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Everything posted by MadGonzo

  1. Hawtsex as allways robotaki, I can hear the sourcetune but its not really beefed up at the moment, Uhmm maybe some heavystrings on those synthchoirs from the originalsource. love where its going, goodluck
  2. jezus dude... The groove is now 100 times more solid... Fucking loving it more What other plans do you have for this track??? because I would call it done right about now
  3. Its in here among the other contestants http://www.zirconstudios.com/remixcontest2k7/
  4. downloading now... aswell.. PS: looked into your Warhead remix from zircon.. F-ing sweet
  5. this still alive? I already had it on my MP3 for almost an year... loved it.. but if he manages to finish it.. . it would be the second coming of christ
  6. Whats the status on this project Zircon? cant wait for it to be finished
  7. Black dream from Kyle Landry and Far off promise you did are Hot sex. any links to more of Kyles work
  8. lovin it... but some of the tracks have horrible recording quality
  9. E.S Posthumus? or X ray dog
  10. It might be abit too early for a happy Xmas album for me... but this topic finnaly made me get Origins and I freaking love it! getting all the remixes right now
  11. Gears of war on the PC, they added a new track to the newly added chapters on the PC version... The track they added is extremly atmospheric, with builds but never going into a breakdown untill your actually fighting.
  12. Xmas is not really celebrated in our house... then again we dont even have dinner together... like a family is supposed to. anyways whens Left4Dead coming anyways?
  13. love the bloodsplatters on reckoning day... makes me feel even more uncomfortable
  14. waiting for this for like forever. How about that AI director huh, seems like every map will be completely different
  15. sweet preview dude, some tracks to hardcore for my taste but overall very nice
  16. well I didnt hate brainwork actually, but when I think Skrypnyk, I think; the second comming of christ especially with tracks like 'back 2 Scala' and more recently Red july... I get wet over those tracks, brainwork just didnt do it.... and Absolute music is to art-sy for my taste
  17. what if I hated Brainwork? will I love this skry?
  18. Lather to the sky doesn't seem like anything new... just going to have to settle with just "System"
  19. ohh sry my bad, thx for the reply
  20. jezus dude , last 25 minutes were orgasmix... also Zircon from what album did 'Zircon - System' come?
  21. dude sweet, I didnt really fall in love with Brainwork like I did with most of your OCremixes, but I certainly have fallen inlove with this track.... also jillian on vocals = instant win
  22. I havnt listened to it yet but man,.... SGX and Lux Aeterna cant fail! Edit: its very rough, but from what I can hear, it will be great
  23. The "ohhh.. and the road is a million miles long... ugh .. and the hamer is made of wank" part got me laughing out loud
  24. ahhh to lazy to hyperlink the Signature
  25. ahh you two huh.... just can get my head around my song.. , but still one month left so yeah
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