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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. I'm going on Masamune with the linkshell I joined. I will be a male Miqo'te white mage and I convinced my brother to join me. He's going to play a lancer roe. That being said, I haven't ruled out getting a gaming PC in the future and playing on both. Oh, and also, what do you all think about the gamepad controls?

    Lalafelle paladins are funny looking.

  2. I practically disagreed with everything you just said. :P

    If I want to play PS3 games, buy a PS3. Right. But backwards compatibility is a huge deal and I'm one who has to have a system with backwards compatibility. I can own the previous game console, but I love backwards compatibility.

    Here's an example. I may want to get a Wii U. But I don't want to lose my GameCube or Wii. But I need to sell something to get the Wii U. I'm not going to just spend money on it and keep the Wii, let's say. The Wii U has backwards compatibility to the Wii. Good. I sell my Wii and I can get a Wii U and still play my Wii games, and I can have my GameCube and play that too. Simple example of one reason why backwards compatibility is a good idea.

    Also, the Holiday 2013 thing I sorta do have to agree with. That one is the one thing I was like "who cares". B

    YOU are ok with 2 hour long briefing? I'm honestly amazed at that. That was such a disrespectful thing to do. Go on for 2 hours without getting to what I wanted them to get to. The actual freaking console. What the heck.

    I feel you are trying to defend the PlayStation, honestly. And I'm not trying to hate it. I love Sony. I seriously do. I love Microsoft. I will admit Nintendo is my favorite. But I don't go hating a PlayStation conference just because it's PlayStation. I still really love the Sony game consoles.

    I could say more but I seriously have to be somewhere. ^_^

    So out of these 3 things that you said (Even though you said that you disagreed with practically all of it) you made another push for how much we need BC. But here's the thing.... it DOES have a sort of BC. If you already own ps3 games, play it on your ps3. If you don't own a ps3 and want to play ps3 games with your ps4, you are forgetting the cloud streaming service that they are trying to get up online. They said that it was their hope that you would be able to play all ps1,ps2,ps3 games ever made. So no, putting a cell processor in the ps4 would make it too expensive, but they haven't forgotten the desire for BC so they are doing what they can. The only real inconvenience that you can claim out of this is that you wont be able to sell your ps3. And honestly, when the ps4 comes out, you will only be able to get $100 out of it anyway.

    And yea, I am very ok with a 2 hour briefing. That's a pretty stupid thing to get hung up on.

    Well, never mind I guess you only made 2 responses to the 6. But the fact is, I'm only defending Sony against misinformation, and crybabies. Seriously, the entire internet is going bananas over how awesome that conference was. But in the meantime, you are forgetting that they need to save some stuff for E3. And if you honestly don't think they showed enough at last night's show, then there is no satisfying you.

  3. That's pretty much the most laughable list I've ever seen. Probably done by people with anger issues against sony for whatever reason they can't get over.

    1.Sony held a press conference to unveil a new system. After a coma-inducing two hour briefing, talking about social networking minutia and enough buzzwords to shake a stick at, THEY NEVER UNVEILED THE SYSTEM.

    Really? That's a problem? Who cares what it looks like. It probably doesn't even have a final design yet. They showed the 2 most important things: The specs and the controller. You're a fool if you think not knowing the aesthetics is going to make any difference at all.

    2.Sony failed to address the number one concern gamers have about next-generation systems: will the system play used games?

    The list has an edit on this point that says "UPDATE (2/21/13): After the PS4 press briefing concluded, Sony Worldwide Studios CEO Shuhei Yoshida confirmed in an interview that used games would be playable on the PlayStation 4." So this "problem" doesn't count.

    3.Sony failed to address the major “elephant in the room” – the fact that their online network is second-rate compared to Microsoft’s Xbox Live. Worse performance, worse features, worse everything.

    The only one that can make this call is someone who hasn't played ps3 since 2007. The online functionality, the available content, PS Puls, and the user connectivity is fine. I've never had a problem with lag before....then again, I don't play CoD. And even if you are sore that you can't download updates or install in the background, the maker of this list is completely forgetting that they did address all the things they wanted to do with the online components. What about being able to play right from the start without waiting for it to download? What about the share button? What about the cloud streaming ability? The cross platform chat? It's like the maker of this list didn't even watch the part on the PSN performance.

    4.Sony attempted to disguise a lack of vision for the future with sheer quantity of content – a massive two-hour briefing. Way too long. Should’ve been an hour, at maximum. Two hours was disrespectful, honestly, to the gaming audience watching it.

    You're complaining that the conference was too long? No one is forcing you to watch it. You can get the highlights later. Length would only have been an issue if it was over 4 hours. The fact that it was packed with content means that they didn't unwisely use their time. In fact, demonstrating that the worlds top developers were in on the creation is time well spent.

    5.Sony announced the PS4 would have no backward compatibility to the PS3. What? Terrible idea.

    Really? If you want to play ps3 games, buy a ps3. They are cheap enough. People have already explained why it's not a big deal here.

    6.Last, but not least, no press conference announcing a new system should ever occur without giving the public the bare minimum of what they came for: A LAUNCH DATE. “Holiday 2013″ doesn't cut it. Tell us the exact launch date. Plant the flag on the calendar and go with it.


    The creator of this list is grasping at straws here. Trying to pass this off as a mistake is laughable. Launch is 9 months away, and this person wants an exact date? The guy is just looking for any reason to discredit Sony and is doing a very poor job at it. If I wanted to say anything bad about the conference I would have put that the move isn't relevant anymore. Kind of like the wonderbook moment of E3. That and Square-enix decided to play the old Agnis Prophesy trailer rather than something else and ambiguously says "New Final Fantasy at launch".

    Can't believe I actually responded to this extremely poor list. I feel like Luther did in his book "The Bondage of the Will" which was written in response to Erasmus's book "The Diatribe on Free Will" He writes in his introduction: "So, you see, what kept me from rushing in with an answer to you was not the difficulty of doing so, nor pressure of other work, nor the grandeur of your eloquence, nor fear of you, but simply disgust, disinclination, and distaste-which, if I may so, express my judgment of your Diatribe.

  4. You do realize that sony files thousands of patents right? Remember that one about the controller that breaks in half? Just because the patent is there, doesn't mean that they will use it. Wait until the official word before complaining. Just like people won't stop complaining about imbalance in Heart of the Swarm even though it is still in beta and being constantly changed. Complain after its official.

  5. There is no pleasing you people is there? The ps3 can do almost anything and all of this connectivity is the only way it can improve upon itself. I mean, how cool is it that you can watch livestream footage of your friends game? You can even control their game remotely if they are stuck on a spot! They gave you their 8 gigs of ram. They made it easy to develop for. They are getting Blizzard and Bungie to bring their content to ps4. You saw the Watch Dogs and Killzone Demo. What more could you want? If they put an extra cell processor in the ps4 for BC, it would be $799!! And you're not allowed to complain about locked used games until someone says something about it. So far, no one has made any claims about it. Don't let something like that destroy any interest in their next project.

    EDIT: uh, no. It uses bluray.

  6. Honestly, 90% of the VO in FFX is great work -- it's just that the one laughing clip is the only thing people think about. Wakka in particular is incredibly well done.

    The only reason to remake / re-release FFX or FFX-2 is to include all of the bonus bosses from the International Editions of the game. Graphically they look just fine, and upscaled higher-res textures isn't going to make a significant impact.

    I've said this before in other threads, but will mention it here again: while I highly prefer both FFVI and FFIX, it's FFVII that really needs a graphical update -- the game was released when 3D gaming was in its infancy, and it shows.

    Uhhh, no. Tidus, Yuna, Seymour, the 3 most important characters in the game, are terribly acted. The ronso, guado, all the maesters, and every extra was just done horribly wrong. The only 2 that actually did a decent job was Auron, and Jecht. If you want an example of voice acting done right, look at FFXII. The script is just as important as the performance and that one was done beautifully. Vaan and Vayne were only alright, but the rest of the cast was as good as you could have hoped for. FFX has nothing but the excuse that it was their first attempt at voicing a game.

  7. I have 12.

    Batman: Arkham Asylum


    God of War® III


    Mass Effect™ 2

    Ratchet & Clank

    Ratchet & Clank 2

    Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal

    Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

    Resistance 2™

    Resistance 3

    Uncharted 2: Among Thieves™

    Plus 100% on Festival of Blood and Flower. I can also get the InFAMOUS 2 platinum by playing through on easy and evil. Already got every last hard trophy to get on that one.

    Worst trophy ever to get would be "Killing Machine" in Resistance 2. "Get 10,000 kills in competitive multiplayer." Took me a few months.

    I was going to try and platinum Final Fantasy XIII until I actually looked at what you needed to do. First I saw, "Fully max out all characters" and said 'well that's not very fair. Guess I'm going to have to do a lot of grinding.'

    Then I saw another "Get every weapon and accessory in the game" and I thought 'Well that's very unreasonable. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.'

    Then I saw another that said "Earned a 5-star ranking for all Cie'th Stone missions." and I said, 'That's it! I'm done. There is no way I'm going to torture myself like that.'

  8. I said that I would never play dark souls again, but I'm actually doing it!!! But I deleted the firmware update so I could do the infinite souls glitch. Looking behind me, my souls are going up at a rate of 4,000/sec and I'm currently at level 130 with 11.5 million souls and counting.

    Basically, I feel that this game owes me something for all that hard work and that abysmal ending. I'm getting my revenge.

    What? Don't look at me like that. I already beat the game without any cheap tricks so I've got nothing to prove. I'll probably leave it for another couple of hours before stopping there. Should be a lot more fun this second time through.

    EDIT: Up to 20 million souls. Think I'll stop after another 5 million.

  9. Tell me what your diet is, and I'll make suggestions which I can almost guarantee will allow you to lose weight.

    Also, stop running every day. Prolonged and frequent steady-state cardio like that causes chronic cortisol (stress hormone) release which leads to fat deposition AND insulin resistance (AKA enhanced fat retention). Instead of running, walk. This on its own will set you on a more effective weight-loss path.

    Well, I actually hate running so a couple of days ago after finally being fed up with no results I quit. But I can't sit still so I decided to walk instead. Today I walked 6-7 miles.

    So diet.... I know I should eat breakfast. It jump starts your metabolism and get's your body active which in turn causes more energy consumption. But for me it works too well. If I eat breakfast, I'm absolutely starving by 10am. If I don't eat breakfast, I can easily wait on eating till dinner. (yea, I know that in order to lose weight, you gotta eat.)

    Anyway, breakfast: It would usually be either cereal (Frosted Shredded Wheat, Honey Nut Cheerios, Total, Golden Grams. Gotta keep a variety.) If not cereal, then a frozen waffle with strawberry yogurt spread on top.

    Lunch is usually a salad in the cafeteria. I put a hard boiled egg in along with other vegetables like onions, tomatoes, peppers. Ranch dressing is probably the worst thing in my diet. Usually, a salad is all I eat, unless something good is being served. But that's only once a week. If I don't buy, I make my own sandwich. And let me tell you, they are awesome sandwiches. You start off with buying a whole Italian loaf of bread but instead of cutting it in slices, I only make 3 sandwiches out of the whole thing. You cut the loaf in thirds, and then lengthwise like a sub. I always use turkey or chicken, lettuce, tomato, pickles, mayo, and BBQ.

    For a snack, I would eat fries..... but the healthy kind. I buy frozen potatoes (0 grams fat) and bake them. Throw on some salt, garlic, dill weed, salsa and you've got a one awesome snack. I have this a few times a week.

    Sometimes I go overboard on the yogurt though. I buy it in the quart size and I can go through the entire thing in a couple of sittings. I like putting granola in it. I also eat a lot of nectarines, apples, bananas.

    For dinner, it's either Subway, pizza(frozen pizza), stir fry, vegetables, chicken wellington, rotisserie chicken, sometimes chicken chord on bleu goes on sale for a $1.00 apiece so I would eat that. As you can see, I don't eat red meat. Often times I also make myself baked fish sandwiches. I make sure never to eat more than 2 grams saturated fat per serving....except on rare occasions.

    The only thing that really isn't healthy is dessert. I will scoop maybe 2 Tablespoons of cookie dough onto a plate and microwave it for about 17 seconds. It's so soft and gooey! I love cookie dough.

    But the fact is, I don't eat fast food. I don't eat butter, I cook with olive oil, I don't eat red meat(no bacon!!!!!). If I make popcorn, it's on the stovetop with no added fat. I don't eat cheese. I use ½ percent milk. I don't drink pop, coffee, or alcohol. I drink a gallon of water a day. There's nothing more I can cut! That's why I'm so interested in this alternative method with the sensa. I would appreciate any critique on my diet.

  10. I also just recently watched zero no tsukaima. Why? I saw a highly entertaining abridged series on it. I thought it was ok..... but the main character Saito is a complete wuss. This anime (along with many many others) broke the natural laws of physics that say "You can't force two people into a room and expect them to fall in love with eachother." And they abused this rule in the worst way.

    Basic synopsis: There is a magic school on some other planet where second year students are to summon their familiar spirits. Some students summoned a parrot, a mole, a charmander.... This one girl summoned a kid. So for the rest of the series, she treats him like a slave and makes him do all sorts of demeaning work. I'm telling you, this girl is tsundere to the extreme. And eventually, Saito falls for her. Completely predictable and wholly stupid. That being said the story was pretty good, even though the way they told it wasn't. Add in the annoying characters, and the interesting world and I'd have to give it 7/10.

    I only watched the first season through ep 1-13. I don't plan on watching more of it though.

  11. Because I weighed 180 lbs for several years. When I quit my job and did my internship in late 2010, I gained 30 lbs and haven't been able to lose it. There is nothing wrong with my diet, and I go running all the time. This has been going on faithfully for about 17 months, yet now I'm up to 220. And I'm so sick and tired of this extra weight. This means I'm looking into other means than diet and exercise because it isn't working.

  12. So who else is excited for RWBY?

    This project comes from the very talented people at RoosterTeeth productions and episode 1 is scheduled to be released in July at the Rooster Teeth Expo. I'm really liking the rose petal animation in Red's trailer.

    From a summary on some wiki site, it says: RWBY (pronounced "Ruby") is an upcoming Rooster Teeth production animated by Monty Oum slated to be released in 2013. Little is known about the series aside from what is revealed in the first trailer, which depicts an Animesque CGI red cloaked girl (confirmed to be named Ruby) wiping out a pack of werewolves with a combination rifle/scythe and who has been teased several times to be one of four similar girls, the other three being white, black, and yellow (hence the title).

    And from another: A new show from Rooster Teeth, brings four very different girls together for one legendary purpose. These four fighters will come face-to-face with menacing creatures, devious villains, and an incredible cast of characters.

    And also, I would like to tell you a little about Monty Oum. Many years ago, he made a video called

    featuring a fight with Master Chief vs Samus Aran. RoosterTeeth saw this and recruited him. Now he animates this and that for the Red vs Blue series. When he animates, he actually stats with the music. His work is really amazing and should definitely be checked out by everyone. I'm not kidding as this guy's fight scenes are sometimes more action packed than Advent Children. Heck, his Red Trailer took him 2 weeks by himself. That's crazy!

    Anyway, Red is obviously a reference to Little Red Riding Hood, and White is referencing Snow White with her song "Mirror, Mirror" Makes me think Black is Beauty and the Beast. Yellow might be Goldilocks. In her trailer, we might be seeing her fight the 3 bears.

  13. Hey, you know what's funny? I'm on my way back from that interview right now and there is a snowstorm in virgina right now. I have been sitting here in the middle of the freeway for the past 2 hours with my car turned off. I just opened my laptop to watch a video or something and there seems to be an open connection. Must be from a nearby car. I hope I can get off of this highway soon because I'm getting really bored. This is something I definitely don't want to do again.

    EDIT: Looks like they shutdown the interstate. Kind of stupid that they trapped us all here. What if a zombie herd comes after me?

  14. because you graduated, right?

    I did. Got my B.S. in Medical Laboratory Sciences. But in the future, some job may want me to get certified in PET/CT as well as my current nuclear medicine certification. Even if they pay for it, I don't think I could go through it again.

    Speaking of which, I have an interview tomorrow morning here in North Carolina. I actually drove 850 miles for it today. Could use some prayers and well wishes if anyone is willing.

  15. I'm playing Dark Souls right now. Just rang the second bell and I'm trying to beat ceaseless discharge. I like a challenge in my games but not like this. And on top of that, I absolutely hate gloom and doom games like Diablo. Once I beat this game, I'm never going back to it. Heck, I'll ship it off to the first person that asks for it once I'm done. (ps3)

    Oh these are fun!

    Since I'm the type that obsesses over getting the platinum trophy in every PS3 game I play, I have a LOT of these moments. Here is one.

    Catherine: Babel Mode level 4. NEVER AGAIN!

    How many platinums do you have? I'm currently at 12. I can easily get the InFAMOUS 2 trophy for my 13th. All I need to do is go through it on easy while being evil.

  16. I've also been following it on a linkshell's website. And after watching "A new beginning" trailer (probably the opening cinematic) I have a question. My knowledge of insignias are a bit lacking but, was that a Garlean Flag on the chocobo at 5:52? And does this mean that the empire is joining the Eorzean alliance in opposition to Bahamut?

    That being said, with regards to the audio issues I'm having, I've noticed that when I use headphones from the audio output on my TV, the audio is so low. I have to crank my TV up to max volume in order to get a decent sound. Is it because the audio output doesn't push out a lot of power?

  17. Just talked to a friend who suggested a really simple solution. In order to get sound both from the TV and from a gaming headset, all you really need is 2 sets of audio. Basically, I would listen to the game through ear bud headphones, and I would put the USB gaming headset overtop of the ear buds I'm already wearing. This cuts out a whole lot of problems with trying to get 2 sources to play through the same audio.

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