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Shonen Samurai

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Everything posted by Shonen Samurai

  1. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-rogue&t=1271292&s=blizzard&tmp=1#blizzard Rogues got a freaking amazing review. Wooooow. Cannot WAIT for this shit.
  2. There's an issue with honor display. You have the right amount of honor in the system, just not on your UI.
  3. Near as I can tell, there've been a few realms with stability issues, but uh, buggiest patch ever? Freaking hardly. You know Blizzard, and you know that things get taken care of if you give them a little while. If they take time to work on the servers during playtime, everyone whines. If they take time to work on the servers during realm maintenance, people say that not enough work is being done. If they halt all content production to work on every bug ever, people bitch. If they halt all bug fixes to work on instances, people bitch. If they work on both at the same time, people bitch.
  4. The regular BGs will be for people who want pugs. Premades are for guilds who want to match up. Cross-Server ones will be for dream team match-ups and etc. There will be something for everyone. And that's not even taking into account the new world mass pvp objectives.
  5. If UBRS is endgame, I'm Andrew Aversa
  6. Thistle Tea shares a global cooldown with all other drinks.
  7. It really makes my day when people post things like that I'm sure Jeremy, Andrew, Steve, and Jill feel the same way.
  8. They're having the Naxx patch download early to avoid bitching on patch day. On patch day, we'll receive a small download, which will install the patch we've downloaded before.
  9. I have to train for 9 days in a row at Blizzard HQ
  10. wuts ur account#+pass??? i can fix
  11. So let's say hypothetically that a Large Gaming Company named after a cold-weather phenomenon hired me to be a GM today.
  12. My PTR guild is best in progression in Naxx (behind Death And Taxes, but they haven't done the boss we're working on yet).
  13. Larry has a shonendetta. ME YOU THE PLAYGROUNED AFTERSCHOOL
  14. I disagree! Xyco, roll on Dentarg Horde with me.
  15. Suzu: I just rolled Horde since my guy on Lothar is Alliance.
  16. I've recently rerolled with a bunch of my Lothar buddies on Dentarg. It's only a month old. I'm having a good time. If anyone wants to reroll there and join us, let me know. My warrior's name is Putrefaction.
  17. I think that was actually a mandolin sample. edit: taucerpwnt
  18. Expect improved performance in my next piece, no doubt
  19. We're finally getting to what I was hoping to hear--minor gripes (which we ourselves also have) but all in all an enjoyable track with heart.
  20. There was DJP's writeup. Thanks for the kind words. We all appreciate them.
  21. Well, that list is a little far-fetched. But I was definitely alluding to Sandopolis, Lava Reef, Ice Cap (Sonic 3 and Knuckles was the TRUE Sonic 3 ), and Hidden Palace. The chorus breakdown is spot-on, actually. PROPZ
  22. Yes, the level references are intentional. Although you can probably read more than my intended references into the lyrics. Thank you for the kind words, everyone.
  23. Ironically, the REAL Shonnen Shamurai helped me record.
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