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Everything posted by 1makes2

  1. Im sure he could. But Im sure hes also done that neumerous times... its nice to vary things up just for the sake of being different. it makes life more interesting. if every song had a final BANG at the end.... youd always expect a bang and it wouldnt be considered "good" unless the bang was present. well you get the picture.
  2. ok.... so here it is.. a remix of the sandy badlands theme ff7. so far i still need to do more with the drums and the bass because there kinda boring. and it needs a lot of fleshing out.. this is pretty much most of the arrangement written withouht a lot of production work. i threw some fake voices in there during the break just for a laugh. they will eventually get taken out. but the ending is the best part so far so you have to listen to the whole thing! feedback is appreciated! http://1makes2.tripod.com
  3. Ok so I took A brEAk from working on the flooded woods mix and went ant worked on this one again for a little while... the judges said that there was a bunch of frequencies missing after 45 seconds and i think i fixed the problem. i dont think that my speakers play mids rite because i never have enough of them. oh well tell me what you think!! feedback is appreciated http://1make2.tripod.com
  4. Im sure if you ask some people on this site, someone would be willing to master your song for a lot cheaper than what you would find online or in the yellow pages. Ive heard zircon does some mastering, message him. i would do it but i have to many other projects and stuff. but i am not a mastering engineer (yet..)
  5. yes it would be nice if you could render all the tracks seperatly at the same time. it would make mastering a lot quicker and efficient if you perfer to use a seperate program for mastering. (I would but i dont have the patience to render all my tracks, thats why my songs always eat up all of my cpu)
  6. This is very solid! I love the panning whith the rhodes, and everything is extreamly tight. good job sixto, i cant wait to hear the finished version even though this is very good already. (even without a lead guitar:)
  7. 20 minutes???? its actually only 4.24 minutes. i dont know why it would say 20 minutes! maybe a bad code? anyways thanks for the feed back and i am glad you liked the song. right now as the song is it eats up 100 % of my cpu so adding modulation will be tough but ill try also ther is another update posted. leave feedback please!!!
  8. i have ASIO and i set the buffer length to like 500 ms (which is max for my creative soundblaster zs platnum) which is a little better but i still have like 100 cpu usage and some skiping sometimes. i dont want to render my tracks because i still like to ajust all the settings while i work on it.. 1 GB of ram and a degraded mother board (because mine went out last year and i needed a new one but had to get a cheap one cause im a poor college student)
  9. is there any way to make it so that when i use vst plugins with fruity loops it wont eat up all of my cpu. fruity plugins use up like 0% cpu but others tear it up. maybe i just need a new computer. but im broke so cant buy stuff. and i dont have the patience to render all my tracks to save cpu.
  10. i think this sounds better but its been looping in my head for 2 days now so i cant tell anymore... i have the past three versions here: http://1makes2.tripod.com feedback really helps!
  11. so I staYed up real late last night working on the production of this song... It is a million times better now (at least in my opinion..but it has been drilled into my head for the past 6 hours lol) i have both the old and new versions here http://1makes2.tripod.com please tell me what you think of my improvements!! i appreciate it and i will return the favor.
  12. thanks Rozovian.. youve been very helpful... i allllllwayyys mix my bass too loud or muddy (cause all i have to mix in is some atm40 headphones and some logitec computer speakers in a really crappy mixing environment.) anyways i dont think i know how to eq bass very well.. anyone with some bass eq or compression techniques?
  13. i like what you got here so far. good solid bass and the drums seem to be in order. but to my ears the crash in the left ear seems to be considerably louder than the rest of the cymbals. Im not really into the whole minamalist thing (as you can tell by my songs that have way to many variations and stuff goin on) but what you did with it here is great! i cant wait to hear it after youve fleshed it out some and stuff! cheers! *glug glug P.S. you responded to my wip today and I appreciate it, but it was the wrong mix!! i re uploaded it if you are interested in hearing the newest one!
  14. i have just realized that i posted the wrong mix... i have re uploaded it so please tell me what you think. oh and thank you rozovian for the comments even though it was the wrong mix. thanks again.
  15. this is a remix i made a while ago and actually submitted. it is a remix of the magic (or mystic) woods theme from zelda: links awakining. i just heard the remix done by platonic and thought it was great.. mine is a little diff tho. i submitted this and got a yes and two no's, so i would appreciate all the feedback so i can get one more yes.!! your help is greatly appreciated. link: *latest update always posted here as well as latest post http://1makes2.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/woods43.mp3
  16. so judges didnt think my song was beefy enough in some parts http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14375 I submitted it and got a resub... but thats good i guess, at least they didnt tell me to give up! If anyone has any ideas how to make this song stronger please let me know.. thanks!!
  17. anyone else?????????
  18. i know i know........ not supposed to rework submissions after submitting but i thought the bass was too loud and there was a high frequency "ding" or two in the last one... i already told the judges but it would be cool if youall told me if it sounds good for reassurance! thanks!! oh and all you mixers and newbs keep up the good work. oc remixers are the best musicians on the planet!! thanks for the feedback
  19. Thanks guys. i hope the judges feel the same way as you habooka
  20. Now is the last chance to tell me what you think before the judges do! Tell me if you think they will accept it or not. im doing a little survey so please respond to help needy people in the usa (jk)hungry people in my belly! thanks 1makes2.tripod.com
  21. who knows how i can make my computer faster... my comp is about 3 years old and im running with AMD 64 Processor, PCI ati x1650 pro 200 sompin megs video card, 1 gb ram. have 2 more slots for ram just havent bought any. also the fan makes a lot of noise at times and its really annoying.
  22. my girlfriend played final fantasy 7 and she didnt get the hades materia and a lot of other weapons and stuff . then she made me try to beat ruby weapon. now that sux!
  23. Why dont you keep the bass you have and layer it with a midrangey one. have em play the same thing. ive found that simply layering stuff is a great way to fill out a mix. maybe have the second layer come in a couple phrases after the first one. i listened to it out my house speakers and it sounds pretty good. im not familiar with the scource but like i said its a good start. feel free to give feedback on my wip.. its the one called i Jenova mix ! on the forums. thanks!!
  24. i like the piano in this. i think at first its a little boring cause theres only like 3 instruments with out any dynamics in the volume. but than again im listening to this out of laptop speakers at the moment. Also i like BASS and so do a lot of other people but i dont really hear none. but its a good start.. ill give more feed back once i get to my home and listen out of real speakers
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