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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I actually never heard the term jungling until people used it in-house, and I sort of figured out that it meant killing neutral creeps (ala wc3). blink = a teleport skill for those who dont know.
  2. One can say that about any game, and unfortunately it all boils down to how you enjoy playing your games, and how flexible are you in reaching that point. Some people enjoy not having to think very much about it, while others revel in the exertion of the mind to win. This is not unique to DotA/HoN, and can be found with many of the heralded multiplayer games out there (TF2 included). The real question is how do you intermingle them, or split them up.
  3. I did - but what was terrible is that all the other people in my team were new. Picking Arachna in an in-house in that situation is pretty bad. Tensei was on the winning team (i.e. with Arachna).
  4. Prophet of Mephisto lives in Ithaca - ask him.
  5. Wow, what an old djp mix! This sounds a bit rough production-wise, and the arrangement isn't all that deep, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised seeing how old this is.
  6. For some reason, I don't remember this mix, and I *know* I've heard all of the Xenogears mixes. Ignoring the fake instruments, one section that really got to me was around the 3 minute mark for 10 seconds or so. The soundscape is pretty empty here excepting a really annoying background sound, and really kills any interest in the mix. A similar occurrence happens at around the 4:15 mark, and just screams to me as poor.
  7. I'm not familiar with the source unfortunately. This comes off to me as fairly generic though. Poor production, and the arrangement isn't anything to write home about either other than being fairly cookiecutter happy trance.
  8. This is pretty nifty, although it needs a production upgrade to really be something I listen to some more. Also, it easily could've been expanded quite a lot..oh well, it's one of Mazedude's earlier mixes. Definitely love the improvement he has made all around since then though.
  9. You know, I've thought of this idea as well, but is there enough people around for that? That's cool that you have a hookup though, would go a long way to making it happen!
  10. Unfortunately I don't know the music of Streets of Rage 2 much (or the series' music for that matter), but the piano stuck out as an interesting touch. As others have said, this song is too short though . I guess it was intended more as background music than as an extensive rearrangement.
  11. One thing that threw me off is that the drumming sounded too muted - I would've liked to hear some of it brought more to the front. I also thought some of the drumming arrangement sounded a bit strange in the choice of what to play for the drums, especially around 0:52-0:53. The transitions are done well, but I find this to be a solemn mix for the most part, and the section in the middle without the drumming rubs off as a little out of place in its bit of hopefulness. It's nice seeing some creativity here though!
  12. I'm not familiar with the original source, but I have to say that there are some positives here. I didn't like the winding down around 2:52 though - I thought it was too early for that.
  13. I remember this...and it really hasn't passed the test of time. The samples are quite rough, and production in general. What sticks out greatly is that the arrangement doesn't expand on the various parts of the melody very well - it just speeds on to each part of the original song. I would rather listen to the original in that instance, as this mix doesn't add much.
  14. So this mix utilizes a lot of high end frequency- I would've preferred if the lead was a little on the midrange side. The high end is actually kind of grating to hear over and over again . I didn't feel like there was much going on here...it just keeps looping over and over again with minimal rearrangement.
  15. I've always thought the original song is strange, and this song is a strange take on a strange song...go figure. Wow that piano sticks out though. The drums also stick out too. Arrangement-wise, I don't also see terribly much differing from the original. Just not a memorable piece, sorry Steve.
  16. This rubs off as almost coverish IMO, with the addition of drums and a guitar following the main melody. There's just not much rearrangement to appreciate here, and I'm left just wanting to hear the original. Not kaijin's best work, but you know, this song is quite old as far as OCR mixes go.
  17. Well, the thing is that part of what gets some people inspired is if they played the game and heard the music and the instances it played in the game, so some people feel that they have a harder time doing a song justice if they haven't played the game. I know that doesn't apply to all, but I was just pointing out some people's viewpoint on that. I strongly disagree with it myself, but I have to respect it.
  18. OCR has done quite a bit for me as well - I've often had to deal with tough internal questions presented in a counterproductive way, and more often than naught prevented myself from degenerating the argument (sometimes I didn't restrain myself unfortunately, and it would leave me re-evaluating things). As much of a joke it has become, I have learned a lot from the PPR forum about logic through observation of others arguing and intuition/internal reasoning. While some like AD didn't follow the forum decorum about the presentation of the argument, he would make some quite striking truthful comments. The people I've met is also a huge plus - many of the people I've met in the community are the type of friends you have for life. Outside of OCR, there are few people I keep close I can say that about. People here have helped me during tough times earlier this year, and I try to do the same for others. For what it's worth, I view the things that happen in the community as an accelerated form of events that happens throughout life in person. The community is no stranger to drama, and because of how long people have been around & the ties they've made, most will find ways to address it, whereas oftentimes with events that happen with people in person don't get resolved nearly as well, or as fast.
  19. Excepting the creative stuff that happens before the 1 minute mark near the 2 minute mark, this song rubs off as a rip from the game with drums and a synth layered on top. I definitely would've favored more work with the source, as it seems like this is more of an original piece than a rearrangement until the last minute of the song kicks in, but that's way too long to wait until it takes hold.
  20. A djp mix! Always a pleasure to hear one of those, even the archaic ones - it seems Dave's mixes from back then standout moreso than most other old ones, which is a testament to his ability. One thing that caught my ears is that there doesn't seem to be much going on in the midrange frequencies. I do love the driving energy that is brought to the mix after the intro though. I do think that it could've been expanded on though.
  21. Hay guys, this is the perfect example of mix OCR only has! Kidding aside, I'm personally not familiar with the source. I'm definitely not a fan of how the song ends, with the voice saying something and the subsequent fadeout - I feel like there was room to take the song onto another level at the end. The production is of course rough too.
  22. I can't say I'm familiar with the original, but as DA mentioned, the instrumentation is pretty fake. It has an arrangement that fits its namesake, although it doesn't do much spectacularly different, as it largely repeats the same loops with minimal variation.
  23. I could create custom cfg files for each ctf map if you'd like. Also I had planned to play tomorrow (Tuesday), but it looks like it won't happen
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