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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Red Steel's controls fail. I don't see any reason to get piqued for that unless the sensitivity is put to mortal realms.
  2. From the poll thread: If there is a change in policy or such, then that change does not apply to them. Maybe a clause can be added that if there is a change in policy, then a ReMixer can opt to terminate their license.
  3. But what issue could possibly arise from a non-profit organization, especially when the gesture by the licensor granting the license is a gift of sorts to everyone? I'm probably one of the most meticulous people on this site when it comes to reading contracts & agreements, and I really don't see much of an issue at all possibly arising here.
  4. If there was little known about OCR as a commercial entity (if it was a random no-name organization), I would agree with your POV, but as OCR has defined itself as a non-profit organization in the draft, I see no reason why such a moral qualm would still hold.
  5. Just a note on my comments - I'm viewing "must-play" as of the highest caliber and well worth ANYONE'S time, so of course I'm going to have a fairly strict interpretation of the term and give a lot of NOs to the games I have played and don't meet those criteria. Twisted Metal: Black I have a hard time recalling this game very well, and I can't say I've played it overly deep, although I did play a good amount of it. This game is a first gen PS2 game, and it has quite a bunch of good elements to it, but I cannot recommend it as a must-play, so I vote a NO. It has quite a bit to do, but it does fall somewhat short, and it certainly is a bit rough. Skies of Arcadia: Legends This game is quite a charmer in some ways with the atmosphere, but that very same cheesy atmosphere & poor voice acting also has a habit of instantly generating derision. In addition, some parts of the game are extremely tedious to go through. While I enjoyed some of it, the tedious parts do weigh down on the experience considerably, and the non-unanimous enjoyability of the atmosphere results in my vote of a STRONG NO. Guitar Hero Few games make up the rank of those that are constantly played and enjoyed by all, and this is one of them. The accessibility of it to the more casual gamer while still catering to the hardcore and the enjoyability of it to all makes this an easy YES. The song selection could use a lot of improvement on a little more than 50% of the tracks, but with the horrible state of the music industry under the umbrella of the RIAA labels & that MTV played a strong role in securing the tracks, it's better than most can hope for.
  6. Formalizing something is never fun, but there's always necessity for it - if not, you open up the road for plenty of exploits, which users have seen over the years in the community (fraudulent claims, selling OC ReMixes, etc.). To say that there is no fun at all is vapid and completely missing the point. To be honest, a formalized policy should always be drawn when making even a website for fun when it involves several people. I have to do the same soon enough as well, as people have shown that they will abuse privileges on the Internet if allowed to. You do not lose most of them by such a paragraph at all - perhaps you're misinterpreting it. You do not lose the right to distribute the song of question by other means. You do not lose the right to license the song out to another. You don't even lose the ownership of the song. The paragraph just assigns certain cases in which you can seek for a license termination. As the draft asserts OCR as a non-profit organization, OCR cannot use the songs for profit, promotion, or anything commercially related, so there are well-stated bounds on what OCR can do. So I ask, what rights do you lose? It appears to be nothing lost but what is strictly agreed to by the licensor & the licensee. Also, keep in mind that the site's purpose has always been to honor video game music. If someone wants to release a commercial album, and there's an issue about using a currently available track on OCR and the desire of the person to use it in his/her album, it would be incredibly narrowminded to try to force OCR to take down the track instead of writing another one, as it would be an example of someone exerting greed for what he/she once gave freely and without limit, and contrary to the site's stated purpose. Would you consider it worth it to exert pressure for what you once gave freely for greed? I don't see how anyone can justify exerting pressure via the composer/company owning the original composition with the site's purpose in mind without being one of the most petty & ruinous people out there. I don't even see why record companies would refuse allowing OCR to remain hosting the song in question, as there is already a couple of examples of songs here that are similar or exactly the same as songs sold on an album - the most striking example is the Estradasphere OC ReMix "Super Buck Jazz". This song is on their commercial album as "Super Buck II", and there has been no issues to this date as far as I'm aware, as it IS free advertisement.
  7. Hm, the upgrade worked smoothly for me. Are you on an Intel Mac or PowerPC Mac?
  8. Metroid Prime Strong NO. I know a few people who have been turned off to the game within the first hour of playing, and most of the people I know who've played this game generally give up on beating it because of the huge breakdown in game pacing towards the end. If you're someone who likes to search out everything and collect things, it's a fine game, but for most people, this is exactly a game that should be avoided.
  9. If no one else gets charmanders ready by the end of the week, I can breed some for people.
  10. Wobbuffet with leftovers is killer - they use encore and then you attack, and then it uses the appropriate move (counter or mirror coat)
  11. I have a question - is this a popular vote or no? I don't think a popular vote would be a good idea because legitimate complaints could be left in the dust about particular games. I think anyone supporting/nominating a game should attempt to argue against any criticisms that spoil the game in question from being a must play.
  12. I agree with Pongball & Larry on the part that should probably be taken out - the ReMixers did make the arrangement, and so they should be compensated somehow if it's used commercially. It gives less incentive for rearrangers out there to submit to OCR since a company may be able to hijack the track without giving proper credit to them.
  13. Metroid Prime Hunters I'm going to have to give this a NO, and I'm sure there'll be a bunch here who disagree with me on that. The single player was quite dull, and the control scheme felt somewhat difficult to grapple - the awkwardness really showed if you played the game for an extended period of time, with the finger on the L button getting weary or even numb, and just a general tiredness from holding the DS for so long, although a lot of these complaints are also complaints about the original DS's design. The DS Lite probably improves on this for the most part, but the L button for firing complaint would still hold.
  14. Blasted 10 character limit
  15. So, I'm curious what they said in that video, as they listed in that snippet of that computer screen "Hyun Wang: Hyun Yuk". Makes me wonder what those translate into.
  16. I'm a former WC3 player heh - before TFT came out, I had gotten #1 in 3v3 in Azeroth. My clan had #1 in 5 of the 6 ladders for a good while on Azeroth before TFT actually. I'll just say that I was a huge WC3 addict in a bad way .
  17. The only reason I'm looking forward to this, while not being a big fan of the first game, is that I think Blizzard added quite a lot of nice features in WCIII, so I think they would do well with adding those features and more in SC2, especially in the realm of micro.
  18. I beat you all in the other thread
  19. 3:00 - FMV sequence in a spaceship - looks Terran - zooming in on a metal door - door opening - reveals a guy with a cigar in chains - prisoner - door shuts behind him - there's so much bass the room is shaking - guy steps into some kind of metallic devicce - legs are strapped in - guy rising toward ceiling - Korean text on screen got people very excited - another part of the machine is dropping metal arms on him - machine whirring - applying armor to his torso - extremly detailed visuals here - now guy is strapping on gloves - armor is molding together - seems like a Terran marine - rockets turn on - zerg now onscreen - Marine delivers a line - StarCraft 2 officially announced.
  20. Well, AD suggested viable alternatives to punish fickle requests, but I think maybe it should be toned down to if they want a remix removed for a reason, future cases will be judged judiciously according to the situation. Hey, we're pretty reasonable even in the face of unwarranted anger! Above all, none of us on the staff are out to screw anyone over for doing something that is their prerogative, as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's, so it'd do well for anyone who feels they're in the right to communicate with us as best as they can.
  21. Word has it they're showing a "Medusa Demo" - heavy speculation is saying Starcraft 2, although it could be Diablo 3 too.
  22. Btw, still deciding over VGL DC sephfire (check the thread!)? Yeah I know this is offtopic, so sue me
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