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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. I disagree with the legions of people who say Amnesia was super duper scary. It had atmosphere, that's for sure, but the monsters were such an anti-climax.

    That's because nothing a game designer can come up with is a match for the shit that the human psyche imagines when they're hearing scary noises in the dark. I think the monster designs would be an anti-climax no matter what, especially with that amount of build-up.

  2. I gotta question the whole realism of having a thirst meter since you could realistically scoop up a handful of snow and stuff it in your mouth.

    Granted you might contract a few diseases from it, but dying of thirst in a land thats basically covered in water seems pretty silly to me!

  3. Dragons are 'weaker' than shit like giants, dragon mages and high level draugr because they're basically mandatory enemies, while most of the harder enemies are kinda optional (you certainly won't get jumped by a draugr scourge when walking into riverwood or anything)

  4. Haha yeah that's okay. I haven't been playing that much either because of Skyrim and the lack of people to play with, I just thought it was cool that Derrit seems to be enjoying the game so much.

    E: I managed to acquire an extra key so I gave it to Donut cause he's had to carry me in HoN a lot.

  5. Heh, at least you're making good use of your invite. You have like what, 80 hours played by now or something?

    On a related note, it seems like they're sending out invites daily now (with the latest wave having been sent out just now), so I think we'll hopefully have some more OCR people getting their invites any day now.

  6. Well, level 16 rearm takes 1 second, and the disable you get from sheepstick lasts for 3.5 seconds. Even lategame there aren't many heroes that can survive getting disabled for 10~ seconds and eating your nuke combo three times, that's where his main 1v1 strength comes from.

    He doesn't really carry in the conventional sense. I think you can kinda compare it to Master Yi in LoL: he just sidepushes way too fast for the enemy team to ignore, and is too strong to take down in a 1v1, so you force the enemy team to play very defensively.

    E: also, fifth wave of invites went out. If nobody else has gotten in so far I must have had some god tier luck to get in with the first wave.

  7. If you have a really good start with Tinker (like, you get your boots of travel about 15-20 minutes in) you should consider building a Manta Style instead of going straight for Sheepstick. Manta adds a decent amount of DPS and makes your pushing even better because of the illusions, and you can spam it almost constantly with rearm.

    When you get your sheepstick after that, you're basically unkillable by anything less than a 3v1, and the enemy team can never really commit to a push as long as you're alive because you can instantly teleport to an empty lane and counterpush.

    He's a really cool hero overall, definitely one of my favorites.

  8. Invite wave 4 went out, keep checking dem e-mails.

    I gotta say, the global mute mechanic really seems to work, or maybe it's just coincidence. Lost all three of my games today but overall I still had a good amount of fun, and there was next to no whining from pub teammates.

  9. Yeah I agree that there is some overlap, but there's still a pretty big distinction here. I believe that you can appreciate the games graphics for how effective they are at portraying gritty nordic Lord of the Rings style environments, while at the same time disliking that particular visual style.

  10. There's nothing wrong with a dark fantasy game. But everyone seems to be praising the graphics of Skyrim and I really don't see anything about them that makes them special.

    There's good and bad things. The environments can be very pretty, and the changing weather contributes a lot to it (the pic you posted is during a snowstorm, that's why everything seems kinda dark, here's a good example of a shot in daylight.

    The character models are so-so, definitely a step up from Oblivion, but they still look kinda awkward, especially in terms of animations.

    Then there's some locations (mostly underground, but also a few places on the map) that are just gross drab brown and make you feel like you're playing Fallout 3 again.

    You also have to make clear whether you're criticizing the graphics quality itself, or the aesthetics of the game. The former is actually kind of objective (can be measured by the amount of polygons used, etc.), while the latter is purely subjective. I believe that most people actually refer to the graphics quality when they're praising skyrim, while you seem to be hung up on the aesthetic aspects (desaturated colors etc.)

  11. According to Reddit/other forums, the third wave of invites is going out right now. Not as an e-mail but as a steam popup.

    AFAIK Warlock is a decent support but he's extremely teamfight focused, since 3 of his skills are supposed to be used on multiple opponents. It's pretty funny that he can summon up to 4 golems with his ult if you get both Aghanims and Refresher Orb on him.

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