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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. I've been trying to figure out a way to get tv to audio output to my laptop and I'm thinking that it doesn't have that ability. I've got a strange setup in mind that would work, but I'm going to need some very specific adapters that I don't know the name to. That means I'm going to need your help to get their names. First, I'm going to need one of these.


    Anyone know what it's called?

    And one of these


    Have one so don't worry about it.

    And I'm going to need one of these except opposite. Instead of two inputs, I need two outputs. I've seen one somewhere before, but can't seem to find one. Is there a specific name for it?


    And finally, I'm going to need a headset that isn't usb, but rather uses the audio and mic mini input to get it to work. Does anyone know if USB or audio/mic jack has better quality? I'd really appreciate the help.

  2. I've been spending a lot of time at a specific linkshell's forum and I'll be joining them when version 2.0 comes out. But here's a question. The group uses a program called mumble which is like team-speak. In other words, what they do is use this secondary program to support voice chat among their group. Since I'll be getting the PS3 version, I'll have to have this program running while I play on the TV. I've been trying to get my wireless headset to connect to my computer but it won't work. I'm going to have to get a different one. Or use the laptop's onboard mic but I don't know if that one will have good enough quality. Keep in mind that I will be playing on PS3 so if I get a headset with a style like this one


    I wont be able to hear the game on the TV. What are your suggestions? Is there a way to send the audio from both the computer program and the ps3 to the same head set, or am I going to have to try a different solution.

  3. I've been waiting to get this game for PS3. But it looks like a lot has changed from launch. Before, I think the story went something like this:

    There were 5ive island nations who were always in conflict with one another. At one point, some unknown force came and obliterated the largest of the nations, and then this mysterious force just left as quickly as it came. The nations then came together and formed an alliance because they recognized that they couldn't stand up to the unknown force alone. But mysteriously, they never came back. So all the soldiers that were once on standby didn't have anything to do. Now they are the adventurers of FF14.

    Is this right? What do you think I would need to know when I eventually do get into this game? What has changed since then? In that trailer, was the meteor the returning of this mysterious force? And who exactly is that old man that looks like the Gran Kiltias Anastasis from FF12?

    I know I'm asking a lot, but since this is going to be my first MMORPG, I want to go in prepared.

  4. I was doing squat-thrusts (burpees) last night around 10pm and I did something with my back. When I get into the push up position, what I do is I arch my back and put my stomach to the ground while my arms are still fully extended. This makes my abs work a lot harder than normal ones but I must have overdid it. All of the sudden, something popped and I just had a lot of lower back pain and I had to stop.

    Well, it's a really good thing I work at a hospital because I was able to talk to the radiologist when he came in. He said that since:

    1. I'm young, strong, and healthy.

    2. The pain is much less today than it was last night.

    3. There is no pain radiating to the legs or feet.

    4. No trouble urinating or pooping.

    There's very little chance that any lasting effects will take place. He also said that if there is a disk bulge, the pain is more often due to inflammation rather than vertebral damage.

    This presents sort of a problem. I don't know what kind of exercises I should do now that my back is giving me problems.

  5. I've done that too. Earlier, I said how I was on a vegetable and cereal diet for a month while running 3-4 miles a day and I still didn't lose a pound. For some reason my body refuses to lose the fat it has. I'm thinking about joining that "6-week body makeover" that is supposed to be really good. Basically, they take a medical approach to weight loss in that they analyze your specific body and how it reacts to specific foods. Then they build a customized plan based around it.

  6. Hey Bahamut, I'm sorry I never responded to your thoughtful post for me.

    I have heard before about muscle memory and about how the same exercise won't do much for you after a while and that's what I'm going to try. To be honest, my arms and legs are strong and don't have much fat on them, the the exact opposite is true of my gut. Basically, I need a way to lose my weight in my abdomen. So that's why, if you've seen my feed, I've started doing push ups and squat thrusts (knows as burpees nowadays for some reason) and making sure to stretch my stomach down very far.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I absolutely hate abdominal exercises. I hate that burning feeling in my gut. I think that swimming was the only exercise that I could stomach (pun intended) that worked my abs.

    Do you have any recommendations on ab workouts that don't involve situps or crunches? Things that I could rotate through a week at a time. Things like biking that work your abs but don't give you that overwhelming burn?

  7. You know what? Forget what I said before about MoAbi being great for workout music. I just bought 2 CD's from "Two Steps From Hell" and it is incredible.

    But still, my all time favorite piece of workout music would have to be Daniel K's


    Say you're going for a run. You start out gaining speed in a jog and then then at 15 seconds in, you explode in a really fast sprint. Then at 1:20, you can cool off in a walk or a slow jog to catch your breath. Then at 1:58, you continue your sprint till 2:35 and finish off on a slower pace. It's the perfect way for me to end those long runs. For some reason, this song makes me want to push myself to full throttle.

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