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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. This game is hard to learn, especially since there isn't a tutorial in yet. Best thing to do is read up on some basics and play a few bot games with people who can explain more about the game.

    Also, WC 3 DotA patch 6.73 just got released with 4 new heroes and a shitton of balance changes (nerfs to antimage!) so you can expect to see these come up in Dota 2 as well. http://www.playdota.com/changelogs/6.73

    This skill cracks me up btw:



    (Active, enemy hero target)

    Calls the targeted enemy for a duel. Both you and the enemy will be forced to attack each other and will both be unable to use items or abilities. The victor gains 10 permanent bonus damage.

  2. The quality of narrative/acting in games for me at least, is debatable at best. Though I do concede that they've made progress in the past few years.

    This. Videogames are still a relatively young medium and we have yet to see a Citizen Kane equivalent. Games like Mass Effect get lauded for their universe building and characters, but you have to realize that in movie form it would only qualify as a mediocre B-movie at best.

    Hell, even Planescape Torment (which I consider the pinnacle in videogame storytelling) would only make for a decent, not groundbreaking movie/mini series.

  3. How could you not like Ron Paul? What kind of liberal monster are you?

    Politics typically aren't about whom you 'like' the most, but about which party's election policies are the most beneficial for yourself. Then again, this does explain a lot about US politics...

  4. He can solo Roshan around level 7 if he has Vlads, which is usually the first item people build on him. After that Vanguard + Treads/Phase + Blink is usually the core, after that you can go Heart or something. He can pretty much afford to go for pure tank because of his ult. Patch is live now btw.








  5. Donations to SOPA Co-Sponsors from the movie industry-

    Rep. Howard Berman, D-Calif., $1,727,156.

    Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., $516,400

    Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., $488,731

    Rep. Mary Bono Mack, R-Calif., $488,636

    Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Tex., $392,995 (sponsor)

    Rep. Robert Goodlatte, R-VA, $316,686

    Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., $261,700

    Rep. Lee Terry, R-Nev., $248,168

    Rep. John Barrow, D-GA, $210,900

    Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., $204,199


    E: Then again, the other side probably gets bribed by tech giants (microsoft, google) as well.

  6. Yeah, Invoker is very strong in the right hands and one of the few competitive picks that aren't in the game yet. Then again Batrider is super banworthy in WC3 DotA, yet he's not popular in Dota 2 at all!

  7. He also can't level his stats, but each of the instances can be leveled up seven times and the passive effects are really strong, so you can have 21 HP regen per second or 63 bonus damage at all times. He really plays unlike anything else in the game.

  8. Yeah I guess they processed the voice a lot to make her sound more like a ghost, I didn't notice it ingame but it's pretty obvious in the sound files. Still worth it just to hear her say "Eenveezeebeeleetee".

  9. Meanwhile I have like an 0-5 win ratio with Weaver, but I'm determined to keep playing him until I get the hang of it and start winning. :<

    E: There's indication that todays patch MIGHT hold Invoker, which would be amazing. Then again, it could just as well be Mortred, Spirit Breaker, Bane or Krobelus.

  10. Lifestealer either just needs to get outcarried (Antimage/Faceless Void would probably do the trick) or shut down early, whether that be through ganks or pushing. He destroys high HP heroes though.

  11. Basher is kind a noobtrap item, similarly to SnY or Shadow Blade. Blink+Infest lets you pull off some bullshit escapes and fixes Naix' main issue, which is getting kited. He also mainly scales with attack speed so the stats on Basher don't do a lot for him because he already has a lot of innate damage per attack. A combination of attack speed and a good orb like desolator is probably the best on him.

  12. Blink+ Orchid Naix best Naix. Also known as the "Screw Antimage" build. :<

    They fixed headless Kunkka unfortunately.


    I hope they turn it into an alt skin for him.

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