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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. I haven't even tried out all champions yet, so I don't know. Stuff like Annie is definitely up there though.
  2. He has the extending staff and a cloud he can fly on. I'm fully expecting his jokes to be some kind of Dragonball/DBZ references, since Riot doesn't seem to mind throwing in some animu (Lux, Ezreal).
  3. Alright, I think I've tried out most champions, and I have to say my favorites so far are Lux, Morgana, Nocturne and Ezreal. Stuff with skillshots is basically awesome. Champions I feel very meh about are Kayle, Garen, Cassiopeia, Twitch, Evelynn and Katarina.
  4. Her AP growth is bad so she can't do much other than tanking (like 0.3 or 0.4 on all her non-ultimate skills). She is strong in early-mid because of her CC, the innate damage on her skills, and the tankiness of her second skill but I wouldn't say that she's overpowered. If Leona is overpowered then Amumu and Alistar must be completely godlike.
  5. Related to the decision making aspect, map awareness is another huge factor. This goes beyond simply being aware of MIAs, and is really essential for stuff like baiting and decisions on whether you should get out of a fight or hang in there because you know that help is on the way.
  6. Hey prophet, a something I noticed when we were laning was that you didn't really make use of Alistar tanking for you. Basically what would happen was that I'd get in a scuffle with either Rammus or Morgana, you'd fire a few potshots, and then start running back, leaving me to die. When we're at the point where they're focusing on me, you need to do your thing and start pelting them with arrows while running back in between your attacks so they basically get punished for chasing, and we can set up a possible turn-around if they overextend. No hard feelings or anything, just a pointer. It's usually better to be safe than sorry, but you should be a bit ballsier inlane and not hesitate to harass with auto-attacks if anything gets in range.
  7. What. How is this even a thing? You can't really make a blanket statement like that because a $2000 Martin will probably be set up way better than a $100 Fender Squier, but overall I'm pretty sure that electric guitars will have a thinner neck, lower action, etc. than similarly priced acoustics, consequently making them 'easier' to play on.
  8. There's an update right now, and it looks like Leona finally got in. She feels pretty solid from a practice game, simple but effective with good synergy.
  9. I normally really don't mind who gets the kill, but in this case that 300 gold can make a huge difference when you're jungling. 's all good though, it was a good game.
  10. You don't see her on every team because similarly to HoN, most people just LOVE to play hard carries without any CC. That said, I really enjoyed playing Nocturne though the ult definitely took some time to get used to. It basically does the same thing as TDLs old ult (i.e. global darkness), but it also gives you the ability to blinkstrike towards an enemy within a very generous range. He kinda fills a similar role as Twisted Fate in the sense that he can basically appear out of nowhere.
  11. http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=958111 Apparently they're going to completely rework stealth for balance purposes, which sounds pretty neat! In other news I had a great Alistar game where I went 4/6/36 with 57 kills total on our team. That means that only 17 kills were made without me being involved.
  12. I figure the main thing that threw me off earlygame yesterday was the nerf to Rumble's Q; I was putting out a lot less damage than I was used to.
  13. The patch notes for the next patch are up btw, and it looks like Kog'Maw is getting some buffs.
  14. I think it's partially because of the cost/easy buildup, and partially because of the shorter range of abilities overall. You can't really pop someone's veil without getting in relatively close and getting initiated upon. There are only a handful of non-ultimate/low CD abilities that can cover somewhat longer range (Nidalee's javelin perhaps), but there's nothing comparable to Aluna's Power Throw or Pharaoh's Tormented Soul which can easily project AoE damage with a fast projectile over a huge range.
  15. Veil is pretty much the best defensive item though. You can't really directly compare items to HoN despite it being a similar game because the mechanics are still pretty different. Consider that 10~ seconds of complete magic immunity like Shrunken Head provides would be completely broken in LoL.
  16. Yeah, that's what I meant. It's balanced by the fact that it takes good coordination to 'chain' your stuns to make the most out of them instead of blowing them all at the same time. Sure, it's annoying if you're the guy who gets focused down and blown up before he can even do anything in a teamfight, or if you get ganked, but nerfing CC as a whole would unnecessarily buff carries by letting them get away from ganks, and survive getting focused in a teamfight. Any change that makes ganking less desirable would be a bad one IMO. The importance of CC gets underlined by how popular and imbalanced Banshee's Veil is at the moment.
  17. Uhhhh, I don't really see the problem with that. It's already balanced in the sense that if you actually stack on two stuns at the same time, the overlapping durations will technically cause one of the stuns to be a waste. E: Unless there is some mechanic that I'm unaware of that actually adds up stun durations (i.e. a hero gets stunned from two different sources at the same time for 2 and 1 seconds, which results in a 3 second stun)
  18. Had my first few games with Flash and it's really a lot better on most heroes than something like Ghost, so yeah, it's probably overpowered. It wouldn't be bad to see it go, or see it on an item, because portal key/blink dagger is actually one of the most balanced items in HoN/DotA imo. Also got to play AP Teemo as solo mid for the first time and it really rocked.
  19. Yeah that was a good game. Despite playing a support (Morgana) I completely forgot about wards until like halfway through the game, but at least we won so it's all good.
  20. Actually I think the most annoying difference for me is that in HoN ganking is way more rewarding, making for a more active game. I played a game of LoL a few days ago with a few people from here, and I was LeBlanc soloing mid. Now in HoN, the XP rewards for hero kills are such that leaving your lane and ganking a sidelane succesfully will generally put you ahead of a guy who just stays in lane and farms (unless that guy is Soulstealer). It's possible to pretty much win the game for your team by soloing mid with a strong semi-carry, ganking all over the place to secure a level and gold advantage, and snowball from there. Back in LoL, I was at something like 10/1 kd by the time midgame rolled around, but the Vlad I was laning against was ahead of me in levels, despite having nowhere near the same amount of kills. I ended the game at 15/8ish because I was relatively ineffective in teamfights and hadn't secured an early-game advantage for my team at all. I'm not saying that allowing heroes to snowball is good game design in and of itself but I do believe that early-game performance should have some bearing on the rest of the game.
  21. The game feels slower because it IS. Compare the movement speeds, ability ranges, etc. Not necessarily a bad thing though, but it gives the game a very different feel. Also, zircon, some heroes in LoL tend to have conflicting abilities because they're either meant to be played as hybrids (with items like Guinsoo's Rageblade, which provides both AD and AP) or simply to give you multiple options for an item build. That's why a lot of guides use the AD and AP prefixes to distinguish between the options.
  22. I think for a mixing computer it really depends on how demanding your sample libraries are. A fast HDD, a good amount of RAM and a non-bottleneck Processor should be the priority. Stuff like a GPU can be completely skimped on and shave off like $200 if it really is intended exclusively for mixing. For reference, I recently upgraded to 16 gb ram and an i7-2600 and I still haven't gotten anywhere near maxing it out even with all of LASS, Superior 2.0 with full bleed on, etc.
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