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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Apologies if this has been asked already (I don't really want to traipse through 34 pages to find out), but has the idea of having a couple of AC and/or DoC remixes as bonuses come about? I just saw AC on DVD for the first time and then right after I plowed through DoC. So I've got that on the brain right now.
  2. Appreciate that, man. I'll look you up.
  3. It's funny I should happen upon this now. I just played Sonic 2 & Knuckles maybe a week, week and a half ago. It had been literally years since I had last played that game, and I was considerably younger when I did so. This time around I found myself able to acquire all seven emeralds legitimately (I never knew you could turn into Super Sonic/Knuckles without a cheat in STH2). The only problem I had with the final boss was a problem people have probably noticed in other Robotnik boss battles: if you've just hit him and he's still got that white outline (Robotnik is staring at the screen and grinning at this point) and you jump on him again, you'll usually go right through him. That particular glitch killed me a number of times against the final boss. But otherwise I was fine.
  4. It's fairly rare that I actually want to save a remix to disk in addition to listening to it. Could you implement a streaming service akin to *POOF*: *LINK POOF* if you click the + sign, you'll get a pair of option. Hit stream/preview and you'll get to listen to it without having to download it. MOD EDIT: That site offer illegal MP3 downloads. We don't allow linking to these sites.
  5. Any chance you could make that available to the rest of us?
  6. In all seriousness I would suggest the keytar. It's got enough keys that you can set it down and play it traditionally, it's not much more expensive than the other controllers being detailed here, it's (by its nature) extremely light and portable, and when it comes time to play a live show... HOT DAMN!
  7. http://www.rolandus.com/products/productdetails.aspx?ObjectId=277 This discussion is over.
  8. That's pretty damn hot. Looking forward to it.
  9. I am awaiting w/ bated breath.
  10. I'm on board for this idea. In fact, I'd be curious to know how you're doing it, since I'm basically starting from the ground up here.
  11. Thank you kindly sir. But if you could briefly describe your physical features so I can do my best to place you. I'm sure it's only once in a blue moon that association happens this way instead of the other way around.
  12. I made a forum account and literally posted two comments, so my presence at MAGfest was the first time I'd really become acquainted with the personalities behind the music, and pretty much every other site that had representation there. OCR was the only organization there with which I'd had any prior familiarity, apart from the site which I was representing, the Chrono Trigger Novel Project, or CTNP (www.chronotrigger.info). I didn't really introduce myself to many people (though I did talk to DJ Pretzel and Liontamer, who seemed interested in the CTNP). To me, it seemed like such an established community already that breaking into it right then and there would have been difficult. However, I did attend the panel, and those there will probably remember me as the guy who sung Sonic 1 tunes to get an OCR T shirt. Just so you all know, I really can sing better than that. I do chorus and all that good stuff. Funny story about that shirt, actually. Adam Poots, an Atari employee, was tasked with making a video about MAGfest and presenting it to his company. In looking for an OCR higher-up, he approached Brendan, who pointed him in my direction. Apparently, because I'd been hanging out near the OCR community and I was wearing the shirt I'd won, I looked to be an OCR higher-up, which was fairly flattering. But no, I am no OCR higher-up. At least not yet. But with all that said, I am looking to get more involved in the community. I have all the soft synths and programs I'll need, but I am lacking in knowledge, experience and a MIDI keyboard. So I'm hoping I can fix those first two fairly easily and soon. Overall, MAGfest was awesome and I'd love to return. Hopefully next year I'll be more aware of exactly who everyone is and won't be as shy in approaching people.
  13. I'm going. I'm a newbie to the forums (though I've been hanging around OCR for some time) and to MAGfest, but I'm looking forward to meeting you all and learning enough to submit a remix of my own.
  14. How can you actually create pitch if you don't have a MIDI keyboard? I can open up the synthesizers, but none of them have any software interface with which I can select a pitch.
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