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Everything posted by 1makes2

  1. i was wondering what that was all about. thanks for the info. you learn something new everyday. hope they fix it permanatly so i dont have to go through ocr withdrawls anymore (i was twitching and scratching my neck vigirously)
  2. I Think Ill Just Call It "The Shocker!" thats fun for everyone.
  3. this video is way better than cake farts dot com. whatever you do dont go there! heres a video of my friends being drunk and stupid and shooting this kid noone likes. caution: pg-13
  4. i love feedback! im sure all these users do too! who dosent love feedback? even if its from snapple (i especially love feedback from him) i will get in the holiday spirit and start reveiwing. hoe hoe hoe! make me a sandwitch hoe
  5. there were no dark feathered ducks in duck tales
  6. actually i dont plan on that being the final name. I still need to come up with one. any ideas?
  7. i think i am going to submit this. whaddya think? www.filesap.com/1/MMX-SparkMandDrillWhore.mp3
  8. the ATH-M45 are good. flat freq response from 5Hz - 28kHz 99 bucks its what i use at least. http://www.guitarcenter.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M45-Studio-Monitor-Headphones-104599899-i1380022.gc the HD 280's that BGC recomended are on sale for 80 bucks.
  9. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ggyr/sparkmandrillwhore3 made the break a bit more interesting and fixed some things that were crit.
  10. Audix OM2 Great alternative to the SM 58 for various reasons. has way better cancellation from the back to reduce feedback. (dosent really apply for recording but great for live use.) much better response in the frequencies above 2k. 99 bucks retail. Audix D-6 lemme tell you... i didnt think i was going to like this mic at first but it has a good snaph to it. it helps the kick stand out in the upper freqs without having to boost 6k 80dB. and is better at not stepping all over the bass guitar. (ive used this mic live and in the studio. in the studio i paired it with a yamaha sub kick and got fatty sounds.) also great on a bass cab. if your lucky you can find this mic for 145 bucks, usually 199 retail. AT2020 affordable condenser vocal recording mic. 99 bucks. B.L.U.E. Bottle ............. ....... .... .. .
  11. ok so whenever i render my tracks in fl, my glitches are all off! it sounds fine when i preview in fl, but when i render the timing is all off is it getting bad time code or something? please help me out if you have experienced this problem.
  12. i work at guitar center and we sell some near field monitor stands for 79. i dont know if that is the price range you are looking for but everyone that buys them loves them. onstage near field monitor stands. http://www.guitarcenter.com/On-Stage-Stands-SMS-6000-Monitor-Stand-Buy-One-Get-One-Free-452067-i1142212.gc it says 99 but its not
  13. they are not marketed as "gamer headphones" i never said that. i sell them in my store so they are "pro audio headphones" they are the same as the ultrafone HFI-450, just with a alienware logo and a little better isolation.
  14. omg. if you want superb quality headphones. check out the alienware ozma5 headphones. just listened to one of my mixes in a pair and let me tell you. (creamage of pants) nuff said check em out. too bad they are 250$!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. oops, i posted the same version with the lead that is too loud. here is the fixed version. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/nygz/sparkmandrillwhore5 sorry bout that.
  16. k i turned down the lead. Click here to listen! wip oh and cyrill t-racks puts the master on
  17. what now? Click here to listen! i dont know what else to do... done?
  18. thanks skryp. stay sexy
  19. can i still do that 2 song medly i was gonna do?
  20. almost done? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/187960 spark mandrill remix.
  21. a dnb wip i am not sure about please give feedback Click here to listen!
  22. so some of you might remember this, i havent done much to it but made it a little more interesting. www.filesap.com/1/MMX-TheShocker.mp3 tell me what you think. i still have to add a piano outro and cut up the beat a little.
  23. take auto stretching off. and once you have streched the sample you cant make it sound how it used to. so you are going to have to re load the sound into your song.
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