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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. I just watched that, and was quite surprised that Yahtzee's gripes were very similar to my gripes on my own review.
  2. I tend to not like anything pertaining to rap, except for a few key pieces or instances. However I just recently got into the Hollywood Undead, which are a mix of rap, hip-hop and metal with a splash of electronica. Cursing up a shitstorm is common, and while usually I advoid excessive cussing because it tends to take away from a song for me....I can easily ignore it here because the sound is good.
  3. Yah, Albus. Dunno what his role is yet. I won't be getting the game until tomorrow *sniff sniff*, and I'm trying to keep myself from getting too spoiled from going on any of the Castlevania forums.
  4. I'm starting to think I won't be able to make this one this time. I had a great idea, but I haven't had any time to even sketch it yet because I've been too busy with other things....and now with the new Castlevania coming out today, I don't expect any free time from now until the deadline. ;_;
  5. And by good friends, he means of the female variety.
  6. Well shit you guys....you might just give me a reason to start this up....which would be awesome beyond words. *goes to scheme*
  7. One of these days, I will somehow coordinate a Castlevania: Bloodlines remix project. Even if I never become a great remixer, I want to somehow get people together to make this project reality. Doing a Top 10 is always going to severly limit things. Doing a Top 20 would have probably yielded better diversity. I would have ranked some Silent Hill music up there along with Castlevania.
  8. That shirt is fucking awesome.
  9. Ahh...so now we have the Sorceress's replacement in the Wizard just like the Witch Doctor replaced the Necromancer. Makes me wonder how they'll go about replacing/upgrading the other classes we know and love.
  10. http://kotaku.com/5062018/starcraft-ii-lead-producer-on-the-split-single-player-campaign So there.
  11. Don't worry. With that game, no explanation for your disgust at the design is needed.
  12. Iga be pimpin' as always. At first I thought you were talking about the SotN Radio Drama that's being released, but this was even news to me. Well played, sir. However from what I've found out by going through my channels is that this very well may be related to the aforementioned Symphony Radio Drama that takes place a year after the game and features Alucard, Richter and Maria....as well as some new characters including an incubus named Magnus. Which would indeed make it a direct sequel to Symphony of the Night. The image even nudges one to believe it, as it's looking like Alucard. Of course, if this all turns out to be true or even semi-true...I'm still very concerned. Announcing this even before the other two Castlevania games are released, makes me think they very well may be rushing things. Then again, who knows. This could be very early development being shown as a teaser, with the game not even being half done yet. I'm kinda hoping so, since you'd think if it's a sequel to Iga's crowning achievement, he'd want to put as much time and detail into it as possible. It's raining Castlevania these days, though. Two games, a arcade game, a radio drama, and the Curse of Darkness manga being translated and released in the states...as well as the movie and an animated OVA. I'd be overhyped with glee if I weren't so cynical about the whole thing.
  13. I liked Symphony for all its splendor and detail, and the gorgeous music....though I thought it was much too easy. I liked Aria and Dawn for the same reason on a smaller scale and with a bit more difficulty. Those are the only that qualify however. Truly the series diverted after Rondo, and I wonder if that's why we hold the game in such regard. I kinda hope Iga was serious about the possibility of returning to an 8-bit game like Mega Man 9 did....but fear that unless he brought the original team back to work on it, he'd fuck it up something fierce.
  14. ...and I still find it overly amusing that the CV fanboys are like "Ooo...the designs suck. The game's looking like crap. I'm still pre-ordering the shit out of it though!!" There is no shame for the fanbase anymore...except for a few pockets of oldschoolers who thought the series should have stopped after Rondo.
  15. Yeah, I saw that. Not a fan of the color-swap options. You might as well put in alternate costumes if you're going to do that shit.
  16. OCR's gonna be at Sitacon, huh? Sonavabitch. I was really trying hard to make the con too, as it's the closest one to me. Sadly, work dominates my weekends now.
  17. The redone version of "March of the Holy Man" from Dracula X Chronicles.
  18. Surprisingly, I already have an idea of what to do for this. And it's out of character for me too. O.o
  19. I vote Bleck takes it over. He hangs around this place enough. O.o I would, but with school like it is, there's no guarantee I'd be able to stay on top of dates. Tried that before with a Castlevania fanclub and it hasn't been working out.
  20. Jesus christ...he got banned again?! Was he unbanned for an hour before having it slapped on again?
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