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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Most of the people camping are resellers.
  2. Just a heads up, anyone here with a Costco membership or knows someone who does can order a PS3 at costco.com on 8 am PST/10 am CST/11 am EST.
  3. Wow that's like what happened when I was gonna meet Miyamoto at Nintendo World. First 200 got in and the idiot in front of me held spots for two of his friends that came very late and I ended up being 201 and my brother 202... Yeah people are being real dicks this launch. I hope every time they try to sell their auction gets fake bidded. Edit: Shots were fired from a Texas Walmart. Also, some armed men stole 4 PS3s and several XBox 360s from a Gamestop in California. People are insane.
  4. I doubt it will be defective since I wouldn't expect Sony to screw up another console; there are currently only a few lemons in Japan. It really depends how much you care about the money, and if you will be able to afford another PS3 later. If you have a good income then selling it would be somewhat pointless. Of course I think the PS3 will be an awesome console, so I would keep it personally, but that is just me. It's not the money that I care about, it's the new comp. The thing is, if I can't sell the PS3 for more than $1,500 I don't know if it's worth the wait for a new PS3 when that cash will only put me 1/3 the way towards a cutting-edge PC ('cause I'm a PC gamer at heart, and I'm not gonna buy second rate hardware). So really, it depends on how much cash I get for selling it. Today & last night the market commanded $2500-3000 for a PS3, so I'd say sell. You can always set aside $800 some other time for buying a PS3 & game if you want.
  5. Rumors have been saying January, or towards Christmas. Circuit City & TRU claim that they're getting another shipment before Christmas. Edit: I say sell the PS3 Specter - you can always buy it later.
  6. PS3: Non-essential, luxury item. Gas: Essential item, especially when concerning generators. Shooting at people for something like this goes above and beyond retarded. No one should get that worked up over a gaming system. There have been fights over this, so I'm not surprised. One of my friends wanted to go throw water balloons actually.
  7. True, some of the sellers are a bit ridiculous. For an example, this one. What a douchebag.
  8. There's no way that deal will go through. No way. People aren't THAT stupid. There have been people fake bidding the auctions up today. These douches are a bit ridiculous.
  9. It'd be nice if it were possible. Some lame older gentleman was on the news. They asked him if he was keeping it or selling it. He had the most stupid smile on his face "I'm just here to get it so I can sell it. It's all about the money". He probably doesn't own one gaming system, and probably just heard about the PS3 from friends or something. And these are people who probably visit Fatwallet.com or so. From what I've seen with the camping though, many of the resellers are college/grad students. I'd probably spit on one of them. Hey, if people are willing to spend over $3000 on a PS3 like they're doing now, then the money would go to a better purpose with a college/grad student than them.
  10. It'd be nice if it were possible. Some lame older gentleman was on the news. They asked him if he was keeping it or selling it. He had the most stupid smile on his face "I'm just here to get it so I can sell it. It's all about the money". He probably doesn't own one gaming system, and probably just heard about the PS3 from friends or something. And these are people who probably visit Fatwallet.com or so. From what I've seen with the camping though, many of the resellers are college/grad students.
  11. How are stores like Target getting a lot more than Walmart anyway? 2 PS3s for a big Walmart, what gives?
  12. So I've actually been around but pissed beyond belief - check here for details.
  13. A bunch of us were playing multiplayer Tetris . At least I met some people there. One of the guys I met nailed a 20 GB PS3 spot. 1 person also had a PSP, although mine is in NY, and another had a modded slim PS2 with an LCD screen.
  14. So, this year stores are fucking over campers because the shipment numbers are so low - I was camping Walmart, until management changed their mind and said that 8 pm is the national Walmart campout time for PS3, with there being only 2 PS3s at the store (which suggests a raffle). I almost got my hands on a PS3 at a raffle for the 24 hour camping spot from Meijer tonight (3 60 GB PS3s, and 1 20 GB PS3), but I was 2 away. I'm going to try my hand at a Walmart tomorrow night, but the number of people who are willing to camp is staggering - almost all of the people are camping for ebay selling too. At the Meijer, there were over 130 people there for the raffle for the right to camp out. At the Best Buy across the street, there were probably over 15 people with tents camping out. This is so ridiculous.
  15. It did go for $18 million on it's first day in Japan.
  16. It isn't that cold actually... Ah, it's just been chilly where I'm at lately. Good luck to all of those trying to get the systems though. I don't think I could stand waiting in line that long. Some are going for over $2000 here and I'm sure the console will probably hit $3000 after launch once people realize that it's even harder to get than they thought.
  17. Or he was one of those people who payed chinese people to wait in line for a PS3.
  18. Wow, seems like you really want that PS3! Good luck getting it! Bring your DS and a lot of games, and maybe a good book. I think you meant to say, "He really wants to sell a PS3 for a hefty profit." Good luck to you Bahamut. I am waiting in the same boat, starting tomorrow night most likely. But he still wants it badly enough. Although you could just work regular hours and make that much money, but if you have free time it would be a good way to make a buck. I'd rather have the PS3 though. Well, just my whole traveling back and forth between my grad school and home (as well as MAGFest) is going to cost me a hefty $800-1000 or so at the end of the year, so I could use whatever money I can get from selling PS3(s). If I'm lucky enough to get my hands on another PS3, then I may buy a PS3 & HDTV in the summer. However, I can't get a regular job as a grad student because my #1 goal is to do well enough so that I can get funding for next semester - that means I get a tuition waiver and some form of TAship, which saves me ~$15000 for just that semester alone. This PS3 reselling is helping me get by until then.
  19. Alright, so I'm going to be gone for the next week or so, so someone do the bumping for me. Oh, and if people want, I can bring my Wii for late night fun at someone's house (no, not *that* wii) if they want. For an OCR meetup, it's only fitting that there be games involved (but let's get this straight before mid-December though, because I want to know whether I will have to bring it or not).
  20. Wow, I better get to Walmart ASAP tomorrow.
  21. So which other OCRers are smart enough to camp out for a PS3 like me? I'm going to camp in about 24 hours from this post...should be an exhausting experience, considering that I have to travel for possibly 12 hours on Friday, and a time zone change to boot.
  22. Ok, I'm going to have a hard time playing Snerrak unless it's tonight since I am going to be camping out the PS3 launch tomorrow and then I will be heading off to NY to my alma mater, so unless I can play tonight, I'm going to have to request a postponement of sorts.
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