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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Awww man, I hate it when this happens. Someone tries a vocal arrangement and then another covers the same song. Now whenever I think of the tetris theme, I'm going to have 2 conflicting sets of lyrics playing in my head. The other version that I know is from The Amazing Brando, who also took on the personification of the different shaped blocks.

    Now, both versions are good, but I just wanted you all to know how conflicted this makes me feel.









    What am I saying, I love you guys!

  2. Let's see, all of the one's I know are.

    Omega - assigned to Tex (Allison) contains the rage atribute.

    Gamma - Assigned to Wyoming. Contains Alpha's deceit.

    Sigma - Unknown. Contains Alpha's creativity.

    Theta - Assigned to North Dakota. I don't know what to call it.

    Delta - Assigned to New York. Contains Alpha's logic.

    Epsilon - Assigned to Washington. Contain's Alpha's memories.

    I don't think there are any more named or referenced.

  3. Especially since both Vagrant Story and Tactics were outstanding games with great story lines and amazing music.
    I will never stop praising FF12. But I will never stop regretting the 50+ hours I put into tactics. I got stuck on that level where your party starts out poisoned.
    This trailer looks good and all ( I know it not an actual game), but I just want them to work on a new Tactics game. The graphics could just be high-res sprites like Disgaea 4. Actually, I don't really care what it looks like at this point. I just wish Square would put some effort into a fantasy based(knights and black mages) Tactics game. Honestly, it could have the same job system and skills as the original, just a new storyline and characters and I would be really satisfied. I sound like the type of fanboy that's killing the videogame industry, but I honestly don't care about Final Fantasy anymore. However, I would like that to change. The easiest way to do that would be a new mainline Tactics game (didn't care for the GBA or DS iterations.)
    Have you checked out the tactics ogre rerelease for PSP? It was made by the Ivalice team.
  4. Let's be honest, we've all played minesweeper before. Some of us more than others. I'm just curious as to how many. I'll start off by showing my stats.


    I figured that 1000 wins was a good place to stop and I haven't touched it for a while now. I'm really itching to get into it again, but it's just so addicting that I don't know if I really should start again.

    So who here has played?

  5. Ahah, my thoughts exactly. Though the chara concepts were apparently done by folks at Crystal Dynamics, so that may be one of the reasons.

    The shocker for me was that Robert Duncan (composer for shows like Castle and The Unit) did the music, instead of usual SE in-house musicians.

    Lastly, it's interesting to note that they finally brought (what appears to be) Bahamūt back to its middle-eastern roots.

    Everyone knows that Squeenix can make amazing CG, but now they need to start making amazing games again, as well.

    As of late, their own productions have been a bunch of clunky, messy, dated games covered with a slick packaging.

    ...oh, and where the heck is the legendary vaporware Final Fantasy versus XIII? :wink:

    This is in engine. Not CG.

  6. With a lot of really good looking games like crysis, Battlefield 3, The Last of Us, the Samaritan demo, and so on.... it really doesn't look like graphics can improve that much beyond what we have already seen. However, Square-enix has just ninja-revealed a tech demo called "Agni's Philosophy" and it looks like they are finally back on top graphically. Now, I'm really not a fan of the middle east as a game setting, and I'm not sure if I would like such a bland looking protagonist, but the Luminous engine is looking like a beast.

    EDIT: Also, if you feel like giving your feedback to Square-enix about this video, there is a 5ive question survey you can fill out. (Don't even need to create an account.


  7. I caught it. But did you catch the RoosterTeeth animated adventures frame at the beginning when Delta showed up too? If you don't know what it is, they take funny segments from their podcast and animate them. Here's a good one.

    And for you who don't know what grifball is, here's their promo video.

    Good laughs.

    And one more thing. Season 10 has more than double views from season 9.


  8. Perhaps I should say its goodness comes from a "so-bad-it's-good" quality (especially if you watch the dub - shit's fucking hilarious).

    The show is plodding, nothing but pointless gore and lolis, with uneven pacing, irritating characters, complete with an annoying group of fans that tout its "deepness" which is solely due to its above-average soundtrack.

    It can't be hard to see it for what is basically a glorified loli snuff series with moeblob characters.

    I agree with you and give it 1/10. Child pornography/rape, unnecessary nudity in every episode, a retarded main character with amnesia and a split personality, not a single likeable character, plot holes I could drive a truck through, dub is the worst I've ever heard, and many other complaints that I've forgotten since I watched it. I'm doing my best to put it out of my mind.

    If you want to watch a dark gory show that's actually enjoyable, watch Berserk. I give that one 8/10 because its not my style but still engaged me enough.

  9. When I first heard Rhapsody of Fire several years ago I was absolutely blown away by the powerful sound they delivered. (My brother was playing it on his computer when I walked in.) Wikipedia calls them a symphonic power metal band which to me sounds like a combination asking for trouble. But ever since then, I've always wondered why I can't find anything on this site in the same style. I mean,

    sounds kind of close, but that's pretty much it. (Forgive me if I am missing an obvious one.)

    Now let me just say that in no way am I disappointed with the quality of music being put on this site. My MP3 is filled to the brim with all kinds of great works from the talented artists here. I am just curious because this band kind of targets gamers with their content anyway. They sing of a fantasy story that unfolds with each track on their album which seems like it would be mostly directed at us as a target audience.

  10. It's that time again....

    Red vs Blue is starting up again Memorial Day (May 28 ) and I'm inviting all of you to watch it with me as the episodes come out. I will be updating this first post as the season goes on but first, we have the teaser trailer up today.

    Teaser trailer

    Preview trailer

    Behind the scenes

    Episode 1.

    Episode 2.

    Episode 3.

    Episode 4.

    Episode 5.

    Episode 6.

    Episode 7.

    Episode 8.

    Episode 9.

    Episode 10.

    Episode 11.

    Episode 12.

    Episode 13.

    Episode 14.

    Episode 15.

    Episode 16.

    Episode 17.

    Episode 18.

    Episode 19.

    Episode 20.

    Episode 21.

    Episode 22.

    PSA 1: Online Survival

    PSA 2: Higgs Bozo

    PSA 3: Voting Fever

    Today we have two more huge milestones to announce. With the release of today's teaser video, Red vs. Blue takes its place as one of the longest-running sci-fi shows on any platform, in any medium. Season 10 will officially begin on Memorial Day, May 28. This year we are very pleased to welcome Elijah Wood as a special guest star, portraying the creative and intriguing A.I., Sigma.

    We are also excited, and a bit overwhelmed, to announce that the Rooster Teeth YouTube channel recently passed a staggering ONE BILLION views. That's right, billion with a "b." We have tried to create a fun and interesting mix of shows, from Achievement Hunter's awesome Fails, Horse and Rage Quit to our original live-action productions like RT Shorts and Immersion to hilarious animated series like Animated Adventures and of course, RvB. Thanks to everyone for embracing all of it so enthusiastically.

  11. I forgot another good one.

    The production value actually gets insanely good after the first few episodes. But it's clear that LordQuadros (creator) was just starting out so he gets a lot better after a few episodes.

    Also, if you like Team Four Star's Dragonball Z abridged, they actually did the first 2 episodes of

    as well. Seriously guys, it has everything I don't like in a show, but I've watched it at least 5ive times already.
  12. So there have been some pretty noteworthy anime abridged series like Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged by Little Kuriboh, Naruto Abridged by MasakoX and Vegeta3986, and Dragon Ball Z abridged by Team Four Star. But if you don't know what it is, what you do is you take an original production, edit it, rewrite the script, record your own voice overs, and above all else: Make it funny.

    However, I've also watched a couple of good VG abridged series like

    by "YaCrazyChannel"

    by "xanauzumaki"

    Abridged by "SonsofSatire". They even got Katethegreat19 to voice Aeris.

    One thing I should mention that with all fan productions, they get better as they go on. No one creates a great show right as they start out. Well.... except for

    of course. Has anyone else taken an interest in these small productions? I think they provide more than enough entertainment to be worth checking out.
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