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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Okay, I don't think that I sequence (heck don't even know what sequencing), I use plug-ins for FL, the sampler and Soundfont generator to make my music. I've also just become acquainted with the oh-so very versatile Mixer for FL - which F'ing rocks. Love to compress stuff and change it's dB etc. However, I do have Audacity sitting on my desktop gathering dust, would that do pitch bends?
  2. Well I kinda don't care what the other's think - this is pretty darn good - doesn't clip once or have a single off key note. Though could you try hosting this on an easier site to download it from ><. It's annoying to have to sign up for downloading the MP3 lol.
  3. Reminds me of the newest Castlevania game they got out now - Curse of Darkness ><. Very sexy BTW could you send me the choir sample if it's a soundfont my accomplice and I need a good choir synth for our Tyrano Remix.
  4. yeah I've tried doing that - got no Midi keyboard lol. Love the remix btw Sensai
  5. How do you make pitch bends? I'm guilty to admit that I looked into the Schala Midi, and I found that the unique flute sound was made by making the pitch gradually go down on the note :-0. I've looked up tutorials and such and found no answers, help please
  6. You know what another Castlevania song would be awesome to remix...the House of Sacred remains for Lament of Innocence. That song is bad-ass... Here I got the link lol http://media.putfile.com/House-of-Sacred-Remains-57
  7. Woah this is some hard-core heavy metal , I love the synths and piano that go with it too oo and the harpsicordish thing. Then it stops half way through T_T...must...hear...more.
  8. Wow, you're good with the piano, whether its simulated or not . Which samples are you using btw? Plus, I like how it changes, its what makes this song extra cool - there's several songs on OCR that change their styles, so you don't HAVE to refine it to one style.
  9. I like the rhythm and bass. I'm no expert at criqueing so I'm not gonna say anything. This is a nice first post
  10. Hmm how do you "edit" them in FL? I've downloaded a few and have no idea how I can use these samplefusion thingies
  11. Agreed, that was my bad, I'll make sure that I do a better raincheck before I submit liquid vomit again.
  12. Very nice Hope you guys hit it off well.
  13. I knew it sounded off. But it was the heat of the moment of "ZOMG I actually immitated the song...somewhat - but still!!" Looking back I realized how awful it sounds. Sorry to post crap, I'll try better to make sure that it at least doesn't clash before I submit it.
  14. Aye, I figured as much. Hmm guess its back to the drawing board to do as you suggested.
  15. BTW Nutricious, how's your collab with DragonAvenger going?
  16. Nutricious, this is amazing. It puts my work to shame lol. I'll see if I can fix the tempos. You know what? I think I might want to omit the drums and go for the flute sound with a dark piano and the cello sound - on tempo (or die trying)
  17. Why yes I do...bare with me its a long address the_great_guy_sorta@hotmail.com
  18. I don't quite follow you... could you please define channel for me? I'm oh such a newb Thanks for helping tho
  19. Yes exactly!!! How the hellz did you do that?
  20. http://media.putfile.com/Schalas-Theme---Midi is the Midi, you can definately tell that this author is a genius. He did a wonderful job on his flute and drums. BTW, I'm sorry but I didn't find your drum sample very useful, because it doesn't really click with me when I think of this song. Thanks for your effort though
  21. So just reduce the velocities on the drum beats then? BTW, I don't think I can do this, cuz I took a peak at how the guy did the Midi and I realized that he somehow made the flute's pitch drop as the note goes. That's what gives it that distorted, yet beautiful sound - this is beyond my knowledge of FL :S
  22. Well you are probably right, but for the Midi, the guy used world drums too, though his is way better and I really don't feel like doing a Midi rip , so what sort of angle could you suggest? I don't really feel like doing the same feel as my Tyranno Lair remix lol
  23. Well I'm gonna be stubborn for now and keep those last drums, cuz to me they kind of give it that epic "is it done yet? yay!" feel http://media.putfile.com/Extra-Newest-Versionhopefully-last-one This one SHOULD be the final copy unless either Fishy, JJT or whoever decides that it still needs improvement - which they probably will. But damn man I came so far =( I want this done and over with so I can get my Schala remix going lol. Basically, for this one I altered the bass slightly and did some volume fix ups. Hopefully it's mastered well now.
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