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Everything posted by Tensei
It might just be something that was borked by the update rather than a problem with the server itself. I can probably just sit it out until they come up with a hotfix or something. Thanks for going through the trouble anyway.
Has the server not been updated yet or something? I haven't been able to log in all day.
People who run the OCAD server, would it be possible to post an image of the entire map using this? I doubt it would be spoiling much since most of it has already been discovered, but it would be neat to see the big picture.
You will never achieve that kind of sound with synthesis. Sampled stuff like Shreddage or Prominy LPC can get you a lot closer. The 'unique' guitar sound is just caused by downtuning.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovBNnm4EqRE It doesnt get much closer to banging trash cans together than this. Actually I'm pretty sure that's what the
On a scale from St. Anger to 10, what would you rate this snare sound. Speaking of this + St. Anger, I did troll nekofrog once by putting the St. Anger blastbeat in one of his songs.
Sometimes, when I'm feeling really frisky, I go up to 500 Hz.
An indistinct wall of sound in the low-mid end of the frequency spectrum, generally caused by reverb, multiple instruments fighting for the same frequency, etc. Boost as much as possible with a notch EQ with a reasonably narrow Q, and move it around in the 150-400 Hz area to get a feeling for what it sounds like.
The Flintstones was fucking atrocious. It's a prime example of how there's always been cartoons that just flat out sucked. Also You are everything that is wrong with this world.
I think speaking out against music piracy is something that really shouldn't be relevant in this day and age anymore. It's basically an inevitability, so the best way to deal with it is to suck it up and consider that it'll at least help you get more exposure. I've seen my own stuff up on torrent sites but it really isn't worth it to go after it. There are fortunately still plenty of people who are willing to pay for music.
I think this point is flawed thinking in the first place, no matter whether it's applied to composition or sound design. In terms of composition, it only applies if you don't even have a basic idea of what you want to write, so you spend more time experimenting with different sample banks than actually putting down music. In this case, sure, maybe it would be beneficial to be limited to only one instrument sound, but I don't think this is the right mindset to be writing music anyway. If you have a clear idea of what you're going to write, but you find that your samples aren't adequate to play what you envision, wouldn't you say that this limitation actually hampers your creativity? I know that I definitely get bummed out if something like this happens to me, and in this case I definitely wish for fewer 'limitations' (i.e. access to better samples). This applies similarly to sound design. If you don't know what sound you want, you'll just spend time messing around with the various settings on the synth, and nothing might come of it. If, on the other hand you have a clear goal of the sound you're aiming for, this, again, can get hampered by the fact that the synth isn't versatile enough, or that the oscillators are of insufficient quality. When you say that synthesizers aren't capable of generating 'beautiful' sounds, that implies an inherent inferiority when compared to other instruments that are capable of it.
WRESTLING FORUMS? Okay, that does it, this bitch is going down.
It's not even a 'synth-lover' thing. I don't make synthesizer based music at all but even I can acknowledge that they can be just as expressive as acoustic or sampled instruments. How does saying that synthesizers as an instrument can sound as beautiful as acoustic instruments make me a 'synth-lover' in any way? Your limitations= creativity argument (which I think is an incredibly stupid point anyway, but that aside) is generally applied to composition, NOT sound design. I also believe it's important to draw a line between physical modelling and run of the mill subtractive synthesis. While physically modelled instruments generally won't be as convincing as high-quality sample libraries, they can definitely hold their own against cheaper sample libraries. As for other types of sound design; does your assertion that synths are inherently inferior to acoustic instruments mean that you consider electronic music to generally be inferior to other types of music as well? I can think of plenty synthesizer-centric songs that I would consider 'beautiful'.
Most of her songs just sound like midi rips, with shitty (but at least consistently shitty) samples, so I dunno. I definitely can't recognize any of her 'remixes' as direct plagiarism. Anyway, just harass her youtube channel or something.
As cheesy as they tend to be, I think certain well-programmed synth pad sounds can sound really beautiful, in the sense that a string section can sound beautiful. There's also something really visceral about sweeping filters on really any synth sound (especially if controlled manually) that can't really be recreated with any acoustic instruments (unless you're using filters as an insert effect on an acoustic instrument track which is weird, and also cheating), and between that and controllable vibrato, ring modulation, phasing, and what not, I think the sounds can be as expressive as you want them to. With the amazing versatility of most synths, I think the limit to the 'beauty' of a synth sound is moreso ones own ability to program sounds, rather than anything inherent to synthesizers.
Yes, keep on being a condescending dumpass please. Nintendo has launched the most first-party franchises out of any of the major console developers, even if you're only looking at the Wii/DS lifecycles. Nintendogs, Wii Sports/Play have all been very succesful, casual or not. If you're such a gogdamn genius, tell me why you never see people going like "HMMM I SURE WISH MICROSOFT WOULD LAUNCH A NEW FRANCHISE", even in the relevant threads.
Then why are they not complaining about Sony/Microsoft not being inventive enough? The problem isn't Nintendo not being inventive enough, it's that the majority of the quality games on recent Nintendo consoles are first/second-party. I think that if the Wii had some well-established third party franchises people would be complaining a lot less about having to play another Zelda/Mario game.
That's my point. People whine about Nintendo not being inventive enough with first-party franchises, but what are they actually comparing it to?
Pretty sure that Nintendo has more succesful first-party videogame franchises than both Sony and Microsoft combined, even if you leave out 'casual' games like Wii Sports (which have been extremely succesful nonetheless) People just have kind of a double standard because there's such a lack of good third party franchises on Nintendo consoles compared to the competitors.
I would buy 10 casual shovelware games with the new console if it meant we'd be getting a console sequel to F-zero GX.
Oh I used those terms interchangeably. I noticed that in Zebra 2 it is called 'Glide' as well, what's the actual difference?
What you're referring to can be achieved through two seperate, if somewhat overlapping techniques: - Portamento: depending on your Synth VST there'll probably be some knob marked something like Port., Portamento, or even Portamento Time. If you have your synth set to Legato play, increasing Portamento will cause the overlapping notes to 'glide' into each other. - Pitch Bending: If you have a MIDI keyboard hooked up, the pitch wheel should automatically be mapped to alter the pitch of the tone. If not, you can access channel settings by left clicking on a channel, and using the knob marked 'Pitch' at the top. It can be automated by right-clicking it and selecting 'Edit Events'