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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Defiance is the first persistent online world that plays like a pixel perfect shooter. Unlike other shooter games where you can play co-op with 4 or 8 players at most, Defiance supports thousands of players playing together in a game that never ends. And if that doesn't raise your eyebrows just a bit, the world of Defiance exists not only in the game, but in a TV series of the same name that will air on the Syfy channel. The game and show will change and evolve together, to create an entertainment experience unlike anything you've ever experienced. We're glad to be able to take advantage of the power and features of the PS3 to help bring such a world to life.

    I'm shocked at the evolution of the PS3. I thought Dust514 was going to be the most unique thing to come out of it. But this just blows it out of the water. Sure we don't know anything about it yet, and since I'm at the point where I don't care about graphics anymore, it isn't an issue. Games look good enough that there is nothing to complain about. That and we don't have any idea about story which will be key for getting the tv series to work well. As a concept, this looks like the biggest breakthrough since online gaming. But it could easily fail and I can't wait to see what becomes of it. We will see when more info comes out. Discuss people!

  2. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion. I can't stand adventure time either. I know I'm not being fair, but the art style is just so bad that I won't even give it a chance. No, I liked CN when they put serious stuff on like toonami. But then I saw Saul of the Mole Men and I forever stopped watching CN.

  3. I guess now would be a good time for people to start naming great anime dubs.

    I'll start with Full Metal Alchemist, Gundam 00, IGPX, Spice and Wolf, and I'll even throw in Final Fantasy XII just for fun.


  4. I talked about spice and wolf earlier. I was wondering about what you think about a particular part of the soundtrack. There is a pretty ugly sounding engrish song called

    And someone made a kind of rap version of it here.

    Ummmmm, I just think it's worth talking about. I really don't know what to say. I think Holo's expression on the video speaks exactly my feelings on it.

  5. My brother was in the jazz band in school. He also played classical piano and hearing him practice every day was unbearable. Especially since he wasn't a fast learner and I would hear his mistakes all the time, over and over again. I just got sick of it.

  6. I get where you are coming from. It's just that all of the things that made Bebop great were things that I didn't like. I can't deny that the show has class. But I don't like jazz and the story is the most important part of a game, anime, or film for me. It just wasn't a good match. However, the ship designs for Outlaw Star were unreal.

  7. I've got a 1 year old Sony Walkman


    Yesterday, the thing started shocking my ears about every minute or so. Now when I turn it on, it goes to the startup screen for about 30 seconds, and then turns off. Now it isn't working anymore. When I plug it into my computer, my computer recognizes that it is there, but will not be able to connect with it.

    EDIT: Just unplugged it from my computer and it doesn't respond at all.

  8. I have a different opinion on Cowboy Bebop. I'm watching it for the first time and I'm on episode 20. Honestly, I find it really boring. Ed is annoying, Fey is evil, and Spike is emotionless. I heard that you could compare it to Outlaw Star (one of my favorites) and that it was better than it. But I'm just not getting into it at all. The one thing that saved it for me is Steven Blum doing the voice of Spike. At least in Outlaw star, the world was richer, and there was a bigger storyline that tied in the whole series together. Bebop on the other hand, is a list of stand alone stories that don't mean anything the next episode.

  9. So I watched this


    I thought I would get this


    But instead I got this:


    Anyone else want to share their story of how they got fooled? Preferably in this format, because it's more fun.

  10. I saw several things worth watching from We Were Soldiers to The Polar Express.

    But the MGS Rising er.... I mean Revengence, was the absolute biggest letdown of the show for me. Even worse than Bioware and Epic's reveals. The game has a tenth of the polished look from the last trailer a year ago. And they are making it look and play exactly like Vanquish IMO. I think what I'm really disappointed about is that people don't die in a slash like we saw in the first trailer. They should have at least shown some footage of the environment being slashed like they did last time.

    But whatever. There was absolutely nothing worth seeing for my particular interests. Even "The Last of Us" didn't appeal to me. Sure it looked like technical marvel, but it's just not my type of game.

  11. Here's a little behind the scenes from Season 9.


    Just so you know, I don't think that all the episodes will be available for the general public for too much longer. RoosterTeeth usually takes down past seasons and only allows full viewing of the most current season with select episodes from the past getting some spotlight for a little while. Kind of like free on demand tv shows.

    I'll start up another thread when season 10 comes around. Later.

    EDIT: I just found this new RedVsBlue miniseries in production called RvB: MIA. It's on Halo waypoint. Here it is.


  12. To anyone who says Evangelion.....I just don't get it. The whole series is just plain stupid. (My opinion of course)

    This song expresses my feelings towards it.

    Just the song. The video has absolutely nothing to do with the song.

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