a small minority can just shrug this horsecrap off and look at the meat of the "feedback", but it's pointless to pander only to them in a large online community. Skryp, you're a good remixer and everything, but you are also a contemptuous prick who seriously needs to chill out. It's people like you who give OCR a real bad vibe...
  10. Yeah, but the difference is that DAWs don't roll over and explode Mr Trolololo
  11. But you spend more time than most on the forums So =p
  12. Uhhh yeah that would be greatly appreciated. My PC's power supply blew (and it fried my hard-drive too q.q) So I'm scrambling to get my FL Studio set up on my dad's PC for the time being
  13. Not if Halc and Brandon are competing - this is a great opportunity to show off mah phat skillz regardless
  14. So, how do I sign up? And yes I can probably scrounge up something in 2 days
  15. Bass guitars are the easiest to sequence - I'm fairly certain that a live bassist isn't necessary.
  16. Thanks for the feedback Brandon Um, well I did sort of pull this one outta the blue w/out much thought for production; albeit I'm surprised that the organ sample still isn't considered good enough. Goes to show how far behind I am on my sample library q.q
  17. At least he pays attention to Gario (//_-)
  18. Er, I meant that I was gonna go and ask the OCR veterans lol - I already know that you dig it; but it helps to see you still like it
  19. I can "program" drums, if by that you mean sequencing them via a DAW =p Got lots of samples, pads, fx - you name it. Unfortunately I cannot do anything live.
  20. Oy, I still have 2 work some more on that too! I need a refresher and/or some feedback on it, though before I start working on it again
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