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Everything posted by Opterion

  1. My cousin's a frost mage, frequently gets 4k frostbolt crits. He's just dinged 75, I'm 74. I've respecced enhancement for leveling and because elemental sucks right now. Before I was normally 60-70% threat compared to him, now he can't get them off me I'll be back at some point, but at this time it's too much fun when he blizzards from my tank in SotA
  2. ....Yeah... Shaman = #1 priority now. I'll be back when I'm 80
  3. Kara run on me newly respecced enhancement sham where we never wiped once. Sure I died five times, but I was the only one to Got a couple great things, like...THE ARCANITE RIPPER RAWR!!!
  4. Well Seems Medivh was given the xfers, at least... I don't think it's so big a deal though since 1. yes the server seems stable now, and 2. Illidan never had a queue time
  5. Focus less on the PvE part and more on the non-PoS server, more people to play with, more 70s to start off with, and you don't HAVE to roll Alliance. Oh, and did I mention the non-suckage? ...Though it is a "locked" server
  6. Now I keep saying this, but I might as well post valid reasons: we should move if Illidan stays laggy when WotlK gets out. My mates in Mug'thol are considering a move to Medivh, where others we know play. It's PvE, too, so while we've all our Horde guys we can still make alliance guys, as the group we know are Alliance. If we all do in fact agree to transfer, we'd have a stable guild with even more 70s, not to mention how many of those guys who might have/level Horde characters. It'd be great to have a backup plan, just as long as we all remain in agreement. EDIT: Orc DK, cause of the most awesome racials for the job.
  7. The source is the hidden palace zone. This was in Sonic 2, but the zone was never completed nor fully implemented. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_2_(16-bit)#Scrapped_Levels As for the remix itself, I love this well-orchestrated (no pun intended) piece. From the instrumental arrangement to dynamics within, this is easily one of the most beautiful orchestral mixes I've heard.
  8. <--a dk roller mentioned Well shoot, there goes my plan :\ I can still technically transfer the dk, though, so there's still hope
  9. Check your PMs, I just sent you a bit more advice that I'll need a reply on.
  10. Definitely better than my noobish attempts Thanks
  11. All right, I have a sig, though I'd say I'm not necessarily the best at the trade. If someone is willing to make something better it'd be great, otherwise comment on what I could do to it. (probably starting off with just plain smaller ) Thanks in advance.
  12. I will totally join in on this...I've a 70 lock and shaman on Mug'Thol, though I don't plan on transferring. Any objections to me waiting and starting a dk? EDIT: Quelinar and Droginon are my 70s, and I generally just come up with a name last minute. My catch phrase: "Give me a letter!"
  13. The intermittent vibraphone sounds at the start don't quite fit the beginning, maybe leave it as a midi until about 0:56. At 1:50 that big, heavy MIDI that was going on up to that point shouldn't really carry the melody, instead maybe a second, octave higher one to pair with the vibraphone? Keep the low one in counterpoint, sure, but to me, at least, it shouldn't be the actual melody. I do agree with Rozo, in that a bit more melodic interpretation could be done. Good points: really good drum line, the sound effects I think could stay, The vibraphone is a nice touch after the conflicting beginnings, and the bass MIDI part does work well in the sections like 0:29. A little improvement is needed, but I think it's well done and on the right track.
  14. Yulp, TimE isn't quite the remixer stuff in my opinion, I'd like it if you could change it to Opterion, pleast and thanks.
  15. About the only thing I could find about this remix that I didn't really like much was near the end at 3:20 with the watery-glitchy sounds that dominate the mix there right before that last gating. Other than that I say good luck with this in the submission stage, it's really well done.
  16. A short story of mine, only 1579 words, shouldn't be too hard to read. Kind asomething I started awhile back, I might write more on the subject. These two are the main characters I intend to tell the tale of.
  17. I sent this message to djpretzel about a week ago. Understandably he's been busy and all, but there's a slight problem: the speech is due this Thursday. Though I can still say any and all help is appreciated, it kinda needs to be asap Currently what I have planned is a description of game remixing, including a history and how many genres can be made from the same game. That's followed by an explanation of how it's done, including hardware used and what kinds of programs people prefer. Finally there's a bit on what remixing will become, where I definitely will include a bit from Fans go pro: how OC ReMix put its stamp on Street Fighter II HD Remix: Page 1. Help! TimE/Opterion
  18. Ah...I'm not good at these things people like to call "introductions". I'm just an average boy obsessed with anything and everything videogames or music (hey, whadda ya know?) I've been a fan of this site for a long time, ever since I discovered a correlation between the remixes I'd found on dogpile a year or two ago. I'm trying to become a composer, but I've yet to figure out what I'm doing (I got Fruity Loops about a week ago, and I'm starting to get the hang of it) Beyond this tinkering, I go to school, work at Wendy's, march, and play WoW.
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