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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Oh goodie...the multi-quote tactic. My favorite. How can I be sure of those things, you ask? Well, the first two I can't prove with cold hard evidence, other than the testimony of myself as a hardcore Castlevania fan whose been with the series for years, and has noticed distinct patterns. Crappy 3D games that don't differ much in mechanics and design, despite feedback. Only a year between games for the past few games. Lack of time between releases. Honestly, YOU tell ME just how much a game producer can get done in the course of a year? As such, take that question, and ask it in compound with the inquiry as to how much devotion is being given to each game if "multitasking" is involved? Even if Iga has the *ability* to multitask, he lacks the ability to give each things he's juggling its proper due.....which is why if he is juggling multiple games at once, he really shouldn't. Other peoples opinions are their own, but games like Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness, and Portrait of Ruin...while all capable games...certainly LACKED in more than one area. Now you please tell me how you can not think that juggling too many games at once or overlapping game development could not be one of the causes those mentioned games did less than their potential. When he does make two GREAT games when he's multitasking for them both, please let me know. I'm still waiting for them. Oh, and I know he hasn't been working with the Wii until recently because after the release of Dawn of Sorrow, he said he didn't want to work with the Wii because he thought it was too gimmicky and didn't like the hardware. *breathes* And Coop, people rag on Dracula X because Rondo came out first, and did it better. You don't often downgrade from something that was done pretty damn good the first time around, and not stick your nose up at it. It had less levels, redid alot of stuff and some boss fights, and had different music. Essentially, it really was a poor-man's version of Rondo. And I agree Dracula X Chronicles was cheap in it just took something someone else already did, and just spruced it up and called it a new game. Like I said, Konami could have just put Rondo itself onto a PSP disk with some English voice-overs, and people would have still bought it. We didn't really need a 2.5D makeover. It just happened that way. (although I did like some of the redone music)
  2. Well, if I was a lesbian, that might entice me. And there are supposed to be SubWeapon usage in Judgement, from what I've heard. I can only assume they will be special attack moves for Belmonts-Only.
  3. Ahh, see, this is a common complaint in most of the Castlevania community. Seasoned vets of the series long for the days when boss fights took the better part of your sanity to take down. Certain boss fights were near impossible to beat unless you found the one small flaw in their attack patterns, or simply got lucky - case in point, Death from the first Castlevania. Dracula X Chronicles (Rondo's recent remake) even made the boss battles bumped up a notch with a new and rather difficult 3rd form of Dracula. So why do all other Castleroids suffer from awesome boss designs, but lacking battles? Iga has been trying for years to make Castlevania games cater to non-fans of the series. Too many newbies have complained about recent Castlevanias being too difficult, and thus Iga tries to rope more people into the series by making it easier for the stupid little monkies. He's trying to draw more non-fans in, whilst not really paying much attention to the hardcore fans of the series who're asking for multiple difficulty settings right off the bat, so the little whiner punks can have their easy boss fights and levels, while us longtime fans can skip the kid stuff and go into heavy-action Boss Thrashings.
  4. Your logic has promise but is ultimately flawed, young padawan. I do recall Soul Calibur being more 3D than 2D, and since Judgement is clearly trying to rip one from SC, one can guess that the engine being used is the same of similar as it was in SC3. And yes, Iga does suck at 3D - not so much the concepts, but the execution. He didn't spend enough individual time on any of his 3D games, as most were produced and released within a year of a 2D CV game. Therefore, careful detail and intricacies weren't included and the games felt rushed. How long has it been since Soul Calibur 3 was released? A few years, right? If Iga spent as much time on an individual 3D Castlevania game (hell, ANY Castlevania game) as the time spent on SC4 since the release of SC3, I can almost garuntee he'd have himself another Symphony of the Night of the series. However, he hasn't, and probably won't. The unfortunate demand he's listening to from fans is the demand for new games ASAP, instead of in-depth quality games spread out over the course of say 2 years or more. That's why I believe Judgement will suck. Beyond terrible character designs IMO, Judgement will suffer from being overshadowed by Order of Ecclesia and from rush jobs to get a game out and make a quick buck off of the impatience of the fanbase. Even if two different teams are working on the games separately, how much time does that give Iga to give his full attention to either game?
  5. Global-Trance and a few others have revived the sport as of late. East Coast ID: Sindra West Coast ID: SinDaemon I *just* started back up, so my characters are pretty low-level as of now. I'll work on improving that thought between work, art competition, and preparing for Otakon like the geek I am. O.o I'll mostly be on the East Coast server though.
  6. Bloodlines doesn't need a remake. It was epic on it's own. The only reason they remade Rondo was to have something other than the stand-alone import of the game bundled in, though honestly they could have just imported Rondo with some English voice-overs, and it would have sold just as well. And the first Castlevania's been "re-envisioned" before - it's called Castlevania Chronicles. (a remake of the Sharp X68000 game, which was basically a remix of the first Castlevania)
  7. Figures I wan building up on US East.
  8. Except for the 1999 Battle. Fuck if he can wiggle outta that one after so much build-up. Though he's probably wanna do it 3D, the bastard. ;_;
  9. Screw it all...I dusted off my Diablo II disk and started playing again. Who's with me?
  10. You kidding? Not too long ago Iga said he wasn't going to put out a game for the Wii! Not only did he think that the Wiimote opened up too many gimmicks that he was trying to avoid (he'd gotten enough with Dawn of Sorrow on the DS)...but I believe he also wasn't too thrilled with the Wii's capabilities and wanted to go with the 360 or PS3 instead. Which begs the question...what made him so suddenly change his mind? He said he also wanted to stick to 2D Castlevania games since those did better, but you see where this is going.
  11. I can't use a tablet....it feels too funky to me. ;_; I have at least one good idea for this, but there may be more.
  12. I love how much infighting is happening between all the Castlevania fanboys at those forums. I posted something critical about Iga's work on this and the fact it looks too much like Soul Calibur....and they just descended upon me like rats squeaking "Iga's pouring his heart and soul into this!" and "If you were a REAL Castlevania fan....!" Yeah, you come on over to my place and I'll show you how much of a fan I am with my collections. Then I'll make you eat your own asshole. And Ceil, I know you're there. Yes you can use my badge, you wanker. =P
  13. Shit, did any of them see the dungeon gameplay in the cinematic? It was dark and gothic and spooky and felt just like Diablo I and II. Guess why?? It was a DUNGEON. All of Diablo I was a DUNGEON. Most of Diablo II was scouring different types of DUNGEONS or HELL ITSELF. Of course those are going to be dark. When you're above-ground, it's not always overcast and gloomy. Hell, do they remember Lut-Golein in Diablo II? That was a sunny desert when above-ground! Not every damn area will be dark and moody as hell. It would be unrealistic.
  14. Yeah, Legacy isn't bad bad as people make it out to be. Neither of the N64 games were for their time.
  15. We had one of our hardcore CV fans making his own Castlevania Fighter homebrew. He was using modified 2D sprites, but it's mechanics were going to be along the lines of Guilty Gear and Street Fighter, and with an extensive cast of characters. Unfortunately....this then came along.
  16. I'm kinda disappointed at what a low score I got. ;_; Congrats linkjing!
  17. Still looking fucking sweet though. After 8 years, I'm not about to complain about slightly-off *lighting* of all things.
  18. Dude, I meant the fact he was mimicking Dracula's quote in an amusing way. Defensive.
  19. I dunno if that would hurt me more or less than the current crap.
  20. There is a good amount of talent displayed just in this competition. We should form the OCR Artist's Coalition! The winner has a tough job of picking next month's theme, making it as good as this month's.
  21. I cringe at the idea of what they plan to do with my beloved Trevor.
  22. I'm very surprised at the amount of supposed Castlevania fans who are actually excited about this game. (though I note, most of them are younger, newer fans of the series and only got into it around SotN) I mean, a certain amount of optimism is super and all, but this is just ridiculous nonsense. Granted, it could end up being a decent game, but based on what I've seen thus far, I will not change my mind about this being a sin against the series until I am proven otherwise....and even then it'll be a nigh-impossibility to prove otherwise to me. Hence my new little badge.
  23. I did like Dawn, but you know what I'm saying. Alot of fans would argue the Castlevania series died after the last members of the original development team left. (before SotN)
  24. Honestly, I heard and read about all this, and my soul broke. IGA has been quoted for saying he thinks it will be "fun for Castlevania fans". I don't know if he's been shooting up or what, but it's obvious he's finally gone completely off the deep end. He's been driving the series into the ground since Aria of Sorrow, and this is the final nail in the coffin. Castlevania's my #1 game series of all time.....but this is the first time I've actually be outright against a CV game coming out.
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