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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Isn't that the same douchebag who is one of the main architects of the original RIAA approach to threatening to sue poor college students and to shut down legitimate businesses using strongarm lawsuit tactics? Edit: I think I have the person mistaken.
  2. Google Mapping your location, that's kinda far from me...although you do live pretty close to BardicKnowledge. And what's with all these Hoosiers here? I hope you guys don't go to IU .
  3. There could be car trips arranged I'm sure. There'd probably have to be if there's a meetup anywhere around the region considering how spread out people tend to be, and how much less people around have heard of OCR as opposed to the east coast.
  4. So, thoughts on the new maps we tried today? Which map is preferable btw, cp_pacman_wtf_normal or cp_pacman_wtf_party? Also, there weren't enough people on for an OCR night it seemed, so I took down the password for the night earlier. Is there enough interest for an OCR night, and what day would be good if there was enough interest?
  5. It is still ultimately the responsibility of those representing the artists to defend their intellectual property though. I would agree with what you're suggesting if those interested in defending approached things the proper way, including the expenses to pay for taking the time & cost of developing the tools to regulate adequately. However, they aren't (she my second paragraph detailing how the RIAA approached it), and intentionally infringe on the process of entrepreneurship. Instead, they used the legal expense bludgeon if they didn't get their way. We had some high profile lawyers in IP law giving us legal advice, and they believed we could win the case pretty easily because we never marketed ourselves as facilitating piracy. However, the cost alone forced us to give in, especially since all of our big investors withdrew their investment after hearing about the lawsuit threat. There really is no defense for that type of behavior, and it is infinitely worse than the crimes they've been trying to prosecute.
  6. I dunno...I sure don't think of Colorado or Utah as the Midwest. As for me, I'm a New Yorker, but I'm in the midwest for most of the year for my studies, at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which is not surprisingly in Champaign-Urbana, IL. Also, I know a few others who are familiar with OCR here, and then there's virt who lives in Champaign, IL. PosiBolt & DarkCecil13 live around the St. Louis area. BardicKnowledge is also from that area, but lives around the Twin Cities in Minnesota. Ashamee is currently in Fort Wayne, IN, but I think she's moving soon out west to Sacramento to be with Nekofrog. SammyG also goes to school at Northwestern Univ. in Evanston. There are a good number of others too I'm sure, which brings me to a suggestion - anyone interested in having a meetup somewhere in the midwest in May or June? I can host something here in Urbana if people don't mind the trip, or we could all meet at a place like Chicago to do stuff, although I know of no OCRs in the immediate Chicago area with a permanent residence.
  7. I meant fixed in the mapcycle file . cp_toy_fort_elite isn't on the first page - you'll have to find a server playing it to download it As for the folder, it'll be ~/Steam/SteamApps/[steamIDloginfolder]/Team Fortress 2/tf/maps, where the ~ indicates wherever you installed Steam to, typically C:/Program Files or C:/Program Files (x86). Edit: Whoops, toy_fort_elite is on the first page.
  8. I was not expecting that...but everyone always gets Hotshot off of me. So the map rotation for the day is: cp_dustbowl pl_waste_b4 cp_toy_fort_elite ctf_turbine pl_cashworks_b3a cp_pacman_wtf_normal arena_harvest_v2 pl_badwater ctf_2fort_night2_b2 cp_steel pl_goldrush ctf_royal_b3 cp_blackmesa arena_storm_b1c pl_switf_final cp_devilsbrew_final dm_quake_castle_b2 ctf_staging_a11 If there are other maps people want me to add to this, feel free to comment. I definitely recommend grabbing what maps you can beforehand via the links in the first post of the thread, so as to make the downloading easier for those who aren't able to do so beforehand (or haven't looked at the thread).
  9. So...what would be a good map rotation for tomorrow on OCR only day? The server maplist is: achievementbox_b3 arena_2fort_b2 arena_badlands arena_granary arena_harvest_v2 arena_lumberyard arena_mach2 arena_ravine arena_starship_v1 arena_watchtower arena_well avanti_b1 cp_2Skyscraper_b3 cp_420_water_arena_v3 cp_aqua cp_avante_b2 cp_badlands cp_blackmesa cp_castle4 cp_concussion cp_corporation_b3 cp_cyberpunk cp_dam cp_desertfortress cp_devilsbrew_1_3 cp_downtown_a2 cp_downtown_b31 cp_dustbowl cp_egypt_final cp_fastlane cp_follower_rc1 cp_granary cp_gravelpit cp_industrial_b6 cp_junction_final cp_labor cp_lazytown cp_orange_x3 cp_pacman_wtf_normal cp_pacman_wtf_party cp_roundhouse_1_2d cp_shabbytown_final cp_smbcastle2 cp_snowpath_b2 cp_steel cp_stronghold_b1 cp_studio_rc4 cp_toy_fort_elite cp_warpath cp_warpath2 cp_well cp_wolf2_b1 cp_woodshed_b2 cp_yukon_rc ctf_1fort_a2 ctf_2docks ctf_2fort ctf_2fort_night ctf_2fort_night2_b2 ctf_aesoprock_b7 ctf_bball2 ctf_blitz ctf_convoy_v2 ctf_crossunder ctf_cruise_b1 ctf_hallofdeath ctf_mach4 ctf_royal_b3 ctf_snofort_final ctf_turbine ctf_waterhole_b4 ctf_well ctp_epsilon_a3 cyberpunk downtown_steaksauce garbage_day pl_badwater pl_cashworks_b3a pl_cave_b6 pl_cranetop_b8 pl_dbheights_b2 pl_donkeykong_final pl_dustbowl_b4 pl_frontier_b2 pl_goldrush pl_grassandcave_a5 pl_great_heights_b2 pl_haywood_beta6 pl_hoodoo pl_mill_b5 pl_payback_beta pl_strider_v1 pl_swift_final pl_waste_b4 pl_woodland_b4 tc_hydro tc_meridian_b5 Also the server password for the day tomorrow is ocrtf2sat
  10. I think this is terrible policy. It is the duty of copyright holders to police for illegal content found, not the duty of people/organizations who run what are essentially search websites. I highly doubt Google polices the webpages it indexes, because that responsibility is not theirs. If the organization representing copyright interests want to do so, then they should offer to take up all of the monetary expenses and monitor in a way that takes on mutual interests. Having had a run in with the RIAA professionally myself, I understand how these organizations work - they blackmail in offering the choice of doing exactly what they want, i.e. shutting down the service, or to face lawsuits to oblivion to shut down a potential budding business based on a search or communal access model. They never offer money or to ever work with the organizations to make a proper agreement, likely because it would destroy the big 4 record label's approach for maximum profit through cartel-like activities.
  11. Happy birthday Coop! Nobody know's Coop's age here...except Coop himself. that 23 you saw is probably the other guy.
  12. Shouldn't this be in the Help & Newbies forum?
  13. Kind of hard to make you an officer when you weren't in the group
  14. Blame Atma - he's the only one who abused it, and as a result many of us dropped out of it as Powerlord said and joined the new group I formed last night, where this won't happen.
  15. So here's a revision of the proposed mapcycle for tomorrow: cp_devilsbrew_1_3 ctf_2fort_night2_b2 pl_mill_b5 cp_follower_rc1 pl_swift_final tc_meridian_b5 cp_pacman_wtf_normal pl_great_heights_b2 cp_roundhouse_1_2d pl_waste_b4 ctf_waterhole_b4 cp_yukon_rc pl_cashworks_b3a cp_industrial_b6 pl_woodland_b4 cp_shabbytown_final Should I make any changes? (i.e. add more maps, etc.)
  16. I generally also post it in the thread (haven't done so yet due to the custom map day coming beforehand), but this time it's also in the event description in the steam group (ocrtf2sat if you're wondering)
  17. One of them is an all custom map mapcycle for the day, and the other is an OCR-only day (passworded server).
  18. I had no clue you were T-Bag...good job on your DKC 2 track
  19. So now we have a WIP at the very least for every single track!
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