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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. Are you kidding? I was arguing FOR CC. In a way I think it's a good thing that an enemy team can shut me down despite being farmed up as hell, by being well coordinated (i.e. not focusing the tanks). I was more annoyed by the fact that my team couldn't do the same to their Kat despite certainly having the means to do so. If you nerf CC you indirectly buff every single AD carry and in doing so you move the game more towards boring farm-centric PvE. Flash already allows people to make ridiculous positioning errors and get away safely, so if anything CC should be buffed.
  2. God, just had the dumbest game ever. I was playing Caitlyn against a really weak top lane (Tryndamere/Xin) and completely dominating, so at ~15 mins I was at 5 kills and had Berserker's boots, 2x Dorans Blade, and a Bloodthirster. I'm also the only one warding on our team, but early teamfights end up in our favor and we get down the mid inhibitor tower relatively early. Then I start to get focused down in teamfights, despite having plenty of initiation support in the form of Cho'Gath and Sion (who aren't really doing their jobs). The worst thing is that the enemy Katarina is constantly owning us because she had an easy time soloing mid against Malzahar (?) and for some reason she never gets interrupted out of her ult. To make matters worse, it's not like our team is exactly starving for CC, since even between Sion, Cho and Malz they have 5 ways of interrupting channels. So then we lose and I end up at 11/4/15, which is probably the best score I've had in a losing game so far.
  3. You can also just not bother denying anything and still not be much worse for wear in like the 1500~ bracket.
  4. The early access thing is really stupid. From what I've heard monkey king is borderline overpowered at the moment so it's basically pay to win at this point.
  5. This game just went free to play, so don't hesitate to try it out.
  6. Yeah the first gen had some amazing designs.. They've really let themselves go since then.
  7. Soraka is probably the best support and even then as an AD carry I'd prefer Lux or Morgana in my lane because of their CC and damage output. There's also champions like Alistar or Taric, who babysit ranged AD carries all day with their heal, can easily pick up kills inlane, and need a minimum of items to tank, initiate and CC in teamfights.
  8. Morgana is such an amazing champion. Constant mass AoE damage, long range snare, arguably the best shield spell in the game, and an ult that can turn teamfights. She also really easily snowballs from babysit/support into AP carry, farms amazingly well, and can push down towers relatively quickly.
  9. Feel like I'm finally getting the hang of Nidalee. She's tricky because of the high APM requirement and the complete lack of CC, but she's excellent at ganks and has an insanely strong heal. I feel like I do best if I can get a 1v2 lane with a jungler on our team.
  10. I think Tier 3 runes only really matter for Junglers and Akali. Akali has a passive that gives her bonus attack damage if she has more than 20 AP, and spell vamp if she has more than 10 AD. With the right runes you can get both of these bonuses without any items which makes a pretty big difference. As for junglers, it usually makes the difference between being able to take blue at level 1 or not.
  11. I am looking forward to DotA 2 actually. I know that gameplaywise it's supposed to be a carbon copy of the original DotA (and HoN as well, minus the HoN exclusive heroes), and I have full confidence that if there's one company that can make the genre attractive to casual players, it'd be Valve.
  12. That's true I guess. Gauntlet looked amazingly fun to play on paper when he came out (around the time that HoN went retail) but it took several months to actually balance him out.
  13. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/patch-preview-100122 New patch incoming. Looks like they're reworking Tryndamere, and more importantly getting rid of the global coverage on TF ult.
  14. I think they are planning on making red buff haste you instead of giving your attacks a slow orb which sounds like a decent plan actually.
  15. Red Buff is definitely the biggest problem/advantage of jungling though. It's not that it allows a wider variety of characters to jungle but it's basically the equivalent of an earlygame frostwolf skull which is insane for ganking. The benefits of having a champion constantly MIA, combined with the fact that wards last shorter and have a smaller line of sight is a way bigger factor than the viability of 1v2 lanes in LoL vs HoN. 1v2 lanes in LoL aren't a guaranteed win like you're implying, despite LoL being a bit better at countering towerdives. It's not like you can succesfully 1v2 lane a champion like Tryndamere if you're up against something like Alistar/Caitlyn. Not dying in a 1v2 lane doesn't necessarily mean anything if you lose out on XP and farm because of zoning. In fact, the current trilane metagame in HoN exists exactly for the reason that 1v2 lanes there are so viable: if a 1/1/3 setup plays against a 2/1/2 setup, the carry in the trilane will get insanely fed as a trilane just walks all over the dual lane, while the 1v2 role can be performed by almost any ranged hero. Also, Shaman is like, never used in high level games. Typical sidelane solos are Hellbringer, Plague Rider, Slither, Wildsoul, Hag and Pharaoh.
  16. Well, one thing I've come to dislike about this game is how seemingly overpowered jungling is. Two champions get solo xp, red buff is insanely powerful earlygame, and having a champion on your team who's constantly MIA and ready to gank is just a huge advantage period. I don't recall ever losing a game where I jungled and the enemy team was 212, and the only time when it wasn't a complete stomp was when they actually went out of their way to gank me early on. On the other hand, a jungling gangplank on the enemy team completely dominated us earlier when we had a standard 212 setup.
  17. Maybe I'm just biased because Heroes of Newerth is releasing a monkey king hero as well soon, whose skills look way more fun (He can jump across enemy heroes' heads, smash the ground to create a mountain that he can jump off from, and his ult gives him a flying mount)
  18. The skillset looks kinda boring to me tbh. Most of the skills have appeared in some form on other champions already.
  19. http://www.leagueoflegends.com/news/new-free-champion-rotation-week-54 Free Champions for this week. Morde es #1 and Rumble in every game are going to be the end of me.
  20. Sona goes down in a few hits too, that's really not an advantage she has over Soraka. The main difference is that Sona has AoE CC with her ult, but Soraka outheals her by so much that it's not even funny. Soraka has a massive 1.3 AP growth on her ult which means that if you get a few AP items you can heal your entire team for like ~800 HP which is pretty much gamebreaking. I believe she provides superior lane sustainability as well because her third skill replenishes mana too, and not just HP. You shouldn't be in the front in teamfights as any of those champions anyway, as you're probably the priority target, so you position yourself to make the enemies have to go through your entire team first before they reach you. I gotta reiterate my love for Nocturne by the way. He's basically Sandwraith (Similar first skill and ult) but way way more focused around ganking than carrying.
  21. Yeah I don't really agree with any of those. Shen should be a lot lower than Rammus because he has shit for DPS, and Corki is one of the best ranged AD carries.
  22. Yeah but she's also a melee support without any hard CC so there are plenty of better alternatives.
  23. No, it's something that can be done with almost any competitive game. Basically you divide champions into different tiers depending on how viable they are. Like, Evelynn and Kayle would be somewhere low, but Annie and Ashe would be pretty high up.
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