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Old Man Time

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Everything posted by Old Man Time

  1. I interpreted it the way that you did the first time I read it. Read is the key word though - people will not be reading the lyrics, and there is a good chance that they don't exactly know what is being said, or really care. How the words are sung are much more important than what they are. Hopefully that helped.
  2. This may seem obvious, but is it just on teh internet? If not, you could have your screen adjusted too wide, and you should narrow the picture so that you can see everything. There should be some buttons on your monitor itself to fix this.
  3. I think a competition every month and a half to two months would be more realistic. We would get better turnout and better quality, as people would have more time to polish their entry. As a side note, how well did my poem do it the voting? If you don't feel like posting it you could just pm me, but I'm curious to find out, since I actually thought my poem was stronger. Of course, my poem didn't place and my short story took second, so what do I know?
  4. Thanks. These are pretty cool.
  5. The load times are worse than almost any game I've ever played. Also, it froze for me a lot, but I think my disc was scratched.
  6. Yeah, I was one of the ones too lazy to name their poem. Though I think it was more because I couldn't come up with anything that accurately reflected what I thought of the poem, than because I was lazy or anything. In the next competition I'll be sure to name my entry.
  7. I think split competitions would be really good, for the reasons you just mentioned. Oh, congrats to all the winners. I'm happy just to place, especially behind some of the great pieces you guys submitted.
  8. *keeps fingers crossed*
  9. Spyro was great... on the PSX anyways.
  10. Oh. Thats good. Maybe I have a chance after all...
  11. Today is the last day... I hope someone else voted, because there would be no way I could win as I can't vote for myself.
  12. First of all I loved the mix, but I want to point out a small error in the tag that I think everyone missed. In the "album" field under the properties of the file (in the metadata), the colon is missing from http://www.ocremix.org. Just thought I'd point that out, maybe its been fixed already, who knows. Edit: Nevermind, seems to be fixed...
  13. no, and i'm about 95 hours in. that's odd.
  14. bump c'mon guys, time is running out on the voting stage.
  15. i had an fm transmitter for about 2 days, then i returned it cause it sucked. bad quality, no range, etc. now i just use a casette transfer thingy. i don't have an ipod though, and some of my friends with ipods really like their fm trasmitters. i have a creative labs nomad jukebox btw.
  16. Well, either way I'm in before he is.
  17. Good work. Keep voting people!
  18. Not sure if anyone has said it, but Sunset Riders! It had the corniest story and voice overs in vg history.
  19. Yeah, I forgot about that, that accounts for some of the space you lose, though it isn't always all of it.
  20. All devices with hard drives list the capacity as greater than it really is. My creative labs jukebox did that too - its not just apple. What they do is count 1000 bytes as a kilobyte, instead of 1024 (2^10). Its devious, but everyone does it.
  21. THANK YOU! You rock.
  22. <bump> keep voting people!
  23. I'm guessing Smash will come out right about when I buy a Wii. Actually, I'm pretty confidant about that.
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