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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Got platinum trophy for Resistance 2 in only 3 months. Easily the hardest trophy is to get 10,000 kills in competitive multiplayer.

    I've also got 9 Platinum trophies and I'm proud of that number. They are in:

    Infamous (350 blast shards!!!!!)

    Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time

    God of War 3

    Mass Effect 2


    Resistance 2

    Resistance 3

    Uncharted 2

    Batman Arkham Asylum

  2. I feel smart because I never died on croc even on the first playthrough on hard. And I used the line launcher. Of course, zero punctuation gave me a heads up to just throw a batarang when he comes up and it made it really easy.

    Actually, I feel really really smart because I actually platinumed the game without a guide. I've only done that one other time before (R&C ACiT).

    If I had to say that I didn't like a part in that game, it was when we needed to shut down the titan going through the water lines and so many titans and enemies came out of the elevators. It took me so many tries. What I did like about the game is that your experience gave you your health back. That was interesting.

    EDIT: ok fine, the only thing i looked up was the riddler map locations.

  3. All of this stuff was damn compelling to me, because they were all tied together in complex ways up until the writers apparently realized that there was no clean way to resolve all these issues in a happy ending. So then aliens are brought in to explain the mess, take the power out of the hands of everyone, and to transform Eddie Veder into a weird, evil machine man because there needed to be a final boss big enough to take up the screen.

    The Occurian are the gods, not aliens.

    The Occuria (オキューリア Okyūria?) are a small group of immortal beings, often called (by both themselves and others) the Undying (不滅なる神 Fumetsunaru Kami?). Referred to as gods by some, but unknown to the major religions in Ivalice, the Occuria race played a vital role in the history of Ivalice such as the creation of the Espers and granting power to King Raithwall to conquer the countries of Ivalice with the Dawn, Dusk, and Midlight shards of nethicite.[78] The Occuria were first designed to be a race of Mindflayers, a type of enemy monster in the game. Earlier concept artwork portrayed these "Mindflayers" as wearing luxurious robes and turbans and lounging in a bar and smoking pipes. The design was changed during development and the Mindflayer was placed as a special monster, retaining the initial design; the Occuria were then given a different design of glowing eyes in a mist-like form.[77]

    They were always the ones to write history and gave the power of the Sun Cryst (Source of Magic) to those who they thought would most likely carry out their ideals. King Wraithwall in the past and Lady Ashe in the present. Though Ashe rejected her destiny and said that man should be able to write their own destinies.

    Occuria: You are our saint, Ashelia B'nargin you must be the one to straighten history's weave.

    Ashe: I am no false saint for you to use!

    Ironically, this is exactly what Cid, Vayne, and Venat wanted all along.

  4. Screw the haters, FF12 is my favorite rpg. My first playthrough took 120 hours while my second took 160.

    I don't see why people don't like the story. It's different from a normal FF game where the main focus is on character development but that doesn't mean that it's worse. I personally thought that the ending was one of the greatest finales ever.

    The Lady Ashe stands at the source of magic with 2 swords in her hands. She is tasked by the gods themselves to cut new magic shards powerful enough to kill every last man, woman, and child in the empire. And Ashe has every reason to do this because the empire killed her newlywed husband, murdered her father:the king, and stole her country away from her and enforced martial law. She can do this, or use the other sword she carries. One with the power to destroy the source of magic and leave the empire without their greatest weapon. With magic destroyed, the empire would be forced to negotiate peace treaties with the Rosarian empire and the resistance fleet. The choice is such an incredibly heavy moment that I thought it would be an absolute perfect opportunity to choose your own ending. If only they would have done this instead. It wouldn't have taken much effort to put in a different ending anyway.

    But if you really want character conflict, look at Basch who has to feel the burden of failing Landus, and then failing to protect the king from his twin brother who killed the king and blamed it on him.

    Look at Ashe torn between revenge or peace negotiations.

    Look at Fran who left her people and became an outcast, no longer able to return ever again.

    Look at Balthier and his connections with Dr. Cid.

    Look at Larsa who is torn between his devotion to his older brother and trying to do what is right for both kingdoms.

    Look at Reddas, a man who under orders from Dr. Cid, obliterated Nabudis. Then, overcome with guilt, ran from the mantle of judge magister Zecht to eventually give his own life to ensure it would never happen again. Reddas is awesome! Now, about those pink shorts.

    Reddas, when speaking to judge Grabranth:

    "A Judge Magister there was… Two years past, he took the Midlight Shard and used it not knowing what he did…and Nabudis was blown away. Cid ordered this of him to learn the Nethicite’s true power. That man swore never to let such terrible power be used again. He forsook his Judicer's plate, and his name."

  5. I also had to struggle to finish the game. The problem wasn't so much with linearity for me so much as it was for story. You have been branded by the devil and unless you complete your demonic mission, you will turn to a mindless ghoul. If you do complete your mission, you turn into a crystal. The whole game is just one long question of what should you do when any choice you make is going to make you suffer forever. The ending couldn't even resolve this without a deus ex machina.

  6. While I appreciate the very generous offer, there's no way I would ever feel comfortable with that kind of thing unless your studies somehow lead you to become a millionaire. In which case I'd hope you would buy a PSP for EVERYONE! :lol:

    But yeah I won't buy a PSP and Crisis Core unless I find a ridiculously low-priced bundle of them for like... $20 or something.. it could happen.

    Right now I'm making more money than I know what to do with. The only thing stopping me from spending like crazy is my debt and the fact that my employment is only temporary. But with my experience from the last 2 temporary positions, I shouldn't have a problem getting some full time employment. Hopefully in someplace cold.

    This is why I asked to wait half a year. Your music is worth more than what I'm offering.

  7. At the risk of sounding controversial as usual, I tried to get a PSP emulator once but I don't think they exist. I would have loved to play Crisis Core. If anyone wants to let me borrow their PSP / game combo that would be great. Mail it to me, and I'll mail it back. Insure it of course and package it well. Should be fine. You can find me address here but let me know in advance, also I'll make you 3 remixes of your choice (nothing ridiculously hard please)

    I vaguely remember seeing some of the ending on youtube, might have been like the one flashback scene in the original FF7. But yeah I don't remember, I'd love to play it but no way can I afford a PSP or the game, especially now that the PSP isn't even fresh anymore (Vita incoming)

    Or will they port it to the PSN? That'd get me.

    Honestly, I would. I really would. But I have too many games to play on it right now. Birth by sleep, ghost of sparta, peace walker, valkyria chronicals 2, ff4 complete collection all need to be beat before I give it up. I would much rather just buy you one for keeps. But right now, I've just started my post-graduation employment as a nuclear med tech and I'm $20,000 in debt. If you go maybe half a year and you still don't have a chance to get into it, shoot me a message and I should have the finances to set you up with something.
  8. I may not be the biggest final fantasy fan, but I am without a doubt the most patient final fantasy fan. And right now my patience is running thin. Maybe 13-3 will be good, but I wont put any hype into concept art. I'll wait till a proper trailer comes up first.

  9. My first impression of reading this -> OH GOOD GOD! (shakes head in shock and dissapointment)

    Second impression -> still the same

    Third impression -> your opinion must be derived from that you probably extremely dislike any entertainment that can be considered tragic or overly serious/sad (which is cool that is your opinion)

    Fourth impression -> still shocked someone could dislike all of those, or keep watching those types of anime without realizing they will never like anime like that

    Guess I'll comment.

    Elfen Lied: The main character is an amnesiac, multipersonalitied, retard. The dub is some of the worst I've heard on the level of Star Ocean 4, there is not a single likable character, unnecessary nudity in every epidose, child porn/child rape (by father no less), plot holes I could drive a truck through, and the guy (kota I think) actually marries his cousin. You have issues Japan.

    Code Geass: The black knights never win and their ranks grow despite this. The whole series is one Deus Ex Machina after another where some incredible miracle causes the black knights to fall apart. Don't get me started on Suzaku. Everyone goes extremely OOC in order to push the series in whatever direction the writers want. I just think that's bad writing.

    "Hey, your boss? Yea, he's actually our brother. The prince of the nation you are fighting against. And he also has magic powers to make people obey him"

    And they believe it!

    Suzumiya Haruhi: I only watched season 1 and trying to find which episode to watch next to stay in order bugged the crap out of me. Yea, it was in some sort of order, but I didn't like how they did it. Let's see, Haruhi was the most eccentric person imaginable with everything from the bunny suits, to biting Asahina's ear, to the ridiculous and cringe-worthy video that she made in episode 1. And I say this like it's a bad thing because she just comes off as annoying more than anything else. Also, Kyon needs a spine rather than let himself be pushed around into all these crazy activities that he finds himself in. IT TAKES MORE THAN CUTE GIRLS TO GET ME INTERESTED!

    One Piece: Can't really pass fair judgment on it seeing as I've only seen a few episodes. But Luffy was annoying, and the art style really turned me off.

    Evangelion: overrated, and there really isn't a reason to go into it because most people would agree that it's a love-it-or-hate-it kind of show. I just happen to hate it.

    Cowboy Beebop: Fey is evil, Edward is annoying, Spike is emotionless. The one thing that saved it for me is Steven Blum doing the voice of Spike. The world isn't interesting. But my biggest gripe is that it's supposed to be a drama, yet each episode is just a stand-alone story without regard as to what happened previously. Except for maybe 3 episodes of continuity with Vicious. Oh, and speaking about Vicious, this isn't the Roman empire. You don't get to become the emperor just because you killed the previous one.

    Eureka 7: Again, didn't watch many episodes. I kind of liked the premise, except the main character is a wuss beyond belief and that the toddlers played a much bigger role than they should have. At least konohamaru disappears for 20 episodes at a time.

    These are the reasons that I subjectively don't like these shows. If you do like them, more power to you. But we are all entitled to our own opinions so I respect that others have different feelings about them.

  10. That settles it.

    My permanent method of taking recs from this thread is going with whatever you guys dislike.

    ...I should get around to watching the second season of Haruhi now that I've finally tracked down a copy of the dub.

    If that's the case, I really hate Berserk, Princess Mononoke, Blassreiter, Soul Eater, Hellsing Ultimate, Trinity Blood. Don't ever watch those.

    (I kid, I kid. This is only reverse psychology.)

    But in all honesty, the popular anime that I hate include Elfen Lied, Code Geass, Suzumiya Haruhi, One Piece, Evangelion, Cowboy Beebop, Eureka 7.

  11. In all honesty, the only reason I believe there is to watch Evangelion is simply because of the hype surrounding it. I watched it for this reason as well as Suzumiya Haruhi and I really disliked both shows. It takes more than cute girls to make a show and I believe that that is the only thing these 2 shows have.

    But of course that's only my opinion.

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