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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. So this is another one of those quirky mixes. The piano rubs me the wrong way - the playing sounds quite fake. The drums or whatever other main sample contributes to its quirkiness. But arrangement-wise, I feel like this mix is mostly just take one instrument, play a particular looped melody, toss in another instrument at the start of the second loop, and repeat. There's little rearrangement to speak of here, and that bothers me.
  2. I remember this mix...and I still don't think the source is very prevalent in the mix. The samples are obviously really dated, and the song doesn't really go anywhere I feel. Never been a fan of the mix, and still am not after 7 years.
  3. This is a quirky mix - my problem with this is that it sounds like it's just beginning and then it suddenly ends.
  4. Interesting approach...but it feels like it takes too long to reach the part that really sticks out as what one might identify with a matador. It also doesn't develop that part nearly enough. It really could use a fundamental change in direction structurally to make it more enthralling.
  5. What a strange style. This mix doesn't really do anything special though with the source, which isn't terribly surprising at 1:59. It's a bit bass heavy also which could use some balancing in terms of frequencies.
  6. Or you two can stay in my hotel room Rambo if you two don't mind a packed room. I'm hoping to have split lots of ways for maybe $80 for the whole 4 days.
  7. Ha, last night we had a game where zircon, maxfrost, and I had a 20% chance to win in a 3v3 and we won it. Goes to show how misleading PSR is when you have a mix of people who pub it often and those who play only in-house.
  8. Man this didn't age terribly well. Don't really have much to say except poor samples, rough production, and an almost non-existent arrangement.
  9. This mix stands out quite a bit compared to most this old. The voice clip used was kinda irksome though - maybe it would've been better if it were used less? Also, there's too much silence for the last 50 seconds or so of the mix, with a bit of sound. The transition to that silence was also kinda poor - you expect more, and then it ends.
  10. I'm not familiar with the source, but it sounds like a nice angle to approach it. However, it suffers from the abrupt ending syndrome that plagues most of these old mixes.
  11. This is a quirky trance song. I think other instruments in the background could be brought forward more as the bass sounds too overpowering with respect to the rest of the song. I also feel like the minimalism could've been chucked and more instrumentation could've been added to make the mix sound fuller. I also think more could've been done with this given that approach, but oh well.
  12. Ahh an old djp mix. The idea seems interesting enough. The thing that seems to be holding this back though is that it is just too short. It sounds more like a WIP to me than a completed mix!
  13. This song actually has a lot more going on than most of the old mixes from this time period, which surprises me. Unfortunately, it also suffers from the arrangement issue that plagues a lot of older mixes - just when you think there could be more that goes on, it just abruptly stops.
  14. Pretty much sums it up. Poor, aging samples, and the gaping hole of arrangement really holds the track back. There's so much more that the track could've done, but...we get nothing .
  15. The production sounds pretty rough here. Also, definitely not a fan of how short it is. It ends before anything more nifty can happen.
  16. Ha, a DC13 mix! Samples aside, once the song launches into the main thrust after the slow intro, I feel the song exhibits major medleyitis. It just repeats the same section of the song, and then suddenly transitions to another song. It reminds me a lot of those midis from the late 1990s where people would just do these mega medleys of various songs and not do a great job at transitioning or exploring much of the source material.
  17. I remember liking this mix way back! ...Unfortunately, as I've grown up, I've learned to recognize some shortcomings. Here, with such a moving approach, it definitely could've been expanded upon. Sure, the sampled guitar hurts, but the song could be taken further to glorious heights, or an expansion of the sorrowful atmosphere. The ending just cuts it way too short!
  18. I guess that picture angle makes it look too small - for reference, mine is a 50".
  19. Man Andy, your TV needs an upgrade! That looks waaaaaaaaaay too small!
  20. Katsurugi has such a good camera! And noooooo I missed the meetup . Have one again next summer!
  21. 7 years now. And to think I've visited this site since my senior year of high school and now it's a big part of my life.
  22. The real question is, did you get to hear zircon sing?
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