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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. Why would you choose this section in particular to address in such a condescending and sarcastic manner? I tried to illustrate that it's not nearly as black/white of an issue as you seem to want it to be, there's really no reason to respond as vilely as that. Let me repeat an in my opinion much more important section of that post, so you could possibly address it: I am not bothered by people pirating my music, so I actually don't understand the mindset that condemns piracy. Putting aside the fact that you are making assumptions about my income, what you are getting at is that percentagewise, software gets pirated more than music? I'm curious to see if that's true.
  2. My point with the whole "My stuff gets pirated as well" was to make clear that I have a really hard time getting into the mindset of people who WOULD mind it. Because I really don't mind. I don't see why you are trying to polarize/strawman the discussion so much. In the last few months I have spent ~1k $ on music software, and even more on hardware stuff. It's not like I'm making my music without any investment from my side whatsoever. I also don't understand why you're lashing out at Rozovian of all people who's asking you some neutral questions about what you would consider good countermeasures to piracy.
  3. First off, you are a horrible person for comparing internet piracy to actual rape. In fact, calling me a rapist (as well as your other insult flinging) is not only incredibly childish, but ignorant as well. Did you not read how I am well aware that my music gets pirated as well? So by your logic, I'm getting 'raped' too. (Even though I don't see it that way) I think your posts do not contribute anything at all to this thread seeing as they mostly seem centered around demonizing me rather than making a relevant point. The way zircon phrased his arguments has a way better chance of convincing me of his point of view than your posts, so I suggest you take some inspiration from that. Need I remind you that your ad hominem fallacy doesn't make my point any less valid (i.e. why resort to personal attacks in a discussion thread?) I can be a smoker and still say smoking's bad for you, right?
  4. I think graphics actually do play a significant role in the enjoyment of a game. The Witcher 2 is a perfect example because while it's very solid gameplay and storywise, the almost next-gen graphics really help push it over the edge and immerse you in the setting. I also don't get the complaints about the wiimote+nunchuck because waggle gimmick aside, being able to move your hands independently of each other is like the most comfortable thing ever to me. Overall, I think Nintendo might be on to something here. As it is, the Wii U will most likely have about 2 years of free reign over the console market and lure in the 'hardcore' console crowd with better graphics and a bunch of solid third party franchises. Once Sony and Microsoft get their successors going, the Wii U will probably fall behind in technical terms, but will have a chance to once again profile itself as the cheapest console with a lot of appeal to casual gamers.
  5. So it comes down to the sympathy argument? I mean, I see where people are coming from, I just disagree with it. I don't feel any worse for pirating music from a bedroom studio indie musician than from a big music label and the same thing extends to software.
  6. 'Joris'? 'Hides away in Holland'? ( that's not the country name btw.) So much for mature discussion I guess, let's switch to personal attacks. VV Whether or not I know someone personally doesn't actually matter to me, it's just that it was brought up as a sticking point that I should feel sorry for these people because they're the same as I am or something, so I refuted that. It wasn't my main argument for why I'd pirate it by any means. And yeah, Dew mentioned music piracy. I know for a fact that my music gets pirated a shitton, but I don't even really bother going after it, because hey, that's just how it is. How come music piracy seems much more socially acceptable than software piracy?
  7. I'm not a game composer, and I don't even know the guy. What is this fallacy called again, appeal to pity?
  8. It's a discontinued product. I have no interest in the non-lite version, because, as mentioned, it's outside of my price range. If they hadn't discontinued the lite version, I would have bought it, but since they did, I'll have to acquire it some other way.
  9. Oh, yeah, about discontinued stuff: Tonehammer recently discontinued the lite version of their Requiem VSTi (it's a choir sample library), which was about $300 iirc. They now only have the standard version which has multiple mic positions and a few more soloists, but is like twice the price of the lite version. I was actually planning on buying the lite version until they discontinued it. $630 on a VST that isn't even that versatile (not as much as acoustic drums, string sections, etc.) is just way beyond my price range, so I pirated the lite version and use it from time to time. I think the piracy is justified in this case.
  10. I pirate pretty much everything initially. Why? Because I see no reason to drop $400 on an intricately sampled Kazoo VSTi if I'm only going to use it for one song that I won't be selling anyway. I often find it hard to judge whether I will end up using a particular VST over a longer period of time, which is why I usually end up giving programs 'test runs' over several weeks. Once I notice that I'm using stuff like Sample Modeling Brass and LASS in every other song, I have no issues with paying for it. I think similarly to Steam, music programs would benefit from a centralized online distribution platform that handles DRM and downloading/installing by itself because honestly, I think a lot of the piracy stems from the fact that it's often just plainly more convenient to hit up pirate bay and apply a crack than having to handle whatever draconian DRM the developer comes up with (though NI service center is pretty good in this regard).
  11. This is wrong. If I record a live performance on a midi piano and run it through Ivory I'm still technically 'running midi through stuff', but it will sound quite realistic. You're forgetting that stuff like velocities, expression etc. are all midi data too.
  12. FL Studio definitely is capable of creating realisting sounding music by the use of VSTis. As for the terminology, you're pretty much correct about the definitions of a sequencer and synthesizer. A sampler in this context fits more or less the same role as a synthesizer, but the difference is that where a synthesizers sound is basically created from the ground up through the manipulation of raw sound waves (also known as sound design), a sampler uses pre-recorded phrases (a.k.a. Samples). A mixer, at least in the context of software music production is the interface that allows you to 'mix' the tracks together by balancing their volume levels, panning, applying effects, etc. If we're looking at the architecture of FL studio specifically, the chain basically goes Sequencer/Piano Roll->VSTi (Which can be a synthesizer or a sampler or whatever)-> Mixer To elaborate: you input raw midi data in the Sequencer/Piano Roll, which will then get 'played' by whatever Virtual Instrument you have assigned to that track. Consequently it's possible, and generally advisable to route this track into the mixer so you can apply effects to it, etc.
  13. It bothers me more in music itself. And also the fact that I've been conditioned to see maximized volume levels and relatively heavy compression as a desirable quality in production.
  14. Gotcha, record my cat walking across my midi piano= japanese dissonance.
  15. Ummmmm, helloooo: every piece of music written before the release of FL studio was just using inferior methods like sheet music and 8-track recorders as an FL Studio surrogate because the world wasn't ready for FL Studio proper yet.
  16. Let's try putting that in a sentence. "I think your mix could do with some more Japanese Dissonance. Adding a few shamisens playing parallel tritones would really jazz things up." or "Good use of Japanese Dissonance, I think if Schönberg played koto it would basically sound like this." ...yeah, I got nothing.
  17. fuck that im more interested in hearing what this 'japanese dissonance' is
  18. On the other hand, shitty samples can be extremely limiting, especially if you want to spend more time actually making music instead of trying to polish a turd.
  19. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh fiiiiiiiiine i want a vsti with a sampled black gospel choir with the same amount of control like The Trumpet or most other Sample Modeling VSTis have.
  20. I would think it takes more than 2 days to actually build up all the more complicated stuff (flooding hell comes to mind).
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