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Everything posted by 1makes2

  1. I have no idea how this one got accepted to be honest with you... the whole song is mostly bass with some high highs sometimes. there is no midrange throughout the whole song???? very repetitive and slow for an electronic sub. i guess this is a good attempt, but ive seen way better songs get rejected, IMO (im sure a lot of you remixers will agree) ok... enought with the criticisms. i like the solid bassline and the melody keeps the song going throughout the whole song. i just dont like how the midrange is not existant. sorry bro. you got lucky with this one but it is pretty good. keep practicing and im sure youll be a great mixer ima go read the judges decision thread.
  2. hey i wass thinking of starting something that combines innocent water and the sacrifice part 2. is doing that acceptable for this project? or do you have to stick to one song?
  3. ok so if you liked this song before you are going to love it now....... if you didnt like it before you might like it now just check it out and tell me what you think i got rid of those low quality crappy sounding pianos and replaced them with other sounds. i also fleshed it out ALOT! some parts still need work. both the old and new versions are here please please please leave feedback!!!!!! thank you sooo much http://1makes2.tripod.com
  4. just cause the songs i have worked on so far have a certain feel to them; doesn't mean i am restricted to any specific genre. what kind of genre are you going for. if you are not accepting electronic subs im sorry but i don't have the resources to make anything sound super realistic. i have made lots of songs varying from rock to trance so i am flexible. just tell me what you are going for on this project and i will try to produce something great.
  5. id like to do a track on this. how many songs are open still? is there a way i can get a list or a link to see whats available? is this project really deserving of my talents? Yes! what talent you ask how bout the talent to kill a yak, from 300 yards away, with mind bullets!??
  6. so i updated it again with a little modulation on one of the basses. still plan on shortening the ending substantially, its still drawn out, but some say they like it. tell me what you think. and also i will give your remix feedback if you ytell me what the link is to it. what comes around goes around! thanks for the feedback!
  7. dude... just google it
  8. both!!!! you still hav it??
  9. I was just wondering how many remixers on here are employed in the videogame music industry? is this an Industry i should consider? is there a high demand? I currently do live sound and recording but am looking to change gears. ive loved videogame music forever and want to be a part of it!
  10. If your using reason 4 go to the options menu, hit surface locking..., then click on Open Surface Preferances...
  11. same, i also pronounce it Murder
  12. Yes Logic 8 Iss fantastic!! i dont have a mac so i havent used it much but its got a really good bundle of sounds that are really open and crisp. garageband is really limited, so upgrade! (i know what you mean tho, having a budget of 0$, i havent gotten new gear in a long time!!)
  13. use fl studio... i have FL studio with guitar rig 3 and it works good!
  14. im interested in the quantum leap..... you still got that lying around???
  15. everyday i listen to the new mixes and i check out the wips all the time too
  16. yea thats true.. thats what i shoulda said. i have an mxl condenser mic you can get for 70$ it works great.
  17. this is a intresting mix.. first off id like to say i didn't like how detuned the leads are in some places. it seems like a semitone off some how. the break twoard the front seems to be verbatim with the scource other than the drums which are kinda repetitive. but after a while it starts to get interesting with all the different breaks and stuff. 3/5 of the way through(when the lead kicks in don't know exact time. it kinda sounds like a sonic bonus stage or something. i didn't like it all all at first but when the rest kicked in i kinda got into it) maybe try to transition a little better, maybe fade 2 sounds. it is a good idea and kinda reminds me of my mixes in a way. just try to shorten it a little and i think it could be great!
  18. k the voices are def coming out i thhrew them in ther cause i was bore messing around. like i said above it just concept right now i havent put a lot of production work into it. the original is really dry and boring imo.. but i think ive spiced it up quite a bit.. http://www.hamienet.com/17868_Corel-Prison.mid but yea theres more to come when i get time to work on all these mixes i started. all of which i want on the site. Thanks!
  19. i have a fender stratocaster "squire" with 3 pickups. it gets the job done! my girlfriend boutght it for me so i dont know how much it costs but im sure you can get a used one if anything for pretty cheap!
  20. a guitar should go through a DI (direct input box) before hitting the mic preamp because the guitar is anywhere betwen 10 to 40 dB louder than a microphone signal. you can get a DI anywhere from 50$ to 660+ dollars so whatever you want. my friend got a pod6 guitar processer and its sick! he orderd one and they shipped him 12! he only paid for 1 so he shipped 11 of them back! i was pissed that he didnt give me one first.
  21. just use an sm58 on vocals and a 57 will work on most instruments... a guitar cab, horns, penis drum.(oops did he say that?) yes i did so mic your stuff like a pro and youll be good.
  22. yea but if i sample one note.. im not going to have the quality that the vst provides. i like ot have the best quality. but i think i just need to do a fresh hard drive install because i have tons of fragmented files that wont defragment and a bunch of processes that start even though i dont know what they are. will buying more ram help? i have 2 more slots for ram that i thinki should use up...
  23. i agree..... i try to master all my own work... spending money on a mastering engineer is pretty pricy.. most charge 100 dollars a track! but on any note.. if your into the mixing and engineering part of it all.. mastering is part of it, the ultimate goal for a mixing engineer is to have the mastering engineer say "theres nothing i can do, its perfect!" so keep practicing.. practise makes perfect!
  24. i think reason 4 is good and the sequencer makes a lot of sence... i just dont like how you still cant record into reason and still cant use any sort of vst of rtas or anyother plugin. siamy....i understand your frustration from going to reason 4 from reason 3 but after a while everything clicks and makes a lot of sence. anyways.. propellerhead could still improve a lot of stuff in my opinion but it works for what it does!
  25. i looked on the spectrum analyzer and it seemed ok... i also added some variation to the lead. nothin to fancy.. just subtle so i dont take away from the mood of the song. i think it soundsa fair amount better now http://1makes2.tripod.org
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