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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. This is not a little $, especially when everything is charging arm and leg . Although...my travel expenses just got shrunk by $100 since I'm going to Baltimore from I think June 24th to June 28th (family going down to check out Baltimore & get my brother his apartment) - I'll be leaving from Baltimore. I'll be without internet for those days I'm in Baltimore though, so we should start a cell phone # list for people. I can meet you guys at any time on the 29th though. Also, I'll be able to let people know how many more I can take in for Otakon first thing when I'm there in DC (of course with zircon, pixietricks, and Jose already guaranteed), so you guys get the first heads up on a FREE STAY for Otakon. Is there any particular location for meeting up and time? Some of us are traveling from a good distance away (i.e. Jose), so it's a good idea to have this in stone. Preferably the meeting place is somewhere with a good place to park & easy access to the Metro. Also, for a group our size, we most definitely will want a reservation at a restaurant for dinner (and make that an early dinner), since we don't want to miss the start of VGL. Also for similar reasons, we need plans for Saturday as well.
  2. I grabbed your FC, IM me sometime or find me in #ocremix or #clanocr
  3. I'll get my FC sometime tonight for PPL. I played one free play match so far, raped the guy, and now I can't select Novice Battle anymore . I wish there were more online modes though...
  4. So, Planet Puzzle League comes out today - who's ready to lose to me?
  5. Jose - I'm still waiting to hear about options, but I can do the booking. For Otakon though, you can stay over at my brother's place in Baltimore with me and some others.
  6. Oh, well then one of my friends can possibly buy Wingless's ticket then, so potentially no money lost.
  7. Thanks all of you, sorry I didn't say anything earlier, I was pretty busy most of the day in Manhattan with one of my best friends who happened to be visiting the area, and some of his friends. I just got back a few minutes ago, the only thing missing tonight was not having a beer, but what can you do.
  8. Actually, scratch that original thought - there's a strong chance of me being down there for Otakon. My brother is getting an apartment in Baltimore at the end of June, so I have a free place to stay . Potentially there would be room for others as well, as I'm guessing this will be a nice sized apartment - just be sure to bring sleeping bags though.
  9. I think Protricity would be a perfect example of someone who might go to that extreme. I think a reason should be appropriate though - as the removals aren't to be just by request, there should be a substantial reason for OCR to remove a track by request. If anything, this helps the artist & maintains OCR's protection from malicious motives. I can see where disagreement may come here, so is there any other potential solution that'd be amenable to the remixers & OCR?
  10. Nah, not you guys or S|r Nuts, although I have to wonder about Dhsu at times. You guys are being candid and we appreciate that. Those others I reference there know who they are though.
  11. So far, a good portion of dissent with the policy has been demonstrated to be with those of questionable character with questionable skews. For the nature of the only valid point of contention (Braincell's dissent), character plays an important role here, and from what has been seen from a moderator perspective (as well as your tangential rant), you fall into this category for not taking moderators seriously. In addition, a large portion of your complaints use twisted, or even no justification, as has been addressed previously (i.e. the significant comment, and abuse of submission). And an important reminder to all commenting on the policy: Do not use this thread or the poll thread as a platform to go on hate rants - this thread is for productive discussion to put together a feasible policy that is amenable to as many people as possible as well as the site. If you wish to make another thread on the (supposed) vices of OCR, you may in this forum, but only if it's kept civil.
  12. Actually, one of the funny things is that Kelly Clarkson claims to write her music herself. But yeah, the American Idol competition by nature sort of selects for contestants with certain characteristics.
  13. Just as not all pop music is bad, music being popular does not validate it as good at all. I think even worse is the attitude from some that music being popular automatically validates it as good music. Just thinking about it, does "pop" actually qualify as a valid classification of music? Generally, you classify music by artistic style, not by popularity, so that very notion sounds flawed. One of the problems I've found in particular with more modern pop lyrically is that it approaches traditional themes in such a poor manner, with songs like "Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson and "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne being perfect examples. The concept they portray is destructively negative without any decrying of such attitudes presented.
  14. Another bump - keep answering the car question people! In addition, is there ANYONE who can house some of us? I'm traveling one of the farthest for this and I have no guarantee of a place to stay but a hotel .
  15. What BGC said, and there is a stereotype about mathematicians not being able to count .
  16. Just a little bump - how many cars are going to be there?
  17. Well, there is a possibility of me going, if only I can get a cheap room. Otherwise, I'm going to have to abstain.
  18. Yeah, anyone is welcome to chill with us, it's just that you're the first to come forward to do so
  19. Wha? Are you sitting with the group, or you just are in the area?
  20. Yeah...I wish I had a car . But then again, there would be the issue of figuring out who else I could take then, seeing as there're several of you guys. If you guys can make it to Baltimore, there is the possibility of my friend being able to drive some of you over to D. C.
  21. Ew, traveling to Japan? Isn't that like $4000 round trip alone?
  22. Also, I forgot to mention that my friend from Baltimore has a car, making it easy to get around the area.
  23. Coming from NY, going to have a friend from Baltimore coming, and potentially a friend from even farther away in NY (3 hours northwest of NYC, from Binghamton, NY) coming. Going to travel via Amtrak one way & Chinatown bus back, probably going to be spending ~$200 on transportation total, staying for both concerts, and no time deadline...unless I'm expected to handle the burden of hotel costs. If it comes to that, I don't think it would be feasible it would be for me to go. I already had a whopping expense of $400-500 in unexpected costs of my one day/two night visit of Chicago from waiting for my plane, and I'm running on a very thin Xerol budget from other unexpected costs here, which I'm sure this meetup will also have.
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