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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. What I currently have: Card Back: These could be easily modified as well, as I still have the .psd files of them. This was just an experiment on them. Might tweak them more later if we're really gonna make this an "official" thing. Just picture them laminated.
  2. If anyone has the OCR icon image in a transparent .gif format, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  3. Well, with a few already exemplified, I can try my own hand at some. Maybe this evening after work.
  4. Well hell...what do you want? I'd need specifics.
  5. He is true. I is a fangirl and I liked the pretty pretty androgyny. However that dice game bullshit can suck a fat one. So can the repetitive revisiting. Oh, and as much as I like cut-scenes, this was fucking ridiculous.
  6. It's a psychotropic drug fed to the easily duped. Unmod.
  7. Figured. I join a few months beforehand, get in a few decent post...then BAM!!! No more Unmod.
  8. So it's done by Bioware and not Sega? Hmph. Probably for the best. The Sega team has been bombing ever since they got off their own consoles.
  9. Argg...now I'm wishing I could go, simply so I could get footage and interviews to post on the news website I write for. Damn you fate! *shakes fist*
  10. Funny you should mention the graphic design thing.... I'd actually gotten ahold of Virt in early '07 to see if VGMix3 would need any kind of graphic designing help, since it's more or less my major in school and I have a little bit of experience doing forum skins and such. He got back to me saying he'd love some help and that he'd contact me when they were in that phase of the plan. Never heard back from him after that, save for me pestering him once and him saying he'd get back to me. Sooooooo.....yeah. Shenanigans.
  11. Huh, and here I'd nearly lost all hope for it. Yay for being thrown a bone.
  12. This has been argued before....like, a decade before this happened. Mortal Kombat was one of the reasons the rating scheme came out for games. Obviously when people pissed and moaned about it years ago and it didn't do anything to deter the franchise, what makes you think this'll be any different? And calling it a "Mortal Kombat-styled death" is utter bullshit. There is a whole genre of games dedicated to fighting; complete with punches, kicks, and body-slams. It actually sounds closer to Street Fighter than MK, since when you think MK you think of Fatalities. (much like what people here have already said) And if some asshat thinks this will "sound the drums of anti-videogame violence" for there political career....lets just keep in mind that better people have tried and failed years beforehand. If anything, use it to solidify a stance against underaged drinking or for stricter parental guidance.
  13. I took an Isshin-Ryu karate class for a half a semester of college, and learn some tricks. I'd love to get back into some kinda of martial art, though there's a limited amount of dojos and masters around here, so options are limited. Very much would love to learn some Kendo/Iaido for sword techniques as well.
  14. Now it's no longer a question of timing, as school will still be out by then and I could take a day or two off from work. Now it's a question of money and finding a place to crash. Oh, and still the ride thing, but I could figure that out. Though I could probably crash with Snappleman.
  15. First time in years that my mother was able to wrestle having Thanksgiving at my house from my grandmother..... ...and most of the family has bailed. And I have to work. Happy F**ing Thanksgiving!
  16. To answer questions: Yes, the Sprite and the Tengu-Nose Demon are familars in SotN....but from what I've heard the extra items from Nocturne (Alcarde/Alucard Spear, Rainbow Cloak, etc.) are not...and neither is the additional stage. You do fight Maria for the Holy Glasses, though. Original Rondo and SotN are unlockables that you must find in secret locations in the game, rather than just beating the game and unlocking them. And, the fact they didn't keep the old, awful dialog hurts me. It was terrible as hell, but dammit...that's what made it great and memorable!
  17. Sega commercials were awesome. Good times.
  18. Even if I could manage to get the time off and the money, you'd have to travel a good hour north of where your profile says you are now to pick me up though, as I'm between Rochester and Buffalo. Then it'd just a be a good 8 hour car ride of awkward silences and saying "Uh....yeah." a good couple dozen times because we have no idea who the other person really is. =P
  19. Mmm...I'd love to go, if I could get the time off from work and catch a ride with Mephisto. Though I doubt I'll be able to, since I have to limit my con/fest load due to money constraints.
  20. I'll throw the album some publicity on the geek news website I post for...... ....when we come back online after being shut down by Microsoft. O.o
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