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Everything posted by 1makes2

  1. if you layer the kick it very possibly will make it sound better. this dosent help with the pumping and breathing but youll gett a fuller kick sound.
  2. thats what i thought, thanks
  3. nother update, changed the drums up a lot and changed the bass up alot. added some fx gonna add another layer to the lead for more lead action. tell me if you like this beat more or the previous. thx! www.filesap.com/1/sparkmandrillwhore1.mp3
  4. k so i worked on this for a few hours last night, incorperated more frome the source in the song and did some other ajustments and changed the lead. still need to work on the last minute and make it finish strong. anny suggs??? www.filesap.com/1/sparkmandrillwhore
  5. I <3 your feedback snapple, thanks for the feedback everyone. ill try to finish this soon, with a little more variation on the drums and add an outro. ill keep you posted.
  6. ok here i added quite a bit, changed the lead and a couple other things. recorded the verse with guitar rig 3 and buried it in the mix so if you can hear the guitar you win a cookie. the guitar is mostly audible during the break. also changed the piano sound to something more realistic, even though i havent got it sounding optimal yet. i still need to write the outro and do some variation on the drums, but so far i think i made some good untz. lol. untz. oh well. tell me what you think so far. and rozovian, thank you for leaving feedback, your the only one who does! lol. here: www.filesap.com/1/sparkmandrill4.mp3
  7. yet another update. added a couple instruments and parts from the source. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ujys/boomer1 tell me what you think
  8. yes, using a plugin such as that will be delayed on any program you use, and eat up cpu. fruity defaults work just as good in most cases and should be used to save cpu. also, ive never had any problems with the delay compensation. fl is great with that.
  9. another update.... still lots of work to be done http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/lplt/spark2
  10. how is that bullshit? i said add a little bit of compression not squash the shit out of eveything. i agree with you to turn the volume down till nothing clips, but adding a little compression and turn up "the makeup gain" will bring the volume back without clipping. like i said "subtle" compression. just like using the eq "subtly". try not to make me sound like an idoit next time <3 u
  11. i cant beleive everyone left out compression. compression is the next important thing to eq. cut 100 hz shelf out of everything exept the kick and bass, and go from there. add a little compression to everyting. should get those peaks down. if you lower the levels of everything your mix will sound too quiet. compress that shiznit! just make sure the levels arent reaching red before hitting the compressor.
  12. dude just get flstudio, everybodys doing it. just make sure you wrap it up. you dont want any desieses.
  13. i would suggest reading up and learning about production techniques(ie.. reeverb, compression, eq, gating,) fruity loops is useless if you have no idea what all the little knobs do (ie. wet/dry ratio, compression ratio, frequency range, attack, realease, decay, ect..) that is assuming that you already know a thing or two about music theory and flow (ie.. chords, progressions, ect..) and mostly PRACTISE! no one is AE overnight.
  14. 8 step instructions to make fl find your amp sim. and how to use it with slayer DON'T SKIP ANY STEPS 1.) ok to find the folder the amp sim is in go to OPTIONS --> FILE SETTINGS, 2.) click on one of the folders that is blank, and find the folder that the amp sim is in. NEXT, 3.) click on your slayer channel. in that grey box that appears, in the upper right hand corner there is a box with two dashes in it. make it so it says a number(this is assigning it to a mixer channel.) 4.)open up the mixer. click on the channel that you assigned the slayer to. 5.)on the right side of the mixer theres a series of drop down menu's (these are your inserts.) click on one of the drop down menus and click on MORE. 6.)at the bottom of this window theres a box that says MORE (or something like that) click on this and choose FAST SCAN. this should find the plugin in the menu. keep window open 7.) find your plug in in the list and make sure its checked. close this window 8.) finally, click on the drop down menu in the mixer again and choose your plugin! hope this helps. copyright 1makes2 2008 all piracys will be shat upon
  15. i did one like 6 years ago MM2 - password (dark remix)
  16. i like it this idea dude, but im gonna have to agree with the others and say it sticks way to close to the origanal. i listened to it on laptop speakers so i cant give production advice, but the drums are too quiet and repetitive. I really digged the intro and the beeps at the begining, but they need to change later on. good orch hits. good flow. just vary it up a bit.
  17. so a lot of people on here like to play team fortress 2 nowadays, and I don't have it or have 20 bucks to spend on it.. so if people in here like to play CS:S i would like to play with you just leave your steam id in a post and maybe we could start something (taking im not the only one who plays the best fps ever..) neways 1makes2 - javina (steam id) see you on
  18. ok heres an update for you all... the piano at 128 was kinda just thrown in there for measure, for i have mainly been working on the other elements. please feed me! if link dosent work, right click, copy link location, and paste in browser http://1makes2.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/sparkmandrill3.mp3
  19. the link should work............. it works for me and works for people on irc........... ??????????????????????? ill diagnose
  20. yo peeps (you know those little marshmallow birds.) this is a mix i did all in one sitting. sux that i took a break cause now i wont wanna work on it lolz. its a trance version of a rock song lolz. if link dosent work, right click, copy link location, then paste in browser http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/lplt/spark2 update www.filesap.com/1/sparkmandrill4.mp3 update www.filesap.com/1/sparkmandrillwhore1.mp3 update http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/312514
  21. dude you gotta conform to the "mans" style of music. lolz
  22. like the marching snare, but the ambience seems too loud for the first minute. you dont really have much bass in there but the tymps, which sound nice. a little brite. tempo change is a good idea, maybe make it quicker tho. but yea the main thing i worry about is the voice pad being too loud. good job tho!
  23. ok im sure you are all confusing yourselfs. 1.)the (top) picture is what you get when you do a live recording...(twist a filter knob with the RECORD button ON; in its own pattern.) and not a feature of fl7 (unless you go through and find the information in the event editor, which is a pain.) this seems convenient. 2.)the splines (bottom row) are automation events that you DRAW in with the mouse. these do not appear when you do a LIVE recording. (all facts are based out of my arss, as i have not used fl8 yet. someone please confirm this true. (or false.))
  24. ok pro tools Still IS THE Industry standard. many project studios and small recording studios use cubase and sonar, but the D/A A/D conversion in protools with an HD card is UNMATCHED. so with that said. If you are doing long recording sessions with multiple clients, the ease of editing in protools and the quick keys (shortcuts) are far superior to cubase/fl. i havent seen fl8 yet but i hear the wave editing has gotten really good. Pro tools is REALLY EXPENSIVE. (thats the only thing wrong with protools, they get you by selling you a TON of HARDWARE!!!) damn dsp.....
  25. this is def the best arrangement ive heard only utilizing piano drums. good job guys! love jazz. gotta have that swing.
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