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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Both Resistances aren't that great - 1 is better than 2 though. I'd recommend BlazBlue for a fun fighter though. I'm sure some others will recommend other varying games though.
  2. Not a prob, it happens!

  3. Not only that, but if I don't get enough donations...I could be the one fronting a large portion of the DKC 2 album printing .
  4. I would love to go...but I need my $ right now .
  5. Server maintanence is going on right now.
  6. My problem is that the hero picking is forcing hero picks for others, which in turn tries to take things in an hardcore direction that's ripe for much frustration.
  7. Same, picking the same hero all the time is a game killer IMO. AP = All pick yeah.
  8. Explained already the bs, but I picked first and got randomed to wildsoul twice. zircon got randomed as well I think. Bardic was the only one who could choose purposefully. Also, I'm never doing AP again.
  9. If people want to play a certain way against people with halos, then they will just be banned for griefing. The end.
  10. Some team combos make it near impossible though. Example being we just played a 3v3, and we had a team of no stun vs a team of stun...it wasn't pretty at all for us. Still made it tough but it was too ridiculous for us .
  11. I think 3 of them are mine haha. **Shameless plug**If someone else is looking for a project to join, I'm looking for people for this one: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25047 **Shameless plug**
  12. I seriously just listened to Nicole's song for like 4 hours straight. Wow she did an amazing job (as well as the other contributors to the track) - very pleased with the final result.
  13. Sorry about missing the Tuesday passwording this time - going to be hard for me to do that stuff with my exhaustive schedule now
  14. Happy birthday man! You've been working hard, you deserve it!
  15. Just got Nicole Adams' final wav! Will be listening shortly. Edit: Damn, this is hot!
  16. Wow, December 15? If you guys hit that date, kudos to everyone involved - that is FAST!
  17. Happy birthday you two! Hope things are going well for both of ya, especially zyko!
  18. Cool thanks! I've actually wondered if you'd be interested in any so thanks for the offer!

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