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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Who cares, let's just wait till the games start trickling in.
  2. Well last year, we went to the Sbarros in Times Square and the Outback Steakhouse on 18th street, and those were good places, although the wait at Outback sucked for dinner. One suggestion for dinner at least is some of the restaurants on 34th St. - that particular street is known as a mini k-town, especially between 5th Avenue & Broadway (or was it 6th Ave.?). Some of the korean restaurants there are good (one of them looks kinda fancy too, it has a waterfall and some rocks inside the place and is 2 stories, but has good seating for large parties). There is also an expensive but supposedly good sushi place on 34th & 5th, but I'm not sure how many people would want to go to that place. It's hard to find a good non-chain restaurant that's big enough to accommodate for a party our size for lunch though since most of the pizzerias are pretty small (although they're great).
  3. Any volunteers who live in Manhattan? There's going to be a lot of walking regardless though - it's NYC! Although....all that walking in circles around Grand Central to figure out where to have lunch was unnecessary. Also, someone should have some restaurants in mind and the phone numbers of the places for dinner - it'd be good if we could nab a reservation in advance rather than wait for an hour again for dinner. You started the thread? You're in charge! If you don't think you can be responsible for da plan-making, hand it over to someone else in the NYC area. ^_~ Well, I don't exactly live in Manhattan, or know all the restaurants that people would want to go to better than those who live in Manhattan or go to school there (although I do know plenty of places to eat, some fairly pricey). It's not like a set plan would be much good in a city like NYC - there's just too much to do! The museums are always nice places to visit, and Central Park is even nice for a stroll, and even for an evening date. Unfortunately, the city is best known for its vibrant nightlife, and that's impossible to really partake in with a meetup (not to mention how expensive it is). First post updated again!
  4. ... Except it doesn't. Because afaik it doesn't support it. My point was that the control scheme just felt way too rigid.
  5. Eek the week of Jan. 1-7th is the week of MAGfest & some dating to do.
  6. So I got to play Resistance: Fall of Man a little at EB earlier...and while the graphics were impressive, the controls felt too rigid & slow. I'm not usually an advocate of the keyboard/mouse, but here is a situation where the keyboard/mouse just beats the PS3 controller.
  7. Nah, too much trouble. Ironically, I could've bought the PS3 on Black Friday but I didn't feel like going through the trouble of taking it with me on my plane trip & bus ride just to resell it.
  8. Whining about sidequests lol. You must've spent too much time on the game already.
  9. Whoa 2 PS3s as gifts? How rich are ya?
  10. Well, that Specter guy has (had?) one, and the other poster kupernick (sp?) mentioned getting one at launch.
  11. So, is there anyone with a PS3 here that can say anything about load speeds for games on the PS3?
  12. Like the slower read speed than HD-DVD and DVD?
  13. Sony loves to mislead everyone, I'm sure this shouldn't be surprising.
  14. So, I haven't seen Keegan around for a while. I'm good to go whenever you are!
  15. Any volunteers who live in Manhattan? There's going to be a lot of walking regardless though - it's NYC! Although....all that walking in circles around Grand Central to figure out where to have lunch was unnecessary. Also, someone should have some restaurants in mind and the phone numbers of the places for dinner - it'd be good if we could nab a reservation in advance rather than wait for an hour again for dinner.
  16. Quite a bunch of you tentatives out there...get working on making yourselves definites! I also have a free CD for someone at the meetup...but you'll have to find out then what it is . Maybe two if I feel like giving away another CD I have extra lying around here.
  17. Yeah, I saw that deal, it's not a shabby deal, although I wish it came with the whole soundtrack . If it did, then I'd bite.
  18. Unfortunately, Verizon makes it quite difficult to change settings on my router . I didn't have a problem messing with my router and I gots Verizon... Well, when going into my router settings, I entered the username & password for Verizon online and it didn't work. The default username/password for the router doesn't work either, so I'm confused as to what could the username/password be. It doesn't really matter at this point anyway, since I leave for my school in an hour.
  19. Better than having the Wii come out when it did in the US - I won't get to play it much because I'm going to start reviewing for finals & do the last hws of the semester .
  20. I'm going to be doing that with 3 Wii boxes actually.
  21. Very graphic way to explain it, but thats about how it happened. I was just really on the ball yesterday. Great games anyhow. EDIT: Happy belated Thanksgiving! Mine was waaayyy back in October, so I'm kinda jealous. I enjoy my turkey. Happy Black Friday. Bahamut is reeling. Huh?
  22. That Lakebed Temple perplexed me for an hour or so...and so did that damn puzzle to get the
  23. Um, that isn't far into the game at all... a few hours, maybe. He was being sarcastic. I wouldn't say a few hours in - maybe like 10 or so?
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