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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. It doesn't mean it makes people want it. It's making more people say "what the hell is it supposed to mean?" rather than "Wow, the game footage looks awesome!" oh wait, there is none :\ For something that wants you to "Play Beyond anything ever created", they should at least show previews of some gameplay in their commercials, not a baby crying. This is going to be such a big mess for people trying to get one. I'm wondering when Sony is going to produce more at a normal speed. If stores are only getting 3-5, then does that mean the second shipment that arrives at that store will be 3-5 again? Did anyone on this board pre-order a PS3 for the purpose of actually keeping it? The second shipment will be supposedly quite more. However, it will still be hard to acquire one, just as with the XBox 360 launch.
  2. Why not take the Chinatown bus up? Although it is questionable (if you remember where it picked me up), it is unbelievably priced.
  3. Whoa, PS3 games got some solid scores.
  4. I think that works? Almost correct. The truth is, you don't know which is divisible by 5. You just know that one of them is divisible by 5, and that is all you need. Alright, next problem: Prove e, the infinite sum from n = 0 to infinity of 1/n!, is irrational.
  5. There's a color difference between the 20GB and the 60GB model: http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/specs.html Dammit. I really want the black one, even do its gona be a magnet for finger prints and dust. Gonna have to settle i guess. When i get my PS3, might aswell dish out the extra $$ and get the better one. Why do people think black as so sexy anyway? I mean I like the look of the black PS3 too, but why the craze over the color? I mean Apple showed that there is a craze too, with the whole $150 premium on the black Macbook over the white Macbook.
  6. I smell a pattern. *Whistles*
  7. It's that double post time again! So here's another fun question of a more competition variety: (USAMO 2003) Show that for each n we can find an n-digit number with all its digits odd which is divisible by 5^n. I'll probably start posting a problem every few days, and I'll post solutions too. For this problem, I think I have the solution, so we'll see.
  8. If you're going to bash the PS3, at least do the math right. A good HDTV costs less than $2000 these days (and I mean 40+" flat panel HDTV with 1080p). Also, I have hardly seen PS3s go for $2000 on ebay so far. In fact, Sony is trying to curb those preorder PS3s.
  9. *cough* more price fixing *cough*
  10. Hey, you never answered my IM to play! Evasion!
  11. The PS3 doesn't turn off properly, right? You have to use the button in the back? I'm sure it'll use less wattage in standby mode, but still. For the PS2, it was recommended that you left the button on if you were leaving it connected to the power since the change from AC to DC repeatedly could damage the system. My guess is that the PS3 would be similar. Really? I've never heard that. I've been turning my PS2 on and off with the power switch for about 5 years now with no issues. Well, that advice isn't limited to just a PS2 - it applies to any device that converts power from AC to DC, such as a computer. That's why it's supposedly better for a laptop to be connected to the power and left on instead of being turned on and off a lot (although leaving it on does leave the problem of the battery getting drained faster).
  12. The PS3 doesn't turn off properly, right? You have to use the button in the back? I'm sure it'll use less wattage in standby mode, but still. For the PS2, it was recommended that you left the button on if you were leaving it connected to the power since the change from AC to DC repeatedly could damage the system. My guess is that the PS3 would be similar.
  13. I did that, but I guess mine was a dud. I shook it when it grew fully and nothing came out. The chances are low, so you'd have to plant a lot. Can't you use the golden shovel to plant always profitable money trees? The golden shovel is the only way to get money trees...but the percentage is low - I've planted like 11, and after 4 days (for the first 4 I did), none of the 4 gave me bags o 30,000 coins .
  14. I did that, but I guess mine was a dud. I shook it when it grew fully and nothing came out. The chances are low, so you'd have to plant a lot.
  15. Last Saturday I had a Halloween party =D For Halloween I'm prolly going to do what I did last year and take my bike around (unless it rains) I got crazy amounts of candy =D This year I'm dressing up as Pants man from VGCats. Last year we made a pumpkin diorama of brain surgery. I'll try posting some pics once I find my scanner. We went all out on it =D Next year I'd like to do something I've been planning for a while. Get a bunch of life-sized dolls or scarecrows or something, put them in a wheel barrow, then wander the streets saying "Bring out your dead!" I love Monty Python. My favorite Halloween activity is definitely dressing up. If you put even a little thought into it (unlike the lazy kids who go as 'students' and the like) your costume usually gets quite a few comments as you go door to door. And I definitely like treats. There's no story here, I just like candy a lot. I went to a Halloween party last Friday too - http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~snapp/halloween06/ is where all the fun pics of some of the various costumes people had. I'm in there in a few pics too, although you'll just have to guess.
  16. Nah, we're never gonna post pics. The secret to finding out about the awesomeness of the meetup is to go.* * is not responsible for any disappointment
  17. EDIT: Yeah, I have the same argument as the Wikipedians. That is not the complete explanation. Also, any continuous integer-valued function must be constant, so if you restrict x^2 to just integers, it cannot be continuous, so you cannot differentiate it.
  18. You can also plant money trees too.
  19. Oo I get a triple post! But here's a fun question for people: What's wrong in the following work? x^2 = x * x = x + x + ... + x (x times) d(x^2)/dx = d(x)/dx + ... + d(x)/dx (x times) 2x = 1 + 1 + ... + 1 (x times) 2x = x So what went wrong here?
  20. So I have an Animal Crossing question: is it possible to cheat the game by changing the date & time on your DS?
  21. Bahamut wins 2 optional games vs Dama...but check out this move history: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: damathacus ;Black: ilovepsi84 ;Date: Mon Oct 30 04:52:32 GMT 2006 1. d2-d4 g8-f6 2. c2-c4 g7-g6 3. g1-f3 f8-g7 4. e2-e3 d7-d5 5. b2-b3 e7-e6 6. f1-d3 o-o 7. o-o b7-b6 8. b1-c3 c8-b7 9. c1-a3 f8-e8 10. d1-c2 d5xc4 11. d3xc4 b7xf3 12. g2xf3 b8-d7 13. c4-a6 f6-h5 14. f3-f4 d8-h4 15. c3-b5 h4-g4+ 16. g1-h1 g4-f3+ 17. h1-g1 e8-d8 18. a1-c1 d7-f6 19. c2xc7 f6-d5 20. c7-c6 f3-g4+ 21. g1-h1 h5-f6 22. c1-c4 g4-f3+ 23. h1-g1 f6-g4 24. f1-c1 f3xf2+ 25. g1-h1 f2xh2++ It was a toughie, and we were both tight on time towards the end.
  22. Ah. I didn't pay too much attention because there wasn't really anything I wanted.
  23. It's their annual buy 2 get 1 free sale I think.
  24. Bumptity bump! So I will spoil this ahead of time, but the answer actually is just 2 * zeta(s) - 1. Sorry, no $20 for anyone.
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