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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Sonava bitch! The Guilty Gear XX tournament is the same damn time as the OCR panel. You fucks.
  2. How big of a table? Because if another person/artist wants to share 1 table and split the cost, I'd get one.
  3. Amtrak comes into Alexandria, so that's probably going to be my mode of choice if the prices stay around the same as they are now or better. Anybody know if they're going to have a place for people to sell art or anything? (other than the Dealers)
  4. No offense to them, but would you wanna ride down with some random guys you only know through a message board, and even then not that well? Even if it did mean cutting a bit of cost?
  5. Ok, as of right now, I'll be cosplaying *a* Belmont. I just dunno if I'll get my Richter costume done in time, and may have to reprise CoD Trevor.
  6. I'm going to try to go this year, if SnappleMan can squeeze me into his room, and I can afford the ride down to Virginia.
  7. Fine. Mine's submitted. Had to improvise with the background. Looks decent enough I suppose.
  8. Got mine all done. Now where the hell is Atma?
  9. Yeah, I'll need all of tonight and part of tomorrow to finish mine, as I gotta work all today.
  10. Shading is halfway done, and is looking pretty damn good if I do say so. Bleck heading the competitions from now on? That'll be interesting.
  11. So Iga didn't want to go with a Castlevania Wii game, but the Execs at Konami basically forced him to? That would give him a bit more credit in my eyes. Not much, but a little.
  12. Hmm...that's an interesting read, but I feel the need to take it with a grain of salt.
  13. It was more like him turning around after half of the explosions, smacking the remote he had, and was all "Huh, that's it? I coulda sworn I'd...." Then the rest goes off and he hightails it outta there...in high heels. Fucking priceless. Best scene in the movie for me.
  14. Mark Hamill will always be the *voice* of the Joker. I dunno if he could pull of acting the part IRL. (though hell if I wouldn't like to see him try...I think he'd be the only other person besides Nicholson and Ledger that could pull off a believable version of the Joker in my opinion)
  15. I saw him laughing quit a bit about halfway through the movie on. Even as he was dangling upsidedown from his foot he was still laughing. And there was irony, like how he broke out Lui, then burned him atop the very same pile of money he'd basically stolen from the mobsters. There was also irony in the way he told Batman in the interrogation how everyone would turn on him like a pack of wild dogs eventually, and at the end of the movie they all did once they thought he'd thrown out his no-kill policy despite all the good he'd done. And need I remind you of the pencil trick? Ledger's Joker wasn't about evil really.....just pure unadulterated chaos. He was all about bringing out the true chaotic nature of people with his works, so that they could all be like him....since he "got it" way before anybody else.
  16. I wrote fanfiction...back when I was 16. It wasn't horrible...considering. I am, however, in the works of planning a fan-manga, which is basically fanfiction with illustrations. Thankfully, I am having a friend who's a writer help me out with plot and characters so as to venture as far away from the typical fanfiction storyline as humanly possible.
  17. That song was the only good thing to come out of the horror that was Batman & Robin.
  18. I want him alive, and I don't. I Do: Because the character has so much potential that I don't think was truly brought to the forefront. The idea of a genuinely good guy being so emotionally and mentally scarred he becomes corrupted appeals to me much more than a good guy who's simply schizophrenic. This rendition has the potential to remake the character into something more. I Don't: After having all the shyte go down, it's almost safe to say Dent's/Two-Face's rage focal is "resolved" to a point. His rage and subsequent actions were due to Rachel's death and his need for brutal vengeance. After that, what exactly would his motivation for continuing to be a dark vigilante be? You don't want to stretch the Rachel dying thing too thin....but you also don't want Two-Face devolving into a petty villian who robs banks or the like. I'd rather see him die with the dignity he had at the end of TDK than see him return in a monotonous role.
  19. I fully endorse a "Name That Castlevania Tune" game during the panel. *nods*
  20. That was a good series. Nice way of ending it.
  21. I will say that I will be watching it. It's surprisingly mature for being on Nick, whose kiddie nature tends to make you cringe at the idea of actually liking one of their shows. Avatar actually grew on me as it went on, and became more involved and the characters became more interesting. (there's a lot of characters to focus on too, which is nice) The animation for the fight scenes is some of the best I've seen in a while. It's very fluid, which usually you don't see as often, or when you do it astounds you because you're not used to seeing it.
  22. Oh, you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to reviewing the game once it comes out, and totally thrashing it ala: Yahtzee. I've actually started writing down witty notes to use, just based on what gameplay I saw. Here's said gameplay (with some Ecclesia too) that I wrote about. http://powet.tv/2008/07/17/e3-castlevanias-in-action/ I'm still flabbergasted that, even after seeing just how much of a rip-off of Soul Calibur the gameplay is and what crappy angles and character designs there are, people at the Castlevania forums are still all excited for it and are actually saying they'd rather get Judgement than Ecclesia. Lesser of two evils here people....get your priorities straight.
  23. Ok, flat colors are down, time to do shading then hopefully a simple background. How's everyone else doing?
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