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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. 1/8th chance of it being a female. I have two dittos though so I don't worry at all about it.
  2. Well, my friend and I would have to stay over...and if another friend comes that would be three of us.
  3. So...any other concerns with the draft? So far, my appraisal is that BrainCells brings a legitimate point of concern, although I do believe the community has grown to the point that if there is ever an exchange of authority from djp to someone else, that the transition would be seamless. It is still something to watch for as it is something that cannot be predicted nor prevented. I cannot say I agree with the mandated pulling of a track to put it on a commercial album though, for the reason djp already stated - I don't see that as right at all.
  4. So are we going to have a BBQ the day after? And a game of ultimate? I don't really know DC that well other than some of the typical tourist attractions, so anyone want to come up with suggestions?
  5. Wait...OCR shirts and not suits? Hmm...I was going to actually dress up. And I have a potential unexpected hitch in my plans - I may be getting an internship, and that could potentially lead me to not being able to come. Hopefully nothing bad happens, but I'll probably see in the next two weeks.
  6. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker The blatant tedious of some parts of the game, combined with the absurd ease, makes this an easy NO as a must play. Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$ This game has hooked so many people I never expected to get hooked, especially with the repeating of minigames to beat other friends' high scores. It gets addicting with a lot of people, and it's at least worth a play, even if you might end up not liking it, so YES. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I enjoyed this highly, and it's a solid RPG at a time when western RPGs were sorely outdated gameplay-wise. I feel this is a game worth a shot at the least, so YES.
  7. My brother is about to fall for it too, getting all the previous ones...
  8. I still think the XBox 360 16-digit Live codes are worse (for buying stuff on XBLA, and for activating a 1 year subscription).
  9. Or "housethegrate", "ashane", and "ailsean" amongst others.
  10. That Salamence soooo lucked out vs my Starmie
  11. You'd probably get beat down if you tried to do that. zircon and I aren't exactly small guys. And I may just make it there - I'm free that Friday, so we'll see.
  12. Eternal Darkness I never did get to finish the game, but I feel as if I played enough of it to weigh in my opinion (I stopped during the French cathedral in the World War 2 - 1? - era). I highly enjoyed what i played though, with the atmosphere being very well-done and game pacing at a fine rate. It isn't a perfect game by any means (i.e. the lol magic system), but it is one of those enriching experiences for one playthrough...so this is a YES. Viewtiful Joe This is one of those hardcore gamer's wetdreams, and it certainly kicked my ass...till I stopped playing due to my deluge of games (stopped at the end of the 4th chapter I think, against the Joe clone). The game is a quality game with game play mechanics that make you think out of the box and is a refreshing take on the dying 2-D action game genre - YES. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Most of the newer Castlevania games would get an instant YES from me as a Castlevania fan, but this is more for its standing on its own as an excellent 2-D action/adventure game, with the standard gameplay set by Symphony of the Night, but accessible to those new to the franchise. The only negative aspect I can recall is the craptacular stylus usage, but in this case it is forgivable.
  13. Are you staying for the overnight? I would think that'd be the perfect time to ask mixing questions. An even better question is though, how many people can Dave hold overnight, and how many cars will we have around?
  14. I have 198 hours logged...but then again, I would play very slowly when I pulled all-nighters doing homework.
  15. Not really - Soundclick is more of a site to host your personal music for whatever reasons, while OCR's purpose is quite different. By their nature, a comparison is sort of silly. I think the record label analogy is far more fitting with that in mind.
  16. All this talk of nobody playing pokemon while I've been gone for two days...psh. Although now that I'm home, I may be playing less too.
  17. Yeah, as little as I like Godsmack, I voted for them, hope it gets them some good exposure.
  18. Tales of Symphonia As much of a Tales fan I am, I'm going to have to give this a big NO, as it really did need more refinement. The combat was a bit of a step back from Eternia's, and generally felt a bit too easy. Ikaruga This game is a hardcore gamer's wet dream, and it certainly is fun to play, with lots of challenge and engagement of the mind in figuring out the optimal path to get through that one frustrating part that crushes you every time. The incredible amount of replay value that this game has for just about everyone (I've even noticed more casual gamers enjoying it immensely) makes this an easy YES. New Super Mario Bros. While this game harks back to the older games, the lack of much of any difficulty severely limits the feel of this game in comparison to older Mario games, as one gets the feeling that the gameplay is bland from simpler puzzles in almost every respect, if not every way. As far as people I've come across, this game is universally regarded as a waste of their cash, so this is an easy NO.
  19. I just got back home in NY from Illinois, after several days without internet (had some fun times in Chicago), but that front page estimate should be right....
  20. Response to Anorak: Well, from everything I've seen, just about every license agreement favors the licensee in termination...unless someone can point out otherwise why it should ever be the other way, I can't say I share that sentiment. Anything that does not favor the licensee in termination is unfair on the licensee because it allows the licensor to hold the licensee hostage, and in this case as far as I see it, it applies even more because as a non-profit organization, the site's intentions is to help the ReMixers, and allowing particular ReMixers to hold the site hostage for petty/selfish reasons is one of the worst things you can ask for to happen for a well-intentioned site (by site purpose).
  21. Famitsu is fan service, its scores are worthless. I will wait till I play it to pass judgment.
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