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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. wow...this is crazy piano writing , I gotta agree with OA though, it is a bit on the long side, I don't really agree with the humanization though, it seems convincing enough. Woulda fooled me if some one said it was a real recording >_>, but that coming from some one who isn't near being posted doesn't really constitute as solid advice so ye be warned, I could be seriously wrong. But I felt I had to give my 2 cents, so there u go. Great stuff man; hope to see more of your work/other projects of yours soon Ohhh, u did that Killer Instinct song in 2004 - good chance you'll get posted again then mate; though the judges are a bit more anal these days hehe.
  2. ok so I gave up on the phat beat idea >.>, going for an abstract/weird feel
  3. boycott MTV though, cuz they just smell, among other things.
  4. well, I guess that's a good thing, apart from you questioning my word knowledge >:- (
  5. they won't shut OCR down will they? T_T I don't think I could live w/out OCR x_X
  6. meh I felt inclined to do so; but I'm not a web flamer. He ought to be spammed though >:- (
  7. Indeed...Blind's techno pwns that nub's crud and we get it for free
  8. indeed, and changing the name to Chala is even more an insult =/
  9. its just kinda hurting that he's gonna get all the credit and not squaresoft =/ - at least we praise the original composers here...and don't make profit for it.
  10. wow....isn't this kind of er...blatant? I mean it's good and all, but many ppl are bound to recognize this lol. Oh and way to change the name from Schala to Chala...owned. lol
  11. well it's nearly impossible to make an authentic tune these days - it's almost all been done before. Frick, "new age" orchestra stuff regurgitates a lot of the classical music anyways; rock music pretty much all been done before - rap just steals other tunes and puts a "phat" beat on them...I could probably pull a better beat out of my ass than most of the current crud on MTV. Anyways...for all I know, I could create a song that's the exact riff that some other underground/unknown guy made w/out ever knowing it T_T. So, I dunno how you would go about blamming them Abadoss. I mean if someone takes an entire song and midi rips it or something, then obviously - that's plagiarisms, but where would one draw the line on the less obvious stuff?? X_x
  12. yes, but my song is real weird and unorthodox >_< its gonna be based on a crack-induced dream.
  13. got a phater beat going on this time , you've got some tough competition now Blue , bwahaahaha.
  14. And that's not a bad first remix attempt , about my level only 2 months ago or so. I had a sudden curve in my learning ><
  15. hehe thanks Davidicus - you know the right balance of critiquing, without giving false hope and such (unlike me ^.^). I shall look into that drum stuff - mind u I cheat...I use drum loops I'm sorry *cries on shoulder* can you ever forgive me??? Lol, anyways I'll try to make my own drums and I'll try to follow them tips on your link u posted me.
  16. just to let you know - I'm not a very good critiquer; so I'm unsure if this mix is going towards OC material or not - but I'm gonna restate my opinion; I think it's good and that's that lol. It'd help if more people would critique this song =/ Thx for the PM
  17. it's pretty good, though the snare samples sound almost exactly the same as all the FPC stuff I have =/ any idea where I could find some hardcore snares? LoL, feeling generous Zircon ?
  18. wow this sounds professional to my newby ears , in fact I don't know how to critique this so I'm just gonna say 4 1/2 / 5 since I know there's probably something to nit-pick about this song . Good stuff man - I'm grooving to the beat and rhythm.
  19. haha i used to flip out when ppl critiqued my work. But now I usually take the critique and try to work upon it. I guess I was being a bit biased since it Lagunacloud is my friend lol. But you gotta admit his compositional skills are a lot better them some of us noobs out there - like me in particular. I agree that it needs some variation, maybe some countermelodies and stuff. I'll try not to mislead Vic again T_T
  20. yeah T_T now i'm going to have to go emo now and cut myself, wtg Skry.
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