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Fire in the Hole

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Everything posted by Fire in the Hole

  1. Super Excite is hard.
  2. You cannot argue that figures in the entertainment industry (athletes, actors, etc.) do not deserve their salaries, then turn around and play the latest video game without being a hypocrite. Entertainment on thrives because people are interested enough in it, derive enough enjoyment out of it, to throw money at those involved.
  3. Any word yet on whether the expansion will include another free month? Because if so, I'm damned itching to blow money on this over Diddy Kong Racing DS.
  4. Hero Quest was amazingly fun. Also, I'm not a particular fan of Settlers (a little too complicated to play and yet more restrictive than similar games), but Puerto Rico is great.
  5. Okay, any discussion of non-video games had damn well better approach German board games. Carcassonne is still one of the funnest games I've ever played. If you have not tried it do so.
  6. It would probably require significantly more infrastructure to sustain 300-pound guys trying to triple jump.
  7. Quite. You started it, by the way.
  8. You think I enjoyed that? I hate pretention and all that it stands for. It's only that I hate mistakenness all the more, and when there is an obvious misconception going on I have no reason to ignore it. Irony is really one of my pet peeves. There are two things wrong with your presumptuous attitude: one, my style is not "pointless B.S." that I artificially inject for the sake of elevating myself. It's simply how I roll, with minimal thought involved. It takes far greater thought for me to attempt the Jimmy/Yami Yoshi/pwb style. Two, I didn't "jump in on the discussion" to stroke my ego. If you look above, my first post was the third (not counting the catalyst) to join the conversation and only served to escalate it. That post was one of reluctance and regret (don't make me explain, I don't want to feel like a prick), but again--pet peeve. My second post was one of slight amusement, self-deprecating glibness and exasperation. P.S.: Hell, if you think that was as convoluted as an English paper then you could probably use a little boost in the intelligence department. It was easily understandable and had no subtext. Also, "Here's what," "That's irony," and I'm the only one who wrote "GCN" in the entire discussion. Great continuity.
  9. Why do you exist? 10 characters lol "Why?" would have been sufficient.
  10. The other thing is that you would expect people who refer to GCN as "GameCube" to follow a similarly lax pattern in calling Wii just "Wii," but they instead opt to spell it out as "Nintendo Wii" (or vice versa; you might expect those who refer to Wii as "Nintendo Wii" to be stringent about called GCN "Nintendo GameCube," but they have a double standard and don't). Things don't match up with probable expectations; irony is a contrast between expectation and reality. The fact that Thylacine, who professed to be providing the "real name" of the Nintendo GameCube, turned out to be incorrect is also ironic. Now I feel like a prick. Time to go read some high-brow spec fic.
  11. You must read Perdido Street Station by China Miéville.
  12. Ohhh shit. The regulars are screwed now. Wait, we still have Xelebes and Bahamut. Okay. See you around Darke.
  13. Yes. Yes it is. Now please don't ask me to explain it to you or I'll feel like a prick. Also, something made of iron would be iron.
  14. We've gotten a few shipments of Wiis and they do sell out instantly. One day I was there when we opened with a shipment of 6 PS3s and it took until 2:30 for the last one to be sold. Someone bought a 20GB and returned it not two hours later.
  15. Crap. I regret trading in Mario Kart and now I have to get Diddy Kong Racing.
  16. I strongly suggest dropping the "II" or "v3" or whatever tag you might append on the thread title when you recreate it in Offtop. There's no longer any sense in keeping a running count of reiterations, especially when we can't yet change thread titles, so just calling it "The Writers' Thread" should be sufficient. (Also, personally, I like "The Writers' Thread" better than "The Writer's Thread." The whole sense of community is implied in the former.) I'm not sure whether there's really a way to extend the competition. It depends on how strictly you take the guideline of writing within the time limit of the competition, and perhaps on whether entrants who have already submitted are allowed to take time to revise and resubmit their entries (which would likely be the case since they were mostly lost anyway).
  17. Good to hear.
  18. ctfreak42 (1:37:51 AM): hey look I am going to consult mods through the proper channels ctfreak42 (1:38:00 AM): http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6207 ctfreak42 (1:38:19 AM): I recall when decrescendo left he had a fairly large thread in gendisc about it ctfreak42 (1:38:50 AM): and there was no problem with that then. it was a community sort of thing, everyone wishing him well and having personal discussions about it. ctfreak42 (1:39:10 AM): so when did the specifications of gendisc change? silverfact99 (1:43:44 AM): The intention of Gen Disc has always been anime, music, and games... that hasn't really changed. What we're doing with the deletion of Unmod and the creation of off topic is perhaps re-focusing that silverfact99 (1:43:50 AM): Gen Disc kind of had a lot of off topic stuff silverfact99 (1:43:51 AM): in the past silverfact99 (1:44:14 AM): Much like PPR was created to keep certain kinds of threads out of gen disc silverfact99 (1:44:27 AM): Additionally, tonight is something of a special case silverfact99 (1:44:50 AM): given the situation with unmod, there were a lot of trolling responses in that thread silverfact99 (1:44:53 AM): and that guy doesnt deserve it silverfact99 (1:45:05 AM): I would rather not have his welcoming home be filled with needless forum BS ctfreak42 (1:43:34 AM): I just see it as a bit worse to destroy it but... I won't post the rest because it would derail the thread.
  19. Does that make G_D into OCR's Neville Chamberlain? YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG
  20. How does not only the first item occur, but the second as well? 1. The Writers' Thread, a perfectly legitimate, harmless thread, is deleted. 2. A thread by that thread's creator asking what happened is deleted. What the hell is going on in OCR tonight?
  21. So I had my Wii freeze on Call of Duty 3. One of my friends was playing while I wasn't paying attention and all of a sudden it the screen froze and the sound got stuck on a loud, ornery whine. I unplugged it from the wall and it was fine, but still a little disconcerting. In other news, Excite Truck is awesome. Especially with two guys racing and the other two yelling out whenever anyone gets a super star bonus ("SUPER TRUCK SMASH!!!"). After my friends' frustration trying to break CoD3's learning curve in ten minutes, Excite Truck saved the day.
  22. First, music is a little different in this aspect than writing. Most people do not have the depth of familiarity with music that they do with language. The average person could give you a basic proofreading, but would be unlikely to tell you that you were out of tune or off-key. Second, I would definitely like to stress the parts about closeness and honesty. I would not trust anything I wrote to my parents because they are not close enough to that aspect of my talents to give a competent opinion (although I would trust them with productions of other natures). Similarly, I would not trust it to most of my closest friends who are close to both writing in general and my fascination for writing, because I do not think they would give honest opinions (and I'm not talking overly positive, either). However, there is one friend and most of my siblings to whom I would trust such a thing, because he and they are both familiar and close to me as a writer and likely to be open and honest about it. Also, I did not say the internet was necessarily bad--just the public domain, for more than the reliability issue. I am sure it would be feasible to receive good feedback from specific people here if they were to be privately consulted, but I find it is generally worse for a writer looking to become professional to open his writing up to everyone before being published. Some of the best things for me as a writer have been private domain forums centered on writing workshops. Unfortunately, most of the ones I considered reliable are now long dead.
  23. Also, the best way to get useful, reliable criticism is to share the story with individual people you trust, people who will be honest with you. Trust me, the internet is no place to look for good (not positive) feedback. Share your work with close family and friends, maybe even specific people you know over the internet well enough. Don't bother with the public domain, as not only will you get nothing of value, but it will be a stumbling block if you ever want to get that work published. Publishers are more often than not looking for first publishing rights, and when you make your work available free over the internet they lose those rights. Private readings are the way to go.
  24. If it applies here, then I'll definitely be picking it up. Maybe not right away (it will probably go on sale somewhere for $35 or maybe even with a $10 gift card a week or two after release), but definitely.
  25. internet lol even worse, WoW forums lol
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