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Shonen Samurai

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Everything posted by Shonen Samurai

  1. People who have tier 1+ are going to have a much, much easier time in the new instances than people who don't. THAT'S why you want to run them. Plus, with level 70 friends...you really CAN farm Molten Core. How's that for free epix?
  2. They are. source? also, does anybody know anything about the new talents yet? Haha, "source"
  3. "Raid Or Die" died.
  4. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3152830 Bomb. Shell.
  5. I don't think it's because they're a "magical race." What High Elf units do you remember that were melee, besides Spellbreakers (which were barely that)? I can anticipate your next argument: Gnome warriors! There's no previous stuff not to back that up, though. Besides: if you had to choose between Blood Elves having hunters (long lore history of archery, Rangers, Sylvanas) or a warrior (no noted history), which would you take? Which would you bitch more about? Would you prefer they took away warlocks? Mages? Rogues make perfect sense, the whole society is drug-addicted and shady as fuck.
  6. HAHHAHAHA. The best part by far was the chatlog. Great machinima.
  7. Ysera (PVE) - Ashenbra 60 Human Rogue
  8. [Orcish] kek
  9. BC is gonna be hot. There are so many small-group instances to do, you can go right from 55 into the xpac content. ugh so excited
  10. WHO'S WITH ME -shonen -suzu -zircon
  11. Read the lore. It isn't like Blood Elf Paladins are Light-devoted crusaders. They're sapping the Light from an unwilling source and using it to their advantage without any of the beliefs Paladins have. LAWL UDNEAD + PALIDAN??1
  12. This is fantastic news. All that this means is that now the classes can be balanced without having to be each others' counterpart or the definition of their faction. Good, good news. I for one welcome our new shaman overlords.
  13. I know what you meant You have to understand, I'm used to perusing the entirely ridiculous WoW forums and taking every know-it-all request/demand with a bucket of vitriol (despite my best efforts). I tend not to reply to things there, although I sort of can't get into why. But I do defend Blizzard for a reason.
  14. Yeah. It'll be an easy expansion. Just add more classes. Hahahaha.
  15. Yeah, most likely. It's almost 2007. Were you expecting a second expansion in 6 months?
  16. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-general&t=9126000&s=blizzard&tmp=1#blizzard
  17. really? that's funny... if it was de-nerfed why is it still live on PTR and still in the patch notes? Check the latest blue post on the shaman forums and quit the QQ.
  18. The point of that is to make it so Sub rogues aren't gimped in AP.
  19. Goddammit, he took it back. It doesn't stack. DRYYYYSSSSSSC
  20. HAHAHAHAH Yeah, okay. Tell that to raiders who can now stack Expose Armor with Sunder. TOTAL NERF RITE
  21. Hahahahaha. God, I bet you play a hunter. Second guess is a warrior.
  22. # The following talents have been removed: Improved Deadly Poison, Improved Distract, Throwing Weapon Specialization, Improved Vanish, and Rapid Concealment. # Improved Instant Poison is now "Improved Poisons" and increases your chance to apply ALL poisons by 2/4/6/8/10%. # Rapid Concealment has been merged with Camouflage, by combining these talents you not only get a great talent to start off the tree, but obviously it frees up a number of points to be spent elsewhere. # Murder will now also apply to all finishing moves. The benefit this will provide to output and attack combinations is fairly straightforward. # Vile Poisons now gives your poisons a chance to resist dispel effects, in addition to increasing poison damage. # Improved Kidney Shot has been changed, and will instead increase the damage taken by the target while they are affected by Kidney Shot. This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Kidney Shot. # Improved Sprint has been changed, and will instead have a 50/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when you activate your Sprint ability. This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Sprint. # Improved Evasion renamed to Endurance, and will add a Sprint cooldown reduction. # New talent Weapon Expertise in the Combat tree, increases your weapon skill with all melee weapons. The recovery of damage with an increased weapon skill should be a good boost to overall output. # Initiative is being reduced to a 3 point talent, but resulting in the same 75% end chance to add an additional combo point. # Elusiveness is being reduced to a 3 point talent, but resulting in the same 75 sec cooldown reduction to Evasion, Blind, and Vanish. # Ghostly Strike now has a reduced Energy cost, the reduction of Energy was enough to make it necessary to also reduce the damage output slightly. # Improved Garrotes damage reduction will be removed. This is being changed as part of an overall improvement for Garrote. # Setup is being moved higher up in the tree, becoming a 16 point talent with no prerequisites, helping move the talent in reach of specific builds. # New talent Heightened Senses in the subtlety tree, increases your Stealth detection, and reduces the chance for you to be hit by spells and ranged attacks. # Hemorrhage will be moved up in the tree to become a 21 point talent. This should help to place the ability in a more reachable position, and allow for a little more versatility with specific talent builds. # New talent Deadliness in the Subtlety tree, increases your Attack Power by a percentage. # Premeditation will have its Energy requirement removed, changed to an instant cast, and range increased. Its cooldown will remain the same. Premeditation will now be pre-reqd by Preperation. # Vanish will now remove effects that allow the caster to remain aware of the rogues presence, such as Mind Vision and Hunters Mark. # Garrote, Rupture, and Eviscerate are being increased in damage. More details to come. # Expose Armor will now reduce armor by a percentage.
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