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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. Yup, he looks appropriately freaky.

    His ult is hilarious because you can use it to ride around in an allied creep and then jump out and eat the poor enemy support who was just trying to farm up some gold for wards.

    -wtf mode is also in.

    E: I didn't even think of combining Naix' ult with certain heroes like Riki, Clockwerk or Nature's Prophet for maximum dickery.

  2. or maybe I can just attack somebody with them and actually play the game

    maybe lol's champ design is based around the idea that a lot of people care less about what a champ can do and what a champ actually does

    maybe this thread can go ten pages without tensei turning it into a talk about how dota is totally better you guys look how pro I am, who knows

    You're the one who brought up Dota 2 in this thread in the first place, I'm just defending a game that you haven't even played.

    And yes, you can indeed attack use your minions to attack someone. Or farm, or push, whatever your heart desires. That's the whole point. You keep saying that you'd 'rather play the game' but I don't see how having multiple controllable units even relates to that.

    Have you actually read Zileas' post on champion design? It's a pretty interesting read, but there are a lot of points I disagree with, one of them being that he believes a skill needs to have a clear, optimal use (i.e. using Annies Q to lasthit minions) instead of a 'conflicted purpose' like a high damage single-target nuke that also has a slow attached. I think that's exactly where the lack of inventive skills stems from, as they're basically restricting versatility in skills.

    Then there's the whole 'burden of knowledge' and 'anti-fun' can of worms, but it's probably better to not even talk about that.

  3. so instead of playing dota I'm suddenly playing an rts

    I'm not exactly sure why adding an extra step to last hitting (i.e instead of last hitting you make a minion that you then control and uh last hit with) is apparently a super cool and funky fresh thing but then again dota players have always been the type to make mountains out of shallow craters

    hey man you're the one who thinks that an extra right click is some kind of genius design

    No, you're still playing DotA. Minion controlling heroes have existed almost as long as the map itself, and are as much a part of it as last hitting and denying.

    That said, I didn't even say anything about last-hitting with your minions, I gave two examples of what you can do with minions by multitasking, namely pushing a lane faster, and having your minions farm the jungle by themselves. In the case of Broodmother your minions are much more about quantity than quality, but there are heroes with minions that have active skillsets of their own, which you can use to complement your heroes skills in ganking, teamfights and the like.

    I think the fact that you had such trouble wrapping your head around the concept (as you still seem to misunderstand it) says enough about how limited the scope of LoL champion designs is.

  4. oh wow you can use ai minions to farm other minions

    "watching little robots do something i.e the opposite of bland" - Tensei

    meanwhile I enjoy playing video games

    Which part of 'fully controllable' did you not understand? Are you just being obtuse on purpose now? AI doesn't even come into the equation, you control each of your minions manually as Broodmother.

    What you just did is describe how Annies ult or Malhazars passive works in LoL.

    Other games may be more creative, but I think that because Riot has a professional competitive aspect to the game, they have to focus on the championship balance.

    DotA and Dota 2 respectively have and will have a greater competitive scene (i.e. a greater amount of competitive teams and leagues worldwide) than League of Legends, and the games are definitely at least as balanced. Competitive balance isn't an excuse for Riots cash-grab champion design policy.

  5. Yeah I remember that time when I played Malhazar and sent 10 of my minions off to farm neutrals while I used 10 others to push the lane...

    Or when I placed Akali's smoke clouds (which last indefinitely, of course, and can be used to alter the terrain and create shortcuts) across the entirety of a lane so I could have freefarm in a 1v2 situation.

    That's three concepts on a single hero (Fully controllable minions, the ability to place permanent structures, and altering the terrain) that don't exist in LoL, and most likely never will.

    Zircon totally has a point when he's talking about lazy re-hashed abilities on Volibear, and it's probably my main issue with LoL.

    E: Something else that make Broodmother awesome:

    She's a monstrous female character. Ever notice how Riots male champions run the gamut from strong and handsome humans (Xin Zhao, Garen) to cute and diminutive (Teemo, Corki, Veigar) to corpulent (Gragas) or monstrous (Urgot), and everything in between? There's a huge variety in bodytypes here. Now look at the female champions...they only have sexy humanoid characters and cute diminutive ones, Anivia perhaps being the sole exception. Even Riots attempt at a monstrous female turns out like Shyvana, exposed midriff, boobplate and all.

    Broodmother is a giant spider. Her femininity definitely plays a major role in her Dota 2 backstory (and even extends to her skillset) so she isn't just a generic monster that could just as well have been a male, but guess what? There's absolutely none of the ridiculous sexualization that's present in Riots overall aesthetic design.

  6. and then my monocle twinkles and I go back to playing dota2 and pretending/hoping that it isn't secretly just as shitty a game as dota

    And then you play a hero like Tinker, Broodmother or hell, even Nature's Prophet, and a tear appears in your eye as you realize that LoL will never have champions as inventive or unique as them, and will always have to make do with extremely watered down versions of existing DotA heroes.

  7. Bane Elemental? He's not that good or interesting IMO.

    Someone found out that there's actually a functional range indicator in the game already that can be activated by console commands or an autoexec.cfg file, it's pretty neat:


    The red line indicates the distance your hero has to walk before he's in range to cast a spell, and the green line indicates the range of the spell itself.

    Can be activated by making an autoexec.cfg text file in notepad, adding the line dota_disable_range_finder "0", and putting it in the Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg folder.

    Edit: You can also add these lines:

    bind "leftarrow" "say_team miss top"

    bind "rightarrow" "say_team miss bottom"

    bind "downarrow" "say_team miss mid"

    bind "uparrow" "say_team re"

    Function should be obvious. This is why I love the Source engine.

  8. Veno is one of the strongest laners in the game and he counters solo mid melee heroes super hard if you max poison sting first. Also a great pusher and ganker.

    If anyone has about an hour of time to kill, do yourself a favor and watch this game (Second game of the dreamhack finals), it's very back and forth and averages 2 kills per minute for a good amount of time (4 kills before the creeps even spawn).

    In other news, I finally manned up and played Tinker in a real game (always worried about ending up in a less than optimal lane with heroes like that), but ended up with like a 10 min Boots of Travel and a 13/4/13 score at the end. :<

  9. RhreX.png

    If this is true, that would be fucking AMAZING.

    -wtf mode is a gamemode without cooldowns or mana costs on any of the skills. If that sounds completely ridiculous, that's because it is.

  10. The Dreamhack Winter Dota 2 event is being streamed here. Been a pretty good watch so far, Luminous (the caster) has some great competitive insight.

    E: Also,

    made me laugh. I gotta say though, the community has been relatively tame so far, much better than what I expected.
  11. I've been watching

    and find them pretty amusing. He's quite bad at the game (especially in the earlier videos), but he just has such a cheerful attitude about everything that it doesn't really matter.
  12. Oh btw, to enable right-click deny, you have to create a text file called autoexec.cfg and add the line "dota_force_right_click_attack 1" (without the quotes) to it. Then put it in your Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg folder.

    Can't explain why, but I get lost in HoN ALL the time, and it's been much less of a problem for me in Dota 2.

    The giant GPS arrow that points to where your hero is when they're offscreen certainly helps. :<

  13. I've said it before in this thread but damn those trees are hard to use properly. You should see that as an incentive to build Force Staff on Bloodseeker though!

    E: Yeah we've had some stomps in our favor today, seems like the influx of new testers has a lot of newer players as well.

  14. My issue is the inclusion of a lot of archaic elements that could have easily been done away with. For example not having your own character autoselected after a right click into open space or a self cast button or something like a quick scoreboard button.

    Literally every single one of these things is in the game. :P

    \ is the default scoreboard button, but can be bound to whatever you want. If you click on an uncontrollable unit (to check items or mana for example) and rightclick after that, it goes back to your hero. Items can be self-cast by doubletapping the hotkey, and there's an option to turn this on for abilities as well (for example tapping W,W with omniknight will cast Repel on yourself).

    It's also possible to turn off auto-attacking, or turn on right-click deny as well. This game is a lot more polished than you're giving it credit for.

    The courier is better than in HoN because the 'drop off items' button also makes the courier go back automatically so it's literally one less button press. The additional hotkeys are there so you can retrieve everything in your stash with a single button (in HoN you have to move each item manually). It will also automatically assemble items for you that it drops off, even if you have a full inventory, so you don't have to juggle items if you have a courier coming with recipe components.

    I feel like you need to play a bit more to get a feel for the graphics. For me personally this was the easiest game in the genre to get into graphicswise, and it really feels like the designers pay a lot of attention to things like color saturation and how it relates to screen clutter. A lot of the heroes are very detailed, with vibrant colors and outlines, while the terrain generally consists of a subdued brown/grey or a light green. I guess the size variation (and how creeps are sometimes taller than your hero) can be confusing, but it's also pretty damn cool to see a huge towering Strength hero like Doombringer compared to fast assassin types like Riki.

  15. I personally kinda like the shop (especially the quick-buy mechanic), but it is a bit backwards in some respects. Controlling the courier and assembling item recipes is fortunately a lot better than in HoN.

  16. For the love of fuck. DON'T make the mistake of thinking that this will just 'blow over' or anything like that. Don't rely on Obama to veto it if a big majority of congress lets it through (not saying that he wouldn't, but it's better to be on the safe side).

    This is some scary fucking shit (in the sense that it could easily be interpreted as a means to shut down this site for example), and I urge all you USers to like, write an e-mail or even make a call to your senators/reps and explain to them how this is a bad idea, how it's unconstitutional, etc.

    At least sign the petition in the OP. If there ever was a time to get politically active in the US, this is it.

    E: Honestly, this kind of thing makes me wonder if it would be possible to get some laws in place to severely restrict corporate lobbies and donations, because this shit is getting way out of hand.

  17. Added you on steam.

    Also I was totally wrong about the new hero. it's

    , who's at least a lot more interesting than Bane Elemental.

    E: And I've already blown myself up like three times because I'd wait for the timer on his stun to run out like I would in DotA.

  18. Rampage was originally a port of Spirit Breaker in DotA, but since his rework they're pretty different. The movement speed= damage and bash passives are still more or less the same, but Spirit Breakers charge is way better. His ult is kind of a souped up blink strike (same as what Rampage had before his rework). Rampages current ult is almost exactly the same as Batriders, but the rest of Batriders kit is more like Chipper than anything else.

    Bottom line is that they're both still really good pubstompers.

  19. That's great, congrats! Looking forward to playing later. Did you receive additional invites? If you haven't promised those to anyone else, maybe you could invite some more OCR people.

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