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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Rad, there's a difference between this and Smash Bros. This is trying to be something it's not, which is a fighter. Smash Bros. worked well because of the mechanics of the game and the diversity of the characters - a CV fighter will be limited to only it's own series, and is trying to be like Soul Calibur, which it isn't nopr ever should be. As a fan of the series, I consider this an abomination for several reasons: - Why doesn't Castlevania need a fighting game? IGA states it's because he wants to make something new and fresh for the series, but could easily do that whilst sticking to a similar type of gameplay as has always been in the series. This seems like a cheap cop-out. - The character designs are atrocious. They got the guy who did Death Note for shit's sake, and thus far he's succeeded in making characters like Simon and Dracula too fancy and off-the-wall and nothing like their original incarnations. "Creative Interpretation" my ass. - It's trying too hard to bank off of Soul Calibur's fame.
  2. Seriously? Diablo was always basically the darker, grittier version of Warcraft, only with a better story and they were doing WoW-style gameplay long before WoW came along. Diablo 2 was simply that much better, and garnered a following not unlike WoW though on a smaller scale. It's been 8 years since Diablo 2 came out, so you can imagine the anticipation fans had about not knowing whether or not another sequel would ever come about.
  3. Both. I'm open to any experience that can challenge me...and would good in a portfolio. =)
  4. Nice. I wouldn't mind doing some album art for people.
  5. I modified mine, after getting some outside critique. It still looks funky, though slightly less-so IMO. I guess we'll see how it measures up. (I think it was destined to be funky from the beginning >.<)
  6. YOUNGIN'! Errr...I mean...... Nope....YOUNGIN'!!
  7. Mine's done, despite a lack of a decent background. I might add a bit more before the deadline's done.
  8. Shading's halfway done with my submission. If all goes well, I very well might have it done tomorrow night. Mine's looking sexy.
  9. Ohhh...ok, there's still hope. Oh wait, you're the guy that RP's with JaxTheBat, right? I knew I saw that name from somewhere.
  10. Ok, before I get worried, where his past stuff for me to oogle...h-uh?
  11. S-Should I be worried that this competition is already over? ;_;
  12. Ok, slight hiatus due to work, and now I'm back on track. Question for the other artists and I guess for the voters too - what are your feelings on backgrounds? Do you think they take away from the main focus of the piece, or that depending on what's done it helps to bring out the fullness of a work? (personally, I suck at backgrounds, and always have ;_
  13. I need to find someone who'll go see The Birthday Massacre with Mindless Self Indulgence playing in Toronto in a few weeks. Because that's a long way to drive alone.
  14. Inking has begun. Depending on whether or not I go see Hulk tonight will determine whether or not I get to coloring.
  15. Too bad there couldn't be something like this at MAGfest. By that, I mean a rave-dance that features specifically techno/industrial/dance remixes, complete with seizure-inducing lightshows and pelting people with glowsticks. I went to an anime rave *once*, and became disillusioned quickly when they were playing regular dance music, without any of the sweet gaming mixes I know are out there. I'd break out the skimpy clothing for that shit.
  16. Alright.....got my drawing all penciled, scanned in, and ready to ink then color! I just gotta switch out to my old mouse first, because this new wireless one is bothering the scar I have on my mouse-hand.
  17. I'm having problems making up my mind as to what boss to do. I have too many good ideas. ;_;
  18. Heh, finally a OCR competition medium I actually have some talent with. Expect to see stuff from me.
  19. Mortal Kombat without blood and Fatalities is Street Fighter. That's all it comes down to. If it were MK versus Killer Instinct, now that would be a game worth being excited about...but this is laughable. Were they honestly trying to come up with a worse concept at an MK game that would beat out MK Mythologies and Special Forces it terms of pure suck?
  20. It's Dan Forden's head that pops out during "TOASTY", you uncultured hick. And this.......this just bring my soul that much closer to being officially dead.
  21. Aww....such a good wolfie. Bappy Hirthday.
  22. Happy Birthday, ye ass who doesn't answer his IMs.
  23. I got 12 out of 50, so 24%. 1,8,9,10,18,20,23,26,34,35,39,45 A bunch sounded familiar, and I was doing everything in my power not to check out the hints. Edit: Ok, did the second one too, and am ashamed to say I only got 10% (11,22,29,32,50)...but I know 39 and it won't take my answers, and I know the tunes to both 47 & 48 but can't place the games.
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